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Numb burning tingling pins & needles Feet


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Has anyone experienced the numb or burning or pins and needles feet?

I was on .5 mg Klonapin 2 x a day. I was told by my PA that I could get off of it in 20 days. She said to cut pill in half and take for 7-10 days than cut in half again 7-10 days and your off. By the 15Th day I was feeling weird. I started getting joint pain in my hands. than I started getting muscle twitches all over my body. Than I noticed my feet were feeling numb and tingling. Sometimes my calf's feel like are burning. When I wear my shoes or sneakers my feet feel like tingling or pins and needles and after an hour or two I have to take them off for a while.  I went to my Dr and he said oh u may have diabetic neuropity. So sends me to a neurologist who puts me through a nerve conduction study. The results came back normal. So than I go back to the GP and he says well you are below the radar from what the test is capable of picking up. So I say OH I read in the Ashton Manual about this symptom of benzo wd. Of coarse he never heard of that. So i went back to the the neurologist who also says hes taking people off Klonapin all time never heard anyone getting this and that I most likely have diabetic neouropity and wants to put me on lyrica. So I said no thanks for now. I will wait and see its it is a wd symptom and goes away in time before you mess me up with another drug.

Please if anyone has had similar symptoms while tapering or withdrawal please write me back or answer this new post. Thank you for reading my story. Tommy

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I have had them ever since i started titrating.  Still have them but they are getting better.  Very common in wd.  Try to ignore them.  Linder
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Burning tingling sensations are the worst symptom I have.  Mine started in my chest and moved to my hands and feet.  I too have made the rounds of two neurologists and all tests are negative.  Both acknowledged that benzodiazepines can cause these symptoms and that time is the only thing that will help.  The first neurologist put me on gabapentin and that helped briefly, but then I got worse.  I slowly withdrew from gabapentin and found my symptoms were aggravated.  I think that it set me back and wish I had not taken it.  It may be helpful to those with peripheral neuropathy and other forms of nerve pain, but I'm not sure about withdrawal.  I am experimenting with passion flower and lemon balm - calming herbs.  They help a little. 



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I am new to this site, so hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes or doing anything wrong by replying.  My Dr also gave me similar schedule for tapering off Klonopin and I was absolutely fine for 6 weeks and then wd hit me with a bang.  I've had to reinstate to original dosage as I am moving and starting new job next week and have to be fu able to function.  I really did not want to go on Klonopin (having read bad reviews about it) but was put on it in hospital, so as soon as I got home I started to take B supplement Biotin as I had read Benzos deplete body of this.  I had burning/itching/pins and needles when wd hit me, so I upped the Biotion and it did help somewhat. Only wd sx I have is chronic diahrrea which I pray will subside before my 12 hour car journey to new job - had no stomach problems prior to the 6 week reduction.  I just keep reading here that symptoms do get better, so I hope yours do too.  I will be starting a much slower taper once settled and have a new Dr who hopefully will let me do it really slowly.  I now don't care how long it takes, just want off with least amount of pain possible.
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Has anyone experienced the numb or burning or pins and needles feet?

I was on .5 mg Klonapin 2 x a day. I was told by my PA that I could get off of it in 20 days. She said to cut pill in half and take for 7-10 days than cut in half again 7-10 days and your off. By the 15Th day I was feeling weird. I started getting joint pain in my hands. than I started getting muscle twitches all over my body. Than I noticed my feet were feeling numb and tingling. Sometimes my calf's feel like are burning. When I wear my shoes or sneakers my feet feel like tingling or pins and needles and after an hour or two I have to take them off for a while.  I went to my Dr and he said oh u may have diabetic neuropity. So sends me to a neurologist who puts me through a nerve conduction study. The results came back normal. So than I go back to the GP and he says well you are below the radar from what the test is capable of picking up. So I say OH I read in the Ashton Manual about this symptom of benzo wd. Of coarse he never heard of that. So i went back to the the neurologist who also says hes taking people off Klonapin all time never heard anyone getting this and that I most likely have diabetic neouropity and wants to put me on lyrica. So I said no thanks for now. I will wait and see its it is a wd symptom and goes away in time before you mess me up with another drug.

Please if anyone has had similar symptoms while tapering or withdrawal please write me back or answer this new post. Thank you for reading my story. Tommy


tommy, the skin tingling is a classic benzo w/d s/x. it is very annoying but probably the least painful. i am working towards 4 months off and still have alot of it. numb hands and feet and burning all over my torso and face. it got so bad the first couple of months my nerve endings were burning small holes in my skin. i would feel a really bad sting and scratch it and could feel a little scab about the size of a pinhead. the doctor told me it was my nerves. i hope it gets better soon,rstud

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Tommy, I was put on Lyrica for Fibromyalgia (that was misdiagnosed) b/c I aslo had a lot of the same symptoms that you experienced. I just finished getting off the Lyrica about a month ago (it's one you also have to taper like a benzo) and I am experiencing the same symptoms I had prior to taking the Lyrica, only they are worse. I believe it's due to the withdrawal from the Lyrica! So, while it may alleviate some of the sxs in the short-term, eventually, it will likely be a med you have to come off through a taper process and re-live the same symptoms, as it acts on GABA as well.


I haven't begun my benzo tapers yet, but will soon, so I expect to enjoy the fun that is feeling like my muscles are being put through the ringer, and then going numb, or being set on fire, for quite awhile. But I think that will eventually heal.


So, from a personal standpoint, I would avoid Lyrica or its cousin (Neurontin?) just so you have one less thing to taper from in the future and let your body heal. I have been doing water therapy classes in the warm water therapy pool that combine yoga, pilates, strength, and stretching, and then I soak in the hot tub afterwards. That really seems to help with the pain. I also apply Traumeel (homeopathic) cream to the areas that are the worst when I'm in severe pain, and that also immediately helps.


HTH and good luck. Hugs,


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  Yes, it is the burning, tingling,and general muscle tension that I have had in my lower legs and also feet.  I have been slowly tapering, and these problems started @6 mos. ago. Really caught me by surprise and has been quite persistent and painful.  I also thought I had suddenly developed a large number of serious health concerns until I researched, and realized that it was withdrawl from an escalating and incorrectly done taper.  I feel better knowing that.  Just want to experience less symptoms overall.  I think I've had almost every one listed.
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  The problems for me have been many.  I have had transient dental pain that has become persistent in addition to the tingling, muscle, and joint pain in my legs and feet.  Surprisingly, I didn't really have a lot of real anxiety problems during all these other symptoms.  But I've had tinnitus in my left ear, extreme light sensitivity, and an awareness of my heart beating even as it had a slow,steady beat.  Like I said, the list goes on with comprehensive body system impacts.  Now I know I'd rather feel some anxiety rather than go through this.  Not at all worth it overall.  Just have to get through it slow and steady.
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Hi tommy

I started getting the pins and needles, burning sensations , skin prickling and constante muscle twitches all over the body, when i starting cutting down on my lorazepam dose. I had some blood tests done, and everything came back normal and doctors keep saying I have nothing and that its probably withdrawal, so I am going with that. The twitches are really annoying but all of these symptoms are mentioned in the ashton manual. Many people in this forum seem to be having these symptoms. However, you are the only member who seems to have exactly the same combination of symptoms I a having. I believe that what we are going through is withdrawal. Feel free to write to me to discuss the symptoms, maybe we can find reassurance in each other.




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Btw, I also have the numbness for no reason, my hand or foot will suddenly fall asleep for no reason.

ps: I am a healthy 20 year old student, so I think our symptoms come from withdrawal as they are the same.

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Adrian, It has me going crazy. The strange body feelings the twitches and the numbness in my feet and a little bit in my hands is driving me mad. The thing is that all 3 doctors have told me it cant be withdrawals because i was on such a low dose of klonapin. ( .5 mg 2 x a day) now down to 1/8 or a .5mg tab 1 x a day. I was on the .5 mg 2 x a day for a good 6 or 7 months. I am now going on my 3 1/2 months since i started the taper. I guess all i can do is hang in there and wait and see if my body heals and these feelings go away. But what I would like to know is how long should i play the wait and see game? I mean if i go another 3 months and the symptoms are still the same do I still assume it is wd or do I start to think and look for other reasons? I have read that protracted wd symptoms can last a very long time. What I am afraid of is have the dam Dr's start me another med for a problem that doesn't exist only to create another issue. Thanks you and every one else for your replies. Tommy
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Hi Tommy,


I'm sorry you have the burning/tingling pins and needles. It is by far one of the worst symptom for some of us and can indeed be extremely painful. Over the years I've been through all the test and have tried a few supplements here and there and nothing has really worked other than time. I know that's hard to hear but that's the way it's been for everyone I've talked to about this. It's best to stay away from Lyrica, Neurontin and Cymbalta, those drugs are usually what the drs try to give us. They all affect the Central Nervous System and they have a side effect of burning feet/hands, etc. So basically it boils down to the fact that if it can help it, it can also cause it. And not one of them will cure it.


Something I'm trying now and having good results with is a topical cream. Something topical is the only thing I will try. I've been using it for a little over a week now and have had some relief. It's a bit much to explain in this post but if you go to my blog, the link is in my signature line and I'm in Buddie Space, starting around page 285 Clair and I have a conversation about this cream. Plus, she has posted some links from the Mayo Clinic that supports it's use. I'm not saying it will work for everyone and I'm certainly not prescribing. It's just something that has helped me and if you can get some relief from it I'm happy to pass on the information.


Good Luck,


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It sounds like you've done a lot of research on this symptom.  I was wondering if you've tried B1 (Thiamine)?  I took it frequently as a supplement when I began this process.  My nerve tingling has all but gone....but I can't say for sure if the B1 helped it go away faster or not. 


Additionally, have you looked into potassium?  Since frequent urination & sweating are common symptoms (which depletes potassium), I've been eating/drinking potassium-rich foods and juices (coconut water has a lot).  I had blood tests at the beginning of my taper and my potassium was low, so I think the potassium has helped.  Be very careful about adding it as a supplement (in a non-food form) since too much potassium can cause serious problems.

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Tommy - just a random question - do you smoke, by any chance? I was smoking throughout and after I quit the Lyrica taper and was in intense pain. I was able to quit for about 6 days and immediately noticed a great reduction in my pain (especially in my legs). Unfortunately, I think I quit too soon after my taper, and my depression symptoms ramped up to such a degree that I had to give in to smoking again (I'm really ashamed and feel crappy about that). But I noticed once the nicotine kicked back in, so did the leg pain. I wondered if the cessation caused more oxygen circulation in my body that helped with the pain, and now I'm sort of undoing the help I was getting from that.


Just a thought, if that is something that might be relavant. Hopefully it's not. Physically I felt better smoke-free. Mentally, I was losing it, and wasn't in a good place to start my next taper.



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It sounds like you've done a lot of research on this symptom.  I was wondering if you've tried B1 (Thiamine)?  I took it frequently as a supplement when I began this process.  My nerve tingling has all but gone....but I can't say for sure if the B1 helped it go away faster or not. 


Additionally, have you looked into potassium?  Since frequent urination & sweating are common symptoms (which depletes potassium), I've been eating/drinking potassium-rich foods and juices (coconut water has a lot).  I had blood tests at the beginning of my taper and my potassium was low, so I think the potassium has helped.  Be very careful about adding it as a supplement (in a non-food form) since too much potassium can cause serious problems.


I'm sad to say I've been researching this for years.  :-\    I've taken B1, my potassium is at a good level and I've had all the test done. It is/was the benzos. It's gotten better but it still gives me grief. It may never go away, there is no way of knowing, so I do what I can when I can. I won't take anything orally for it though, the risk are too great.


Thanks for the info.  :)  I'm glad you are getting some relief.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there anyone else that has or had numbness in feet and hands while withdrawing? I am on my 4th month and it seems to be getting worse. I had a nerve conduction study that was normal. Two doctors are telling me that it is diabetic neuropity. I said but what about the nerve conduction test. They both say well the test just wasnt able to pick it up you are floating under the radar. WTF Please anyone else who is having this or has had it please write and let me know how and what you had and what if anything you were able to do for it. Thanks for all your support
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I have asked 4 doctors about this. Every one says its not wd. They say you were on a very low dose of klonapin. and your are in 4th month and holding at .0625 1 x day. They say oh the ones that get wd are the ones taking large doses for many years and you were only taking 1mg day for 7-8 months and thats nothing most people come off it in a couple weeks. They say they tell there paicents cut in half for couple weeks than in half again and boom off. I hope this is wd and not nerve damage from diabeetes. But I am only pre diabetees not really bad.
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Listen to people on here.  There is no such thing as a low dose.  This drug is very evil.  Their not going to admit to anything.  Mine was bad and is getting better.  Its a common wd symptom.  Linder
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thanks Linder its good to hear others with the same symptoms. At least you know your not going crazy. Which is what the doctors think when you complain or say it wd. how long did you numbness last. Today I'm kinda feeling it going up into my forarms from hands. I am into my 4th month. I am on a 1/8 of a .5 mg klonapin 1 x day now. I think comes the end of the year I am going to jump and forget about it. I can not cut the dam pills any smaller without crushing them anyways. Thanks for your replies.
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The numbness has been a very bad symptom for me.  I've had it in my hands arms and legs, and on the left side of my lower lip. I had during taper and still have it approaching 3 months off. It comes and goes. Any symptom of anxiety will appear during withdrawal. Essentially your baseline anxiety is raised, so you will feel more anxiety symptoms as well as weird stuff that is just unique to withdrawal. My doc acknowledges withdrawal but their standard line is that it correlates with duration and dose, which is probably true, but that doesn't mean you don't have withdrawal symptoms.
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Yes I said it before and I will say it again. The burning, tingling has been a MAJOR sx for me during w/d. I still have it. These last 2 days I have had numbness in the tips of fingers on my right hand. For me it is the withdrawl. I have multiple other w/d sx so I know that that is it for me. I don't question that at all. The dr are pretty clueless.
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