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Natural supplements to help a temazepam cold turkey?


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Please help me...

I am desperate to find something natural to help horrible sleep(0-2hours) and extreme anxiety and depression caused by a 2nd (!) Temazepam cold turkey.  

Melatonin at any strength hasn't helped, nor has L-theanine, CBD/CBN, valerian, chamomile or any form of magnesium. (They did not make my symptoms worse, they just did nothing).

Next up to try are baicalin/skullcap, magnolia bark extract, jujube fruit extract, passionflower and/or apigenin. I know these are on the BIC Potentially Dangerous List and may mess up gaba receptors just like benzos,/make withdrawal symptoms worse,  but like I said I am desperate. If one or more of these helped I'd taper off of it eventually.  Have any of these helped any of you? Is there something different you'd recommend I try?

I've been in a benzo withdrawal from hell for 18 months after a first cold-turkey from just 2 week's use of Restoril/temazepam for insomnia and also kindling from a dr having me try 9 other drugs (one at a time) for insomnia within 1 month's time before the temazepam.

I have almost every withdrawal symptom listed on this site- the worst being:  extreme insomnia, (0-3 broken hours of sleep per day), extreme anxiety, agitation, depression, thoughts of self harm and dementia-like symptoms.  I am house/bed-bound and can barely function- can't watch tv, read, clean house, cook, exercise-even the sound of my dishwasher is too much for my senses. I am 60 years old. 

Yes, I've read the 2400+ days off insomnia advice post from ThEwAy2 on the Insomnia Forum here.








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Passion flower Valerian Skullcap. Use as a tincture. Don't know how you took these that it didn't work. Probably the herbs were old and ineffective, they work for me when needed.

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