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I was starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.This last week I got hit with depression and Benzo Belly. Last night I got slammed with symptoms. 19 months CT. At 68 i wonder if I'll live long enough to ever experience normal life again. Tough to keep the thoughts positive. I have had irritable bowel since I was 22 years old. Now it's constant at varying levels. When my stomach goes south so does my thinking. It's been tough on my wife also. My thinking these days is clearer except when the brain fog hits usually after dinner. I still feel like life is a movie I'm watching. There is some communication with people but it's tough to really participate. No one said life was easy right? My dad used to tell me no matter how bad your situation is there are millions of people on the planet who would trade places with you tomorrow. He lived to 91. Maybe those words will help you or someone else when down.  

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What benzo did you CT from?

What dose?

What length of usage?

What medical issue did you start taking it to treat?

You said>>>>



My dad used to tell me no matter how bad your situation is there are millions of people on the planet who would trade places with you tomorrow.



Your dad is right. There are ppl with other medical problems who would trade places with us in a heartbeat as difficult as that might seem to believe. Just envision someone in chronic pain much worse than acute benzo w/d suffering. That is hard for me (many of us actually) to imagine.  🙏

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If you read some of my earlier posts you can read this in more detail. Started with a drug for Irritable bowel in my 20's called Bentyl. Became addicted and took about 18 months of hell CT. In my 40's heart doc gave me Ambien so I could sleep because of constant PAC's from ablation procedure to stop atrial flutter. 15 years later I finally went into A-fib. Had a 5 hour a-fib ablation procedure which stopped the a-fib. They almost killed me in recovery but thats a story for another time. Then my heart doc CT'd me off the ambien after 15 years of taking as needed. Believe it or not the withdrawal was mild. Then my GP prescribed Xanax about 4 years later for sleep which i rarely used in small amounts and that destroyed me after taking only maybe 30 to 40 half tabs over like 3 years. And now I'm here 1 1/2 years later still with major suffering physical and mental. Also I was prescribed Seldane in my 30's for allergy's that was taken off the market because it was found to cause heart arrhythmia's. Yea I'm a lifer with this system. 

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Unfortunately some people take longer than 19 months to heal.  I've seen plenty of people on this forum take 24 to 36 months (some even longer) to get significant relief.  I thought I'd never heal either and so did countless others, but eventually most people heal enough, given enough time, to live life the same or close to the way they did before Benzos.  That's the super frustrating part of healing and recovery...not knowing how long it will  take to get somewhat of a "normal" life back.  I learned that putting a timeline on when you expect to be healed only makes things worse because when you believe you should be healed by a certain time, and it doesn't happen, you are even more frustrated and start to believe you are stuck for life.  Peace!

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