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An eye opener! - anti-seizure meds (Benzos) - deficency in Biotin'


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anti-seizure medications - w/d symptoms – the vitamin biotin


I recently saw a Dermatologist in the Chicago area.  My nails were seriously breaking away from their nail beds, (white nails –onycholysis).

She recommended the vitamin Biotin, but said no more.

As per usual, I started researching these terms on the Internet.  I hope you all read this for it is quite pertinent to  anti-seizure medications & w/d from them.


I suspected Klonopin w/d even though I had started experiencing a very mild case of this condition for 12 years [on Klonopin 15 years]. White nails is a listed symptom on, I think, the Australia symptoms list.


I am now sure that the 16 years on Klonopin has caused the chronic eczema on my hands and feet, the ‘white nails’ and many other problems yet to be defined.


I have started the recommended & safe dosage of 2500mcg a day.


I was stuck by all the benzo w/d symptoms I found in the following.

Here are some excerpts from the website (biotin);


Longterm use of anti-seizure medications may also lead to biotin deficiency. Biotin deficiency results in fatigue, depression, nausea, muscle pains, hair loss, and anemia. Biotin is necessary for both metabolism and growth in humans, particularly with reference to production of fatty acids, antibodies, digestive enzymes, and in niacin (vitamin B3) metabolism. Biotin is required in a number of enzymatic reactions in the body, particularly in the production of energy from carbohydrates and fats. Neurologic symptoms in adults have included depression, lethargy, hallucination, and numbness and tingling of the extremities.


Individuals with hereditary disorders of biotin metabolism resulting in functional biotin deficiency have evidence of impaired immune system function, including increased susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections.Biotin promotes normal health of sweat glands, bone marrow, blood cells, nerve tissue, skin, hair. Biotin supplements may improve thin, splitting, or brittle toe and fingernails as well as hair health.








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Hi Clair,

Thank you so much for this info. I just want to clarify a couple of things. Though benzos do definitely cause a lot of the same problems listed in this article, they are not technically in the class of anti-seizure medication.  So I am not sure what medication this article is actually referring to. They could be referring to benzos, but they don't specifically mention them. That said, they are used for controlling seizures in some cases, particularly clonazepam.


Just a caveat too, Biotin is a B vitamin, and B vites tend to rev up your system, especially during wd. Use with caution.  ;) 

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Thanks for your reply Eljay.  The article just stated 'anti-seisure' meds and as you pointed out Klonopin is used for seizures & RLS, hence the RlS many of us experience during w/d.  It seems that the majority of Benzo Buddies are, or were on Klonopin, which I read causes the most symptoms.  As a moderator, having more experience, is that what you have noted? 


I did notice that I occasionally felt more heat (biotin), but weighed that against my nails breaking away from my nail beds and eczema so decided to take 1000mcg a day.  I will watch it closely though, thanks.


This sure is a hellish nightmare I fear I will never wake up from.





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Honestly, in my own experience here, I think there might be a slightly increased amount of wd sx associated with valium. But this may be due to many who have done a CT then crossed to valium, therefore it is probably the ct which has caused an increase in wd sx, rather than the valium. That would be an interesting study.


Clair, you'll wake up.  :)

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Hi Clair,


I too am deficicient in most of the b vitamins, which we all know make w/d worse when we take them.  I have to take thiamin injections every day for 6 months (100  mg).  Even though valium is not considered an anticonvulsant, it reactsthe same way as and anticonvulsant according to my doc.  So, now I'm stuck with taking a multivitamin and the injections everyday which make my w/d worse.  Most people do not have a deficiency.  A few of us are the exceptions.  Sorry you have to go through tis.  It's horrid, I know.



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