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Interesting explanation on insomnia


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Thank you so much for posting this. I'm only done with the first two but it is fascinating. I wish this Dr. was in S. Calif. She is great. This makes me realize we are all really in need of sleep, yet we struggle to get it.
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Can you give a brief summary? won't be able to watch all the videos for at least a few days. If not, no worries...


thanks for posting!


Basically, in a nutshell, She finds that vitamin D is what helps us regulate sleep and sleep is what repairs our body.

The only sleep that does the repair is REM and most people with pain, either do not get into REM or have apnea in REM.

Also, that D levels in all the sick are below optimum 65-80 ng/ml and keeping people within optimum levels, stops migraines, insomnia, RLS, etc.


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I actually watched it all...well worth your time to watch all five videos! It is long...but extremely interesting.


I do have one questions: Is there a Vitamin D supplement or pill to take? She mentions not taking Vitamin D2, as it can hurt your sleep, but doesn't mention a pill?! So is she basically saying, "the only way to get vitamin D is from the sun, so get in the sun as much as possible?"

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Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is the only D that should be taken if supplementing.

D2 is a synthesized version, doesn't absorb well, and is the type that mice use and not humans.

Of course, the best source is from the sun, but many just do not have access to the sun.

Be aware that it is extremely important to always get a 25-hydroxy D test done by your physician to make sure your levels do not rise above 80ng/ml.

It takes a few months for our body to absorb D in our fat stores to bring our levels up, so it is important to monitor it regularly. There are rare diseases where D supplementing should not be done, so always check with your dr before supplementing. Getting it from the sun is the absolute best and safest way to get it.

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I really loved these videos. I don't understand tho, why I am not sleeping. My fit D was 65 tho my last bloodtest was 39. I upped my dose from 4,000 to 5,000 so I should be good now. I thought 65 was too high. At that time I was taking 6,000 units. It sounds like I should go up to 6,000 again. I would guess at 5,000 I'm probably somewhere in the high 40's or maybe 50's which should be good enuf to sleep well.

I really like what she says about getting enuf sleep making you healthy and your pain go away. I wonder how many people's sleep is actually significantly helped by the rite levels of fit D. I think this may be a question for Perseverance

Think we should all make sure our vit D levels are good.

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I really loved these videos. I don't understand tho, why I am not sleeping. My fit D was 65 tho my last bloodtest was 39. I upped my dose from 4,000 to 5,000 so I should be good now. I thought 65 was too high. At that time I was taking 6,000 units. It sounds like I should go up to 6,000 again. I would guess at 5,000 I'm probably somewhere in the high 40's or maybe 50's which should be good enuf to sleep well.

I really like what she says about getting enuf sleep making you healthy and your pain go away. I wonder how many people's sleep is actually significantly helped by the rite levels of fit D. I think this may be a question for Perseverance

Think we should all make sure our vit D levels are good.

I am so glad that you have your D levels up.


She recommends getting our D levels between 65-80ng/mL otherwise, you can have the same problems on the high or low ends.

There is a lady, carole Baggerly, who has been doing extensive research with D and Cancer patients.

She recommends 8,000 iu's per day for people with cancer.



D does not go up linerally, but fluctuates and this is why it is important to regularly get a 25-hydroxy d test done, preferably monthly, but I think insurance will only pay for it quarterly.

If you get D from the sun or certain tanning beds, that is a better way.

Also, there is a synergistic relationship between vitamin D and A.

Deficiency in one, can cause further deficiency in another.

This may explain why cod liver oil has proved beneficial for many decades.

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I actually watched it all...well worth your time to watch all five videos! It is long...but extremely interesting.


I do have one questions: Is there a Vitamin D supplement or pill to take? She mentions not taking Vitamin D2, as it can hurt your sleep, but doesn't mention a pill?! So is she basically saying, "the only way to get vitamin D is from the sun, so get in the sun as much as possible?"


Yes. Vitamin D from the sun is the only legitimate source.

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  • 1 year later...

Dr Stasha Gominak fully researched and studied with her patients to come up with the optimum range of 60-80ng/mL.

Normal lab ranges are 30-100ng/mL, but the optimum range keeps up healthy and sleeping better, unless we are on psych meds or have a disease, such as hyperparathyroidism.


Psych meds interfere with REM and slow wave sleep where our body is supposed to be healing.

She recently, found that our gut bacteria play a role with vitamin D in making our B vitamins.

Those with IBS have to get their gut flora right and sometimes take B-50 for a couple months to get their sleep better.

Latest video by Dr Gominak



here are some charts to figure out how much D to take


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I actually watched it all...well worth your time to watch all five videos! It is long...but extremely interesting.


I do have one questions: Is there a Vitamin D supplement or pill to take? She mentions not taking Vitamin D2, as it can hurt your sleep, but doesn't mention a pill?! So is she basically saying, "the only way to get vitamin D is from the sun, so get in the sun as much as possible?"


Yes. Vitamin D from the sun is the only legitimate source.


Are you really discounting Vitamin D from natural foods as a legitimate source? If so, on what grounds?

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Where we live in Calgary we have a very long cold winter.Plus we are so far north that the sun is way south in the sky.

We are all told to supplement D3. Our doctor says minimum 2000 iu per day.


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I've seen these videos and they seem to make sense. I was sleeping better in the summer while tanning a bit. However I question the reliability of the D tests. I had a test done in March and my level was 99 (in Canadian units, US about 40). I took supplements, stayed in the sun over the summer and I repeated it this month and guess what... 99 again. In a different lab. And I had to pay for both. What are the chances that 9 months apart my D level is exactly the same and two different machines are reading it 100% accurate. How do I trust them anymore?



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Can you give a brief summary? won't be able to watch all the videos for at least a few days. If not, no worries...


thanks for posting!


Basically, in a nutshell, She finds that vitamin D is what helps us regulate sleep and sleep is what repairs our body.

The only sleep that does the repair is REM and most people with pain, either do not get into REM or have apnea in REM.

Also, that D levels in all the sick are below optimum 65-80 ng/ml and keeping people within optimum levels, stops migraines, insomnia, RLS, etc.


I started taking Vitamin D prior to bed about the same time I started sleeping well. I made other changes as well so it is hard to say what specifically helped but Vitamin D is cheap and relatively risk free so why not.

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Where we live in Calgary we have a very long cold winter.Plus we are so far north that the sun is way south in the sky.

We are all told to supplement D3. Our doctor says minimum 2000 iu per day.



I'm a Calgarian too :)


People spend a lot more time indoors on their computers these days too which probably contributes to insomnia.


We've also been conditioned to cover our bodies with sunscreen.

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Another albertan here!  I'm up in grande prairie.

i have been thinking i should be taking d's more regularly.  i sporadically take 3000 with a cal mag pill.  (they absorb better that way someone told me?) dunno if that's accurate

but either way i probably take them every three days

and i MISS the sun :-(

i have a feeling if i ask my doctor about this test you guys mentioned, he will probably tell me to quit worrying.  He thinks im a hypochondriac lol

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Yes. Vitamin D from the sun is the only legitimate source.


Unless I missed something in the video, it is the only natural source (besides cod liver oil) not the only legitimate source.

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Yes. Vitamin D from the sun is the only legitimate source.


Unless I missed something in the video, it is the only natural source (besides cod liver oil) not the only legitimate source.

My liquid form of vitamin D is from under sheeps wool, but it doesn't harm the animal to extract it.

The sheep got it from the sun.

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At one point I read that it is better to take 100UI ten times per day than 1000UI once. But I can't find a link to back that up anymore.


BTW: Thanks to the OP for posting these videos. They are wonderful.

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At one point I read that it is better to take 100UI ten times per day than 1000UI once. But I can't find a link to back that up anymore.


BTW: Thanks to the OP for posting these videos. They are wonderful.

From what I have read, it is better to take it all at once and during the times we would normally get it from the sun, for ex 10am - 2pm.


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