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Bringing up Annie 🐕


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On 29/04/2024 at 22:17, [[B...] said:

@[or...], Thank you so much for introducing us to Annie!  She made my day!  I love the picture of her looking in the mirror.  ❤

I tried the mirror thing with my cat Molly. She does not even react. LOL

They say most pets like dogs and cats don't know what they look like, but my cat recognizes other cats and she knows me from my brother and strangers that come to the house. Maybe, she does not know she is a cat too. 😁

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1 minute ago, [[o...] said:


Ah, this is like so cute. 👍 I am in love with your little Annie. 

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3 minutes ago, [[A...] said:

Ah, this is like so cute. 👍 I am in love with your little Annie. 

Makes me believes there's someone "up there" looking over us because how scared I was that I was too old, and with the benzo wd sxs, felt I might not handle it but she is so good for me and my recovery :classic_love:

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She’s just too cute! How lovely for her to have such a good dog mom and I believe the distraction and fun taking care of her will aid in your taper and recovery.

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8 minutes ago, [[p...] said:

She’s just too cute! How lovely for her to have such a good dog mom and I believe the distraction and fun taking care of her will aid in your taper and recovery.


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2 hours ago, [[p...] said:

She’s just too cute! How lovely for her to have such a good dog mom and I believe the distraction and fun taking care of her will aid in your taper and recovery.

Hi Pianogirl, good to see you,

She's a handful but anyone that's raised a puppy knows what I'm talking about ;)  I'm getting a lot of distraction from more unhealthy things like TV, yuck, and so tired I don't even remember my C-dose in the a.m. but I come close to the time at least.

She's really a good, smart little thing, and like I keep saying, I'm being trained and learning I actually can learn some new tricks at my age:classic_biggrin: OL

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We are doing so good here I can hardly believe it.  Annie is so teachable, and I've probably learned way more than her.  It's been years and years since I had a puppy to raise, about '93 I had my last pup.  I was married, had a big house w/yard and doggy door, and worked a regular job.  My x was home quite a bit as he was not a 9 to 5'r ;)

Anyway, I'll try to add a picture here of us this a.m., Annie and I.  I am on day 8 of my last taper and amazingly, the taper from 53 % down to 50 % is going so good.  I would be so happy to do this each time, as it would cut down so much on the taper time, but I'll keep sticking to listening to my body.

All the extra work/exercise I get with Annie has been a real blessing.  Her and I both are sleep clear through the night, 6-7 hours.  Slow tapers are highly recommended by me for quality of life while still only tapering:


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What a darling picture of both of you. So glad your increased amount of taper is working. Maybe we'll get through this thing quicker than we think, but certainly no rush.

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3 hours ago, [[A...] said:

What a darling picture of both of you. So glad your increased amount of taper is working. Maybe we'll get through this thing quicker than we think, but certainly no rush.

It's kind of a blessing seeing as how I've been so stressed out, but still doing good on my sleep, and all the extra exercise!  I'm worn out half the time but it actually feels good :) :hug:

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Annie and I are both doing good.  I just got her new harness and leash combo yesterday and we went out to try it out.  She did so good considering being outside was new to her, at least since I brought her home.  I had to keep her in (Vet and lady I got her from both said) because her lack of series shots.  Of course she is used to potty pads which I've always taken my dogs outside to potty, so it's been rough.  She learned so fast, just like a natural at it.

The "walk" the first day was just getting familiar with the grassy lawns around the place.  She never potty'd at all but then she had already gone on the pads.  Yesterday she didn't go outside potty either, but we managed to go around the whole building once.  I don't know how to train her best, so I just kept from jerking her around and let her wander, around from one side of me and back.  She staying close, and just was so alert to everything and curious.

Just must seem so huge to such a little puppy, and she's only 90 days, or I guess 3 months old today.  I can hardly believe we've made it this far as I've had quite a few moments when I wondered why I got a puppy.  Then she gets worn out from playing and gets real calm and just has her toys to chew on instead of what I'm wearing :nono:

I just keep thinking of "Girls just want to have fun" by Cindi Lauper, :wacko: :2funny: She is learning to jump up, and over things of course, and my apt. looks like I'm preparing a barricade for intruders.  We are moving on the 20th of June, so from scratch, I'll make my apartment puppy-proof for her safety, and my peace of mind.  It gets cold and snows where we are moving, so maybe her being trained to use a potty pad, I can put one out on my balcony for really bad weather days.  I walk year-round here and want to with her as well, so I just mean the real stormy days.

Any feedback, how-to's with puppies would sure be welcome.  Some of the videos I see are just so much jabber, instead of just getting to the point.  It's too much information, so I'm mostly winging it with me so-called motherly instincts ;) oregonlady PS Hope you are all doing good out there today!!:hug:


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Posted (edited)

She's so adorable. I dream of having a dog one day. I am sure that the dog will help me switch from bad feelings and news. I have heard from friends that once you get a dog, you will have fewer problems and several times more joy and good mood. In case I decide to adopt a dog, I already know where I can find everything I need Pet Prescription Without Vet. I have already read a lot of important things there and saw that you can order everything from medicines to food

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4 hours ago, [[m...] said:

She's so adorable. I dream of having a dog one day

I did too, and finally got her :)  I sure didn't know how much work she would be, but it's been a real blessing to keep my so busy I haven't the time to think about my wd sxs at all, LOL!!  I don't have many sxs to be fair though but I sure am tired, and wow, my sleep has gone from insomnia to 6-7 hours a night!! OL PS  Welcome to BB, so glad you found the site Mia!!



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Such a cutie pie. I wonder if it would help to take one of the lightly used potty pads outside to help her get the idea? 

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7 minutes ago, [[A...] said:

Such a cutie pie. I wonder if it would help to take one of the lightly used potty pads outside to help her get the idea? 

that's not a bad idea when we move, but she did so good today when we went out at noon'ish and she did a # 2 so I praised her bigtime :)  She was way better on the leash, and we had a nice, sunny day too :) We're going out again soon, and I did get the final word on the apt., I'm in!!  So the move will go ahead on the 20th!!

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Aside from all the adjusting to having a puppy, learning about her needs, training, tripping over her and actually being afraid I just can't do this, what a lovely little creature she is.  I am so blessed as I had no idea what I was getting into, or how to pick a dog to raise.  I believe there is a God, and I feel there is a reason for everything.  Maybe I don't always agree with the God of my understanding but it's good to see some pieces of the puzzle fit into place.

She has learned about me as well, and is understanding she doesn't want to do the wrong thing, maybe even more than I don't want to do wrong things.  It's hard to put into words right now, but like now, she is just chewing on her toys, instead of trying to get me to play.  I just can't the last few days after another taper.  Plus I am having lower back pain from doing too many things I wasn't use to like bending over, more activities than I was use to.  Just more responsibilities which is what I wanted :clap:Careful what you ask for :)

I've learned to get hold of her when she is calm, and she is learning that she likes to be cuddled and just loved on.  For awhile I thought she'd never be cuddly, but then I realized she had not experienced that since she was taken away from her mother, and only had her puppy siblings, who disappeared one by one when they were sold to someone.  We are becoming so attached, and she is good medicine for me.  I haven't loved anyone, or anything for a long time and I just believe this is about healing from the benzo.

I still have a long way to go, but I was reminded today that I only have one day I need to get through.  I can't worry about what others think of me, they are not in my shoes.  I can't truly put myself in anyone else's either so I will continue to keep my distance.  I have one friend I feel is safe to share "everything" with, and I thank God for her.  And now I have a puppy, and dogs have always given unconditional love and that's probably the main reason I got Annie.  I don't know who needs who the most, we just need each other and I'll leave it at that

Annie after her first bath (I don't think she'd ever had one)


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Annie is so adorable...and is clearly ideal as your little buddy. Thanks for sharing her photo after her first bath. She has gorgeous markings! Enjoy your time with her...what an adventure.😊

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8 hours ago, [[B...] said:

Annie is so adorable...and is clearly ideal as your little buddy. Thanks for sharing her photo after her first bath. She has gorgeous markings! Enjoy your time with her...what an adventure.😊

Thanks so much Bluerose, if ever I needed a "companion" here she appears in my life :) Btw, her ears aren't that "red" it's the phones camera made them look that way.  She is a Red Havanese, but some are born mostly blond, and gradually whole body will get more reddish.  Some that are born very red all over, get more blonde.  At least that's what I found on the Havanese breed ;)

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Posted (edited)

That's interesting about the Red Havanese breed. It did cross my mind that the photo had some "help".😁 Still it amazes me when I see a dog in person whose color and markings jump out at me. 

I saw two dogs yesterday of opposite heights. They both had the same disposition...very calm. They appeared to be the best of friends...no sign of aggression from either dog towards the other. It seemed so odd...it seems more often than not, at least one of the dogs is more territorial than the other. I'm sure if they've been socialized at a young age on they're more likely to be more adaptable for life.

Even humans are social creatures who thrive from social interaction. It's how we're created. Sadly this benzo ordeal is extremely "isolating" since in general it isn't recognized or understood. I remember meeting up with a neighbor who was apparently prescribed benzos for her little dog. It was around the beginning of my benzo journey....I was mortified! I would like to think most veterinarians avoid prescribing benzos like the plague.

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I'm learey of the Vaccines for pets as well now.  I know some have been used for decades but still.  I wonder sometimes what the heck is the difference between Big Pharma and Drug dealers we seem so anxious to shut down.  I think a lot of bad coming from Big pharma is overlooked because of the good that comes from them.  Benzo is a huge bad though, it was never meant for long-term use is what I understand it's beginnings :(  Maybe some good will come of future generations if they just are able to see what is happening with millions of folks that have been prescribed.

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It really boggles the mind to know that a sizable group of society are living their lives in a state of health that's beyond words to describe....and it's caused by a little tiny pill. And it's legally prescribed!

And most of us look and talk pretty normal in spite of our true state....so consequently, it can appear like we're exaggerating our symptoms when explaining them.

It almost sounds like these drugs were purposely designed. I can't wait for it to end...this level of suffering. But it certainly has been an eye opener! I have trouble trusting pharmaceutical drugs too...and just approach it with great caution. 

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Been so busy today, especially with annie but a great, sunny day.  We were outdoors several hour total, and had lots of fun because although I have hip troubles from over-work, one of the ladies that works in the office of our apartment son DJ, I think he's about 12, played and played with annie while I shot some video, it was so fun.

My little dog is just wonderful and everyone is falling in love with her.  She's just such a good little thing, how blessed I am :)  I haven't even thought of anything negative, no time, LOL!!  Waiting for my dinner to be finished and hope things are going good for you BR, OL!!

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It's good Annie is people oriented. You are definitely fortunate. I know I have fallen in love with her just hearing about her and seeing her photo adds to the joy of hearing about her.😊

A gentleman nearby where I was today almost was bit by a dog, whom he decided to reach his hand out to. I will not do that unless I'm absolutely positive the dog knows me well enough to not react. The owner was apologetic, but I don't think what she said made him feel any better. The dog actually looked like a puppy....chocolate cocker spaniel, and was a beautiful dark chocolate color. It was unique to me. 

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Sounds like you had a wonderful time outdoors with Annie. I bet that little boy will be happy to play with her again, and that's good for him and also for Annie getting used to children. And for you since it tires Annie out.

I don't think the dog I've got has ever been around kids. There's a 3-year-old next door and she looks at him like she's not sure if he's human.

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On 21/05/2024 at 08:54, [[o...] said:

Thanks so much Bluerose, if ever I needed a "companion" here she appears in my life :) Btw, her ears aren't that "red" it's the phones camera made them look that way.  She is a Red Havanese, but some are born mostly blond, and gradually whole body will get more reddish.  Some that are born very red all over, get more blonde.  At least that's what I found on the Havanese breed ;)


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