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Boredom but no energy


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Hi buddies, just wondering if anyone else is struggling with feeling bored but too tired to do much. I'm 11 months out and feeling really impatient to be well. I try to keep busy but sometimes feel like I have ADD as I can't concentrate on anything for long. I read and do tapestry and some painting but I really miss my old self. I used to travel as my son lives abroad but can't now as I'm too ill so that really depresses me. Wondering if I'll ever be well enough to get on a plane again. Any helpful suggestions please. Sorry about the pity party, sometimes it just hits home.

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Please let’s all try not to feel guilty for sharing what we’re going through. When did expressing ourselves during a painful moment become pity? I know I feel self conscious about sharing my suffering, but I’m trying to not feed into that toxic modern belief system.

I hear you and I relate to everything you expressed.

Dont worry about the people who can’t tolerate a so called “depressing” post, they are adults and can move on from the post. The important thing is that you have a place to vent your feelings and frustration so they don’t continue to gnaw away at you.

i for one appreciate your honesty and willingness to be authentic. 
Thank you and I hope you find a little peace having a stranger validate what your feeling ❤️


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Snap, I'm also at 11 months with a son abroad and cannot visit. Only just started walking out of the house again, never mind trains, planes and automobiles!  I try to pick up knitting here and there as the hand movements are supposed to be beneficial to the brain, though it has enough to be getting on with trying to recalibrate itself. Soon it will be Spring which might help us.  I am soooo ready to be well again.  

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15 hours ago, [[B...] said:

Hi buddies, just wondering if anyone else is struggling with feeling bored but too tired to do much. I'm 11 months out and feeling really impatient to be well. I try to keep busy but sometimes feel like I have ADD as I can't concentrate on anything for long. I read and do tapestry and some painting but I really miss my old self. I used to travel as my son lives abroad but can't now as I'm too ill so that really depresses me. Wondering if I'll ever be well enough to get on a plane again. Any helpful suggestions please. Sorry about the pity party, sometimes it just hits home.

I am just about done with my taper and am bored with no motivation also.  Sit and watch TV all day.  Sucks.  When I go out, I feel bad/sad.  Dont know why.  Hoping once I am off, some normal feelings will return.  I have terrible tinnitus to boot constantly ringing.  Really bad.  They say to try and not be negative, but not sure how thats possible.  :(

Guess we just hang in there?

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Thanks for the reply Knun Kit, yes I have tinnitus too. We must try and stay positive if we can. I have had some relief of symptoms but as I still have a lot of brain fog and can't concentrate the boredom gets to me. Hoping we get some relief soon.

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10 hours ago, [[B...] said:

Thanks for the reply, yes I have tinnitus too. We must try and stay positive if we can. I have had some relief of symptoms but as I still have a lot of brain fog and can't concentrate the boredom gets to me. Hoping we get some relief soon.

What have u done to manage Tinnitus?  I have set up appointments with audiologist but they are a ways out.  I am suffering quite a bit.  Really affects my will to get up and do anything I usually love to do. 😩

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So sorry to hear you're suffering. Mind at the moment is mild so I can ignore it. I understand how you feel about getting going in the morning, but I find once I'm up  the morning blues start to go. All the best.

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Wide sky,

Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean a lot to me. Today I am all aches and pains, something different every day but I do also see signs of healing. I will try to find something different to do today for my neuroplasticity!!


Wu Wei,

Whereabouts is your son, mine is just making the move to Barcelona. Is so cruel isn't it, but I do believe that time will heal us. Thanks for replying to my post 

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@[Bl...]You’re so welcome. You, @[WU...] and@[Kh...]are in my thoughts of healing.

im very sad and frightened so I try very hard to show others the support I need also.

 Live alone and it’s extremely hard dealing with agoraphobia and chemical terror. I do challenge myself in taking small steps each day but it’s very difficult.

I feel like I want to do things but there’s like a concrete barrier between me and the world which makes it extremely hard to move. It’s literally like I’m frozen. So very hard to describe.

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Wide Sky. I understand what you are saying. Sometimes it is very difficult to believe  that we are moving forward through this but it is a healing process and we are moving forward. Thank you for your kind thoughts. I offer mine to you and hope you get relief sooner rather than later 

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Thanks @[wi...] and the same healing thoughts to you. 

@[Bl...]  With neuroplasticity not sure that is the case for us until our brains have healed.  Mind you I suppose we should develop new habits alongside the healing so we don't heal back to our original messy state!

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Healing, in my experience, never allows you to heal back to your "original messy state" or it wouldn't be called healing IMO.  For example, I went on Benzos for insomnia.  After I healed, my sleep returned to the point where I could live a normal life.  I did not try to develop "new sleep habits" while I was healing so the insomnia would not return.  The insomnia was caused by glutamate excitotoxicity.  Normally GABA receptors (what make you calm and relaxed so you can sleep) are in a balancing act with glutamate receptors (what makes you active and alert or even fight or flight feelings).  However, the Benzos temporarily take GABA off-line.  Glutamate, left unchecked, sends signals much more rapidly than it normally would, a state known as excitotoxicity.  That's why many have insomnia and feel "wired" all the time, even after not sleep for days.  Until GABA and Glutamate get back in balance symptoms occur.  Time is the only thing that can get these two neurological receptors back in balance.

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That was me. Took this poison so I could sleep when under stress and away from home in hotels when I was working. This is a terrible price to pay for some sleep. Now I'm retired after working hard all my life and I'm dealing with this. If only I had known the consequences of this before hand. Thats where the frustration comes in that this is still being subscribed daily to unsuspecting people. The doctors are creating way more addicts then the street pushers. The war on drugs needs to focus on the GP's office.

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So true Pinster, I'm trying hard not to dwell on it too much until I'm healed . Then I will be looking to be an advocate for change. The situation is ridiculous. It's really hard to explain to my children that you can't trust your Dr.

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On 28/01/2024 at 12:49, [[w...] said:

Please let’s all try not to feel guilty for sharing what we’re going through. When did expressing ourselves during a painful moment become pity? I know I feel self conscious about sharing my suffering, but I’m trying to not feed into that toxic modern belief system.

I hear you and I relate to everything you expressed.

Dont worry about the people who can’t tolerate a so called “depressing” post, they are adults and can move on from the post. The important thing is that you have a place to vent your feelings and frustration so they don’t continue to gnaw away at you.

i for one appreciate your honesty and willingness to be authentic. 
Thank you and I hope you find a little peace having a stranger validate what your feeling ❤️

Excellent post!! We are not guilty, as those intrusive thoughts would insist!💙🩵🤍

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It's strange: I've been hit with literally every symptom imaginable but almost no tinnitus. Barely noticeable when it's there. I guess someone threw me a bone on that one.

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