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Digestive question? please,


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No other way of posing this question.  Who still has loose stools.  I am eating twice the daily fiber I need and a lot of magnesium in broccoli.  Even with oatmeal and whole wheats, not good. 



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Who still has loose stools. 


So far its only been about a year for me. I take Imodium and Benefiber, but it only helps a little.

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Hi zigzag.  I hate the topic yet I will ask, do they basically dissolve as they whirl around?  Thanks.  Now YOU can ask ME anything!
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Hi zigzag.  I hate the topic yet I will ask, do they basically dissolve as they whirl around?  Thanks.  Now YOU can ask ME anything!


Yes. In other words, my BM's are very watery. Due to motility (fast passage through bowel) the stool color is also too light. (This is because waste doesn't stay in the body long enough.) I use the term stool loosely, because water is not a stool.


My GI doc calls it IBS because he doesn't believe in benzo withdrawal. He said to take Imodium and Benefiber. I'm reluctant to take Imodium every day, so the problem may be worse than it needs to be. But having been screwed over by one drug, I am reluctant to take any drug.


The Imodium does help, but I take it only a couple times a week. Chronic diarrhea can mess with your electrolytes, so if you can tolerate Imodium it's probably a good idea to take it if it helps.

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I still have GI issues with digestion. It can be pretty terrible at times. I can't find anything that helps it either. Hopefully it will correct itself.
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I have so many gut issues.  It is very complicated.  Benzo wd made everything much worse.  Dealing with food sensitivities is one part.  Fungal and parasitical infection is another.  Benzo wd causing the gut to be hyper sensitive and too fast is a seriousissue for me.  Same problem as described here.  when I get dehydrated (basically every morning during the cortisol/adrenaline rushes and Panics), I take good quality electrolytes in capsule form.  I also have a powder for making a drink.  It is very important to have good quality water to drink.  I always keep it beside my bed and make myself drink when awake but tired after the horrid Terror rushes.  sorry if I sound all grandmothery... that is what I am - in my sixties with a long history of working on this sort of thing and teaching...I mean well.  ::)
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