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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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I had severe sinus problems so I took prednisone for about 3 weeks. During that time I had trouble falling asleep so the doctor put me on 1 mg/day Lorazepam. I took this on and off for over a month and then quit cold turkey.


After I got off of Lorazopam, I started experiencing muscle jerks/single twitches multiple times a day, in addition to having difficulty falling asleep. The insomnia went away but it's been almost 4 weeks since I got off of Lorazepam and I'm still getting the muscle jerks, mostly in the leg muscles. I still get them but they are pretty subtle and minor right now (used to wake me up from sleep right after I quit) but it makes me worried. My nurse practitioner told me that 1 month of lorazopam isn't that long so it shouldn't cause another month of withdrawal symptoms. Do you think this is normal? If it is, then I have no problem waiting. I just hope that it's not something else


Thanks so much for the advice!

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Go, Mairin!!!  I was in bed asleep all day on 1.5 mg per day, I can't imagine what 6, 7 or 8 does to you!!!


Laura, that is absolutely a side effect and the w/d.  If that is all you have, then count yourself lucky!!!  I noticed that for a couple of days every time I reduce my dose, my left thumb twitches like crazy.  I am so sick with other sx (dizziness, fatigue, headaches), that I think of it as God trying to get my mind off how bad I feel with a "funny" side effect.  I also get leg cramps at night the first couple of nights after I cut. 


I would bet it is the w/d, and it should go away.  Maybe give it a few more weeks and if it doesn't, check with your doc if it is really troublesome.

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Mairin!! You're doing great!!!


Mustang man, It's a good idea to hold it till you feel stabilized! I put 100ml/cc water in a glass jar and put 1mg tablet in it and shake it really well. Then I use 10ml/cc oral syringe to take out the amount I need. I take it every 6h to avoid inter dose withdrawals.


You can find more info on titration thread, there is a how to youtube video too. I put a link to it. I hope you can get a liquid ativan!



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Allo! Seems like everyone is doing fairly well. Me too. I'm so busy with work and I think that helps. I feel some kind of symptom at least once a day but it is always mild and fleeting.

I am two weeks into cutting about 2% every 3 days. I am now down to about .3mg

So far so good. I have so much craziness coming up so hopefully I'll manage.


I'm worried about hitting another wall. But if I don't, I should be done with this taper in a little over two months. I still can't believe it might happen. Hopefully soon I will actually be able to BELIEVE that I will be free. That feeling will be almost worth all of this. Almost.


Take care everyone. Say hi. Tell me a story.





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hi guys!!

I am currently taking 0.05 mg three times a day I am getting very bad tingling and numbness in my hands, arms, feet and legs... has anyone had this as a symptom I do not want to rush to dr but am noticing it is getting worse.. could this and is this a symptom of coming off ativan? thanks guys and keep up the great work!!!


Yes it must be! I had it badly too earlier this week. I have held my dose a few days and it has let up.

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I have a question that has been on my mind. perhaps some one knows the answer to this?


I am currently on 4 equally divided compounded doses a day of 1.25mg ativan. i will taper down over the next month to 1mg and hold till i feel well and then continue tapering. My question is can i switch from 4X  a day to only one dose of 1mg at night for sleep only and continue the taper only at night?


I know many people who use 1mg of ativan at night only. If the daily dose remains the same does it matter how many doses you take and when you take it in order to taper down?


Will that be too difficult for me during the day to make this switch as my body is used to the 4 doses through out the day. i would like not to be able to depend on it during the day if possible however after 4 months of 3 or 4 x a day use it may not be a good transition? The withdrawal during the day may be too difficult despite getting the same amount in the PM. Any thoughts on this option? When you are tapering off one evening dose, do you stay on one dose a day at night only?


I know 4 doses a day is best for tapering, however as i am working i would prefer not to need it during the day and just use it for sleep at night. This may be an impossible transition however i thought it was worth asking as the daily dose would remain the same, just not the format of taking it.


Has anyone tried that?


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Concerned, its very obvious from your posts that you are concerned.


I started out at 1 mg 11 years ago and I was ok taking it once a day.  Just last year at this time I was at 2.5 and did not feel or worry about interdose withdrawals.


However, once you start backing down off these meds they don't seem to work the same.


It seems to me you are having a hard time with the fact the the medication is in control right now, not you.  This seems to be a concept you are not used to and you are having a hard time with it.  That is understandable.  You can try going to 1 mg a day a night, and it may work, who knows.  But I think you are better off with 4 divided doses.  Just my opinion though.

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I'm glad to hear the tingling went away for you Tina.  I am having that right now after making a cut.


Just want to say hi BenzoDown.  I'll tell you a story. I once got off ativan c/t when I was pregnant and didn't have withdrawal.  That was many years ago and I went back on it (wish I had never).  But I didn't know.


I think for most people, if you've only been on it once and for a short time, you will not suffer too much after getting off.  I hope this is true for you.


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Thanks Marin for your feedback. I probably will stay on the 4 doses a day as to not rock the boat any further. I just have to surrender to the process and just know that even though it may take till the end of this year, I will step by step be reducing it to the best of my ability untill I am done. Hopefully once it is out, I can quickly go back to a normal life that is not dictated by cuts and withdrawal symptoms. As much as I want to expedite it, I have to just see it through step by step.
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I have a question maybe someone could answer. Would it be possible to cut my 0.5 tablet in half and take half in the morning and half at night to cut down on withdraw symptoms or would that make them worse after a couple days? Just need some info on this. Thanks
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I have a question maybe someone could answer. Would it be possible to cut my 0.5 tablet in half and take half in the morning and half at night to cut down on withdraw symptoms or would that make them worse after a couple days? Just need some info on this. Thanks


Hi Mustangman

That shouldn't be an isue..splitting your dose. Since you are tapering, yes?...it's important to try to keep a steady amount in your blood stream. I was looking at your signature and I see you are switching from xanax to ativan. They both have short half lives so again YES..it would be best to split the dose. I switched from xanax to valium (longer 1/2 life) for a smoother transition....

Cheers to your health!




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Hi Mustangman,


Yes you could split your dose and take half in the morning and half at night, you might try that first and see how it goes.  But really it might be better to split it in quarters and take 4 times a day at approx. 6 hour intervals.


That's a rough guide, ativan last approx 6 hours, its therapeutic effect that is, but not always the same in all people.  6 hours is just the half life, it still stays in the body longer but in decreasing amounts.


But if you feel comfortable on twice a day then that's ok.  But you might feel better on 4 doses.


I know, this is all one big giant pain in the butt.  I am on a very high dose.  I've been cutting.  What's been working for me is having 4 doses a day, and cutting each dose one at a time every two weeks.  I cut the night dose last.  Right now I'm on 4 equal doses.  I'm going to wait and then cut the morning dose, leave the second dose, then after two weeks cut the third dose, leaving the second dose.


Before when I cut I was taking too little in the early and middle part of the day.  It seems better to leave the second dose as the third dose to cut.


Sorry if I ramble hope this makes sense.



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Thanks so much for the replies. I wasn't sure if that would work since their such small pills and if it would have the Same effect or not being a smaller dose. So ready to get off these meds but I know it's gonna take time and you have to go slow.
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Mustang man, one more thing.  Your doc is cutting your dose in half already.  .5 mg X = 1 mg A, generally.


So you may experience some withdrawal feelings, or maybe not.  One thing I've learned is that it is best to stabelize on the dose FIRST before you start cutting.


So if you feel cog fog and withdrawal feelings, please wait until you stabelize before you cut.

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This time I cut only 7% of 4 equally divided compounded doses daily to 1.25.


I am still feeling withdrawal. It was a bit better but today  on my fifth day it feels worse.

I am not sure which day it is normal for it to feel the worst.


In any case, I have read on this and other boards that microtapering causes the least withdrawal symptoms. I feel overwhelmed by the procedures involved.


Is there an easy, simple way to do it? Would I need to switch to liquid Ativan? If so, does it need refrigeration as I work and am on the go all day and that would be problematic.


I don't mind continuing with the compounding cuts at 10% every 2 weeks however as I am working and have many demands on me over the next several months, it is hard to imagine how I will function while feeling bad at least 2 or more weeks out of a months every time I cut.


Microtapering sounds more gentle however it will probably take longer and may not be logistically practical for my lifestyle. If there is an easy way to do it, I would be glad to consider it as I need to function well and be productive throughout this taper.

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When I read your post I see a person who is in a little bit of denial about this and not really accepting how difficult and serious this can be.


Many people have continued to work during this process, so don't despair about that.  However, there might come a time where you will have to take leave at work.  It may not happen, but it may.


10% cuts may sound reasonable, but they may not be.  They may be too much for your body to handle.  You may need to cut at a rate of 2%.


Check out the titration thread.  For titration you need a few supplies, just a cylinder, some jars and a syringe.  I know it sounds difficult, but many people have done it and once you get into the groove it will become easy for you.  Micro titration does not work for everyone, but for some it does.  The reason why it works better for some is because the brain and body can't handle large cuts, every large cut puts your body into a sort of shock.  Reducing by micro amounts is easier on the system, but even so, some people find it difficult as well.  You just have to try it to see if it works for you.


Try to relax and approach this in a calm and accepting manner and find the rate of reduction that allows you to work.  Trying to rush it when your body can't handle it is not going to help.

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My first post to this thread. I'd like to hear from anyone who has gone from a single dose/day of Ativan (6 mg, in my case) to 3X day dosing, which is typically prescribed for Ativan. I need to do this before I begin rdxn.


I have a strong background in pharmacy and see a lot of questions in this thread which any 1st year pharm student coud probably answer. Fortunately, you don't need to find one--just read the Ashton Manual.


Mustang Man: why is your doc switching you from Xanax to Ativan?

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Hi Aweigh, I am very happy to meet you, I've been looking for someone else on 6 mgs A to share this journey with.


I didn't switch from 1 dose to 4, but I'd recommend it.  As you probably know ativan has a half life of 6 hours, after which the drug declines in you system.  Four doses a day stops the constant withdrawal feeling.


As you can see by my signature, I've been on a wild ride this past year.  I've come off half my benzo dose in 3 months.  I was only on that high dose for 6 months. It was due to a crazy doctor.  I really was on 1 to 2.5 mgs for the last ten years or so, until that nutty shrink quadrupled my benzo dose.


I've cut down in .5 increments since I stabelized.  I don't plan on continuing cutting .5, maybe .25.  Welcome here, I would really like to be your buddy.  It would help me to correspond with someone going through the same thing.

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Marin, yes I am in a bit of shock that I am in this process as I have never taken any medication like this before. My father passed away recently, and it is hard for me to accept that at this juncture, this withdrawal requires so much of my time and effort. I am well aware how serious it is which is why I am going slowly and trying to learn as much as I can about what to expect and the best way to do this. If I have to taper on lower amounts I will, however I want to get to a place where it is not taking over my life completely.


Thanks for your thoughtful comments and for taking the time to reply to my concerns and questions. As I only starting using Ativan in March I am relatively new to this however apparantly my body is very sensitive to the effects of it.


I also need to be more patient and realize that this is a long and ongoing process...

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Hi, Mairin33:


Good to hear from you. Average Ativan half life is 13 h in adults, but as you say the fx last about 6-8 h. One dose/day is a setup for intradose WD = feel bad all the time. There's plenty of crazy docs around, that's why many of us are where we are. I think it's WAY important not to follow a "doctor's orders" just because he's wearing a white coat. That could cost you your life.


I don't know what "being your buddy" means; I'm totally new here. If it means sharing honestly, well that's why I signed up.


When I'm stable at 2 mg Ativan 3 X day, I'll have to decide what part (if any) Valium is going to play in my taper. There's pros and cons on both sides; Dr. Ashton is fantastic, and Valium is not for everyone. Ativan is produced in liquid form (water solution) in various concentrations, so I'm puzzled by all the problems people have with splitting tablets. With pipettes and proper dilution, you can measure 1/100 mL accurately!

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If I cut to .25 twice daily or cut it to 4 times a day which would probably be the best? I'm on .5mg tablets so if I cut half of my dose in half that would be .125 correct? Still learning about slow tapering so please excuse me if I seem dumb to all this  :D  it seems like it might be a good idea to do maybe .125 in the morning and afternoon then .25 at night once things get stabilized? Just wanting some input on this taper schedule.
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I am so sorry to hear about your father, that throws a different light on things.  Ugh I'm so sorry you have to be going through this now.


I know you are not used to this, this is a shock for most everyone, the difficulty of it.  I offer you my heartfelt condolences.


I hope I can help you somehow.

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Hi, Mairin33:


Good to hear from you. Average Ativan half life is 13 h in adults, but as you say the fx last about 6-8 h. One dose/day is a setup for intradose WD = feel bad all the time. There's plenty of crazy docs around, that's why many of us are where we are. I think it's WAY important not to follow a "doctor's orders" just because he's wearing a white coat. That could cost you your life.


I don't know what "being your buddy" means; I'm totally new here. If it means sharing honestly, well that's why I signed up.


When I'm stable at 2 mg Ativan 3 X day, I'll have to decide what part (if any) Valium is going to play in my taper. There's pros and cons on both sides; Dr. Ashton is fantastic, and Valium is not for everyone. Ativan is produced in liquid form (water solution) in various concentrations, so I'm puzzled by all the problems people have with splitting tablets. With pipettes and proper dilution, you can measure 1/100 mL accurately!




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Mustang man, you could try that .125, .125 and .25 at night.  Are you stabelized from the Xanax cut and the switch to ativan yet?


Some people prefer three doses, I think 4 is better but 3 can be done.

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Yes I'm stabilized. I switched directly from the Xanax to Ativan and it was a little uncomfortable for a couple days but I adjusted pretty quick I guess. If I did that particular schedule then how would I taper from that? Would it be something like taking a smaller dose after a few weeks or how would that work? Thanks for any advice.
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