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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Aww Mookie I'm sorry you're having another rough day. I'm a mess when I don't sleep. No way around it. By all means give the Tylenol PM a try. As for doses, I set alarms on my phone. I usually didn't need them my body knew when it was time, but it found it helped. Those head rush feelings are disturbing, aren't they? Anyway take care of yourself today.


Moose glad today is better for you! I'm trying to picture the morning chaos. Yikes! Well it is a distraction at a least, right  :laugh: I just never had any time in the morning to do anything other than get ready. I just told myself it was all benzo crap. I must admit mornings are usually my best time so maybe I'm not the one to give advice. It's funny I think working much as it's been difficult, has also been the best thing ever in terms of distraction.


As for the cutaneous evening the doses ...my advice would be to take it one step at a time. Any time you change doses it tends to feel like a cut. So I'd take each step separately. Don't making it harder on yourself, ok?


One day at a time :smitten:

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Thanks Saga. I got in my jammies and have been puttering around the house doing small tasks to feel like I'm doing something, but not overdoing it  :). Thought about a nap, but I'd rather be good and tired at bedtime. Almost time for my second dose...I won't forget!!  :laugh:




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I am sorry to hear that some of you aren't doing well these last few days.  It always amazes me how quickly things change with these drugs. 


Mookie, I hope you feel better soon.  It looks like your last cut was quite a lot (25%).


Kiddo and Moose--Thanks.  I have been doing well at work, thank goodness.  Have had no problem there at all so far.  I am just taking one day at a time since I know how quickly things can change.  I have started cutting my daily dose by one mL (that's about 0.003 mg/day).  So far so good. I am just going to go slow this time, and of course not drink wine in the evenings.



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Yup. Today I went to the walk-in because I was having worsening chest pains along with tingling in the left arm. In my heart of hearts and my head, I KNEW it was nothing, but I went just to be sure...wanted the EKG and they did it. Had to tell them about the lorazepam and that I'm tapering off. So the NP comes in and starts asking about it, what I was taking originally, where am I now, how long, etc. Then he starts talking about switching to Xanax, saying it has a longer half-life and could help. WELL. I was all vulnerable, so I had the script filled, but then consulted my darling BBs who informed me that that is NOT TRUE. I could have thrown myself into a real tailspin if I'd listened to him. I messaged my dr to get her opinion and wonder what she'll say (feel like I'll get scolded), but I followed up saying that I'm not going to take the Xanax and will stick with the beast I know, even if it hurts. MY GOD.


I know I've said it before, but this just shows again how fabulous this forum is. Thanks again for all the support...we're all in this together.




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Yup. Today I went to the walk-in because I was having worsening chest pains along with tingling in the left arm. In my heart of hearts and my head, I KNEW it was nothing, but I went just to be sure...wanted the EKG and they did it. Had to tell them about the lorazepam and that I'm tapering off. So the NP comes in and starts asking about it, what I was taking originally, where am I now, how long, etc. Then he starts talking about switching to Xanax, saying it has a longer half-life and could help. WELL. I was all vulnerable, so I had the script filled, but then consulted my darling BBs who informed me that that is NOT TRUE. I could have thrown myself into a real tailspin if I'd listened to him. I messaged my dr to get her opinion and wonder what she'll say (feel like I'll get scolded), but I followed up saying that I'm not going to take the Xanax and will stick with the beast I know, even if it hurts. MY GOD.


I know I've said it before, but this just shows again how fabulous this forum is. Thanks again for all the support...we're all in this together.





Mookie, so glad you got advice here about xanax.  It seems to be even harder to wean from!  Like lorezapam isn't bad enough!  Hang in there.


I am doing well since my jump on December 17.  My gabapentin taper has been fairly uneventful, much easier than the benzo taper.  My worst symptoms are probably mental/ emotional at this point.  Some increased anxiety, negative thinking.  Apparently normal part of withdrawal.  I do like the mental symptoms better than the physical ones--i hated the vibrating and shaking with a passion.


Hope everyone has a symptomless weekend! 

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I agree, NoFun...the physical symptoms are really unnerving. Even now, I have a "sensation" in my chest...like it's not pain, but I'm feeling something. I want that to go away...I'm tired of my brain trying to figure out what is causing it when it's all related to the taper. Also get facial flushing, especially after I eat, and it doesn't seem to matter what it is I'm eating. I'm just going to push on through until I see my doctor next Friday.


I'm glad you're still doing so well post-jump, NoFun!!!  :)


Happy Friday, buddies  :smitten:


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Mookie  I am glad you got the good advice about the Xanax.  Better off with what you know.  I know that we all want off of the Ativan quickly, but from past experience slow is much better as far as controlling the symptoms.


NoFun  I agree with you.  The physical symptoms are awful!!  I can handle mood swings and depression, but not the inner shakiness, BP spikes and difficulty swallowing. 

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KIddo The dentist wouldn't give me a mouth guard for many reasons.


I cut 5% lorazepam this week and now i can't sleep cause of my teeth- its not magnified by 10 times...i don't know how i can get through this. Someone mentioned i should maybe increase frequency of dose to 5 times a day but to be honest even when i take a dose there is no relief in the pain.


Should i updose back to 2mg.

I have been told by many now to switch to valium, i don't know what im doing or what to do anymore.

I just know i can't go on like this.




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Hi Pete - I can't advise you on what to do regarding switching to Valium. However, Ativan is clearly not working for you. I would not go back to 2mg, you'll lose all that time you've already put into your taper. My suggestion would be to go to the Valium thread and ask questions about crossing over.


I really hope that you get some relief, no matter what you decide.


Let us know  :smitten:


How is everyone else doing? I'm a little "mutey" myself so just throwing out a general hello  :)

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Hi kiddo,

Did you just become a moderator? I feel like I'm missing things!


I know Beth is..

That is great, I know you are both helpful to so many. Congratulations if I missed it....

Thanking you in advance for all you contribute.  :smitten:




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Awe thanks Rose  :hug:


Yes, this a new thing for me. I'm happy to help, but moral support is really all I have to offer, which is what I was trying to do anyway. I'm just fumbling along in my taper like everyone else.  :laugh:

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Well that is something very special !


And as you taper,too, helping others stay on path, feel connected..

Thank you,



Hugs rose

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing extreme memory loss from Ativan. If so, I'd like to know how bad it is and when can it start to get better.


Thank you. God bless.

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Hi Jes - I experience memory loss and slower cognitive functioning. This started immediately when I began taking Ativan. It has gotten better the lower I get in dose but it is still something I struggle with on a daily basis.


Are you tapering or are you off now?


Could you please take a moment to update your signature so we can all see where your at?


Welcome to the thread  :)

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Hi everyone---

I did the liquid  titration (thanks kiddo!. Cut to .33 from .37.  I'm struggling at night. The other big change was that I split my dose. I had started doing that with a 1/4 pill in the afternoon and a 1/2 pill at night but this is more precise.


I'm only splitting into three doses ( .9, .9, .15) because I"m so busy during the day with kids, class, work that I don't know if I'd do more... I also don't know that I need to?


My problem is that this significantly reduced my night time dose (from .25 mg to .15 mg) and while I haven't been sleeping well since I was on a daily much higher night time dose, I'm now waking in the night with anxiety, heart racing, etc. and can't go back to sleep once i wake up--- and as a result a mess in the day.  Before the cut and split  I still woke up 10x (isn)  times per night, peed and tossed and turned back to sleep. I was always getting the skin crawling feeling while trying to fall asleep ---super itchy feet!


I'm wondering if 1) I should up my night time dose and reduce the others  2) cut the split to 2x day  3) keep a dose by my bed to take at night, although I don't know if it would get me back to sleep or 4) something else??  :-\


even with the split dose I am feeling this cut in the day too.... Crazy that such a small change can make a huge difference.


Also-- PMS is an issue here as well! Typically a very difficult week for me.


Thank you all! I hope that some of you are having a low symptom day! 


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Hi Jes, welcome to the thread! Yes I've expereinced the memory and cognitive issues. Very very common side effect of these drugs. I'm seeing improvements slowly but surely at 6 months off. I have no doubt eventually we all heal.


Metta I'm sorry you're waking up and not getting back to sleep. I've heard others take a dose in the middle of the night, that would mean dosing 4 times instead of 3. If you're always up its something to consider? Also it could be the cutting and splitting the doses. Did you take it in separate steps? Asking because sometimes a change in splitting doses can also feel like a cut. Hope you feel better soon :smitten:

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Hi Metta.....congrats on the switch to liquid! Most of the members here that are doing a daily liquid titration are faring well. Based on anecdotal evidence this will be you too  :thumbsup:


A couple of things if like to mention, anytime I ever adjusted my doses (split them or moved the time) it felt like a cut. This has happened to many of our members. Also, switching to liquid from dry cut can also feel like a cut. Hormones/menstrual cycle often cause an uptick in symptoms too.


With the exception of Laserjet, most people who switch to liquid do a daily taper. This seems to be a smoother ride for members. So, that's something to consider.


I hope you feel better soon and get a more restful sleep  :smitten:

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Thank ya. It is my Mother who is tapering off of Ativan. We started at 6 mg. (1 mg every 4 hours) Right now we are cutting daily. I shave off .001 g each day. It does add up overall, but is as slow as we are going to go for right now. We are just concerned about the memory loss. She has had it for a few years now. None of the doctors will take her seriously. Just looking for people with similar experiences that can encourage her that everything will work out, and how ya were able to get through it. It isn't like she just forgets where the keys are or peoples names. She draws a blank when trying to picture things. She has always been very bright. Very fast thinker. Her MRI came back normal showing no signs of damage. (The kind you can see of course) Other problems include changes in eyesight. Blurred, double vision, light sensitive, fogginess, color changes and things just look weird. Mood swings. Anger and aggression. Suicidal thoughts. back, neck pains. List goes on.


Just trying to get by day to day. She needs all the support she can get to stay in the game, stay strong. We will be praying for all of you.


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Pete - well, I can only speak from personal experience but I am (usually) able to drop 5% every 7 days. Your cut was 5% so if you aren't having an increase in symptoms then I would say you're good to cut again. Just remember....there's no rush.  :)


Jes - the symptoms that your Mom is experiencing are very common. I've had them all. I'm glad your Mom has you supporting her taper and it's great that you're taking it slow.  :thumbsup:

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Just looking for some ideas and moral support!! I made my smallest cut to date on the 4th of January....held off on my next cut which would have been on the 18th because we were out of town...I am now having extreme anxiety and headaches....cut again or continue to hold? 
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Hi Sunny - sorry to hear about the anxiety and headaches. Sometimes, it's just a bad cut....regardless of how small. I know that I have felt better after cutting and I've also felt worse and had to updose. It's a crapshoot. That's the tricky thing about benzo withdrawal. I can't tell you what to do with your next cut, you have to listen to your body. I'm certainly here for moral support though.


Hope you feel better  :smitten:

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Hey all.


Fast question. I have an ulcer on the inside of my cheek...I'm convincing myself it's from the acid of eating too many clementines and not related to withdrawal and wind up with a hole in my cheek...love how I snowball things.


Is there a 'safe' ointment that I can put on the ulcer like campophenique...everything ingredient I read says 'benzocaine' and I don't think it's the same thing (more of a numbing agent) ...but the word 'benzo' now freaks me out. I did do salt water swishes which helps but it's not going away.


I posted also on the other medicines board and no word. Thanks in advance!



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Is there a rule of thumb for how much to cut each day for a daily taper on liquid titration? I will go check out the taper threads too to see if I can find this. Thank you!

I hope everyone is having an easy day!

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ok-- I see that kiddo tapered .005mg/50ml a day....  I'm not sure I can figure that out using my .01mg/ 100ml  in my brain fog!! Is this a common symptom for other people? It's making me feel thick-headed and I'm in school again, yikes. I'm used to having a quick mind--this almost feels like when I was nursing. I'm trusting that it too,will pass.
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