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Jules Titration Taper


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ooh...... i didn't know that.... that makes perfect sense..,


so how does this sound/


I will put it.. the pill quarter  ( it being the night time dose which is .125) in 25 ml of water every pm and draw off 1 ml per eve..  I will  hold steady my  morning dose which i have now reduced to .0625.      I had thought I was supposed to hold)  that until my night dose was down to the same... then hold steady on the eve dose while I got rid of the morning.. then go back to discontinuing the last  of the pm dose?      make any sense?


i have been on .5 for about 5 years

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ooh...... i didn't know that.... that makes perfect sense..,


so how does this sound/


I will put it.. the pill quarter  ( it being the night time dose which is .125) in 25 ml of water every pm and draw off 1 ml per eve..   I will  hold steady my   morning dose which i have now reduced to .0625.      I had thought I was supposed to hold)  that until my night dose was down to the same... then hold steady on the eve dose while I got rid of the morning.. then go back to discontinuing the last  of the pm dose?      make any sense?


i have been on .5 for about 5 years


Hi jules,


What I did was make up my dose for the day and just divided it up evenly for the day. Actually I was titrating from .25mg so I would use a .50mg pill, put into 100ml and use it for two days dosing (50ml for each day).


Since your am and pm doses are different, you can wait until your evening dose is even with your morning dose and then make up one batch for the day and draw off the correct amount for the day and split what's left into two doses. You can take this down to 2ml (1ml twice a day). Hope this makes sense.

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Refresh my memory will: what is your total dose for the day (in mg); and what is the total number of tablets (or fraction of tablet) that you take per day?

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Greetings Colin,


I originally was on 1 one  .5 tablet at bedtime- creeping up to 1 1/2 when I began my descent in February.  I started by cutting to .5  one -- then dry cut to 3/4 then 1/2 at bedtime and that is when all of my w/d  kicked in.


Taking the advice of folks off of this board, I split my dose into a  1/4  in the morning and a 1/4  in the evening.    I have gotten the am dose down to 1/8 in the am and    1/4 at bedtime.    I just held at this dose for 10 days while waiting the delivery of the 100 ml glass cylinder and a 60 ml cylinder.  I started by adding the 1/4 . to 60 ml of h2o  and drawing off 1 ml at bedtime.. I did make the switch to 40 ml of H20 last eve and drew off 1 ml of water.. so I guess I am  at 1/4 of a .5 tablet in 39 ml of water.


AM  I take another 1/4  tablet and crush it into 30 ml of H20 and toss off 50%. 


I have .5 tablets to work with, a pill cutter ( I have split most of them-but have 2 prescriptions I can fill and use) ) a 100 ml glass graduated cylinder, a 60 ml container,  a syringe that measure  to both the 1 and 1.25 ml lines.


Thank you Colin.




I would prefer not stretching this out until



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  • 3 weeks later...



Sorry for not replying to the above - it was an oversight.


I need certain information to draw up a schedule. In the first reply your received in this thread, Beeper linked to a thead which outlines all the information needed to draw up a schedule: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=11093.0. It is not possible for me to draw up a schedule without all this informtion. Of course, having all this information in a single reply helps no end. I've gone through this whole thread, and some of the information is still missing. I need to know the following (red text indicates missing details; blue text where clarifications are required):



Start date: when you would like your titration schedule to start?


Dose: the dose you anticipate you will be taking at the start date (in mgs).


Tablet dose: the dose of your individual tablets.


Number of tablets: the total number (and/or fractions) of tablets you take per day. Examples: 2 tabs; 2.5 tabs; 0.75 tabs. These are the number of tablets (not doses), and the tablets used must be of the same dosage (strength).


Taper rate: if you are unsure, ask for the input of others. The majority of people probably titrate at a rate of about 10% of their dose every 7-14 days. If you are unsure of where to start, and unless you have good reason to think you need a particularly slow taper, 1% per day is probably a good starting point. The taper plan can be altered later if need be.


Cylinder details: I will need to know the size of the cylinder you are using (100ml is recommended). I will also need to know that size of the marked increments. Just make sure that there enough increments for the given cylinder to ensure that the pill can be divided into small fractions (100ml cylinder with 1ml increments is always fine; 100ml with 2-5 increments is probably fine; 50ml with 5ml increments is not very useful). If you are using very large dose pills (for your given benzo), such as 10mg Valium or 2mg Xanax, you will absolutely need lots of increments. This usually means a 100ml cylinder with 1ml increments.



Please check the following, and post omissions and/or corrections where applicable:


Start Date: ?


Titration Starting dose: ? (In mgs please).


Tablet Dose: 0.5mg.


Number of Tablets: I have read your last post several times, and have asked another member of the team to read it too - I'm sorry, but we cannot work out how many tablets (or fractions of tablets) you take per day. We need this informtion.


Taper Rate: 1% per day.


Cylinder Details: The cylinder you received - is it 100ml and marked with 1ml increments?


We need both your dose (in mg) and the nuber of tablets as a double check. Please ask if you need help with this.


I'll keep checking this thread, but feel free to send me a PM when you have posted the details. I'll draw up your schedule as a priority.

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