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Who Else has Anxiety as the worst Sx?


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Anxiety and Panic attacks are my WORST symptom by far.  During my titration my symptoms weren't anything to write home about. I mean they were super low and I felt pretty good most of the time except for the tinnitus that I have had for over a year now, that comes and goes. I am starting to question my titration!  Im wondering If I screwed it up or something.... Anyhow about 3-5 days after my last dose the panic attacks started. I've never had panic attacks before in my life!  the PA's last about 6-8 hours NON stop it seems. Then yesterday I had a window that lasted well into this morning. I felt totally normal!  Then I guess around 11am the weird physical anxiety started to build. I'm not mentally anxious that much at all. But I can feel my body; stomach and chest contracting and getting supper tight. My stomach feels like butterflies on steroids basically. and my head feels really really out of it. Like being stoned in a very bad way. This is still building and building.  I have never had just physical anxiety before.  But all the different flavors of anxiety are my worse symptom by far!  who else , and what does yours feel like?



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I feel like my entire torso/abdomen is being squeezed and it gets difficult to breath.  Also the muscles in my hand, fingers, calf, and toes seize up- but only on the left side for all of them.  I do feel more cog fog when it flares up too.  I used to have marathon attacks during the first 2-3 months, but mostly it just hits me in the mornings now, and for short periods during the day sometimes.  The intensity is also a lot lower than it was.
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Mark, I have that too. Anxiety is terrible now. Also have the ear ringing. Plus the insomnia.


Yours sounds worse than mine. My sympathies.


Stay strong. Check out "benzo withdrawal coping tips" on youtube for encouragement.

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I would definitely say anxiety and panic attacks are my worst symptoms, I feel like I'm gonna die everyday, I've been to ER numerous times.....all my tests are always fine.....I check my blood pressure a million times a day, it's really scary, I hate feeling this way, I was never like this before.....ever!!!! I look forward to the day when these symptoms are gone.....I try all the positive self talk and breathing and all that stuff.....sometimes it works....sometimes it don't.....I just wanted you to know your not alone,  I know EXACTLY how you feel!!!!
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My sympathies to you as well Mark, Yeah Besides the mornings, (I force myself out to the library to use the computer here...helps a lot) I n the afternoons I dont have anything to do and the anxiety just builds with clenched fists and rocking back and forth sometimes, this sucks hard. I just posted a link to some anxiety tips in another thread. check it out. good luck
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Yep - anxiety is the worst one for me and when it strikes heavily at night tearing me out of what little sleep I get it is bad bad bad. I sweat and suffer stomach and chest squeezes with adrenaline surges. Mini panic attacks I guess. It revs up brain fog too.
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Following two dreadful C/T experiences, I can attest that a non-stop state of anxiety was by far the worst of my symptoms. It would abate as long as I stayed indoors and alone; when forced to be around ppl other than my family, the panicky feeling would set in. I had some odd stuff like head and neck shakes, loss of vocal tone--my voice came out as a whisper--, and a peculiar electric sensation that ran from my feet upwards, until I felt as though I was about to take off and smash on through the ceiling like a weird little rocket.


I don't know of anything that would render this state more manageable or acceptable except an adrenergic blocker of some kind, if you can take it, and non-traumatic people exposure. There are therapies that include this element; the therapist accompanies the client through a series of aversive experiences, guiding them and helping them manage distress until various traumatic/phobic situations are defanged.


Unfortunately, this kind of thing is expensive. If you have your own Internet access, you might want to research this subject to see if you can't find something you can employ yourself. Good luck. I've been where you are, am still on the least Klon I've taken, ever (either 0.125 or 0.25, depending), and am anticipating more of the same.




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Thank you to everyone.  It feels good that others can relate to this.  My rolling panic attacks have gone away and turned into INTENSE , CONSTANT anxiety. I would rather have this, than the rolling back to back panics.  The panic was soo bad last week I ran a COLD shower,...no hot water at all and jumped in for a minute..it sounds extreme but it worked. It took my mind off of the attack and focus on how damn cold I was.


Anxiety is still my worst SX over all. But it seems to be evolving and changing daily.  As I said the attacks are gone now and now its a constant state...it was 100% physical anxiety with very little in the way of mental anxiety..and now that is changing as well.  What a wild ride this is.  :crazy:

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Me... my anxiety is definitely my worst symptom. Worse than the insomnia at this point too, and that's really saying something. It's mostly the social anxiety that has gotten out of control these last few weeks, but I also get panic attacks at night. I've never had a panic attack before benzos. Sucks but I'll get through it.
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