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How writing helps me cope (and affirmations to go with it all)


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I've been having massive wave periods for my tapering the last week. This one step down is feeling rougher than the others. I have been waking up feeling so angry, man... But then I felt I needed to use that anger to write something important. I wanted to speak about my inner child and the journey we had, as 'opponents' and then as we learned to work together and how my insight into this whole psychiatry business is going to matter, because being an artist gives me tools to do something about that pain I feel, that we all share here (with different degrees).

I wanted to share this piece with you, of whoever might need to read something uplifting in the sense that I might feel down and sometimes defeated... But my anger always brings back this kind of energy. The energy to do something to improve not just myself and my relationship with myself and my pain, but the world around me. 

I hope it might inspire more writing and more of our voices to come out. 

I wish you a good recovery, as good a day as you can have and I'd love to hear from you. 



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Also here's a list of affirmations I wrote down for me to go over and over and over, to help while I'm feeling at my lowest. 

Hope it helps you too, guys. 

"To remember when you feel as crap as you feel now:

You are brave. It doesn't matter if someone else admits it, says it to you, if you've got tons of people saying it or none. You just are.

You are talented. The statistics are just numbers. They are no reflection of your ability, your talent, your originality. Just look at how some artists were treated during their lives and now that they're gone how they're put on a pedestal. People can be weird, some are going to see and hear you, some are blind and deaf until there's a trend happening.

You are wise. Just accept that.

You are beautiful, regardless of whether you feel inside like you're exhausted, like you're puffy, like you're getting old, or fat or else... You are beautiful because it's not just your physical appearance that's beautiful, it's the light underneath that shines through.

If something is for you, it'll be effortless. Let things and people come and go, if that's what they do, then... Enjoy when they are there and accept they go when they do. It has zero impact on your worth. Your worth remains the same, and it's always been there, even before you DID anything or "accomplished anything". You had worth when you were born. When you started laughing, crying, walking, talking.

Money is just energy. Be open to it. It'll come eventually.

If you resist what is... It'll persist. The more you let go, accept and surrender, the easier it'll be and the more peace you'll feel.

You're a good person. Anger, rage, resentment, bitterness, complaint... They're just normal human emotions and reactions. And they also teach you things or they propel you sometimes.

Your pain is valid. No one knows better than you what your pain is like and how you should handle it. How you should feel and cope. You know what's best for you and you know how to listen to yourself.
Your pain has always worth. It's teaching you, however terrible it feels. It always shows you something once you're on the other side.

Breathe. Take it one day at a time and if that's too much, an hour at a time, if that's too much, one minute. You'll be OK. You'll get through it all.

Remember when you feel like shit and that this day might be your last that your track record of getting through really shit days is 100% and that's pretty damn good.

Keep a sense of humor and healthy distrust of rules.

You do you. If you can't and it's too hard, it's also fine. It's ALL fine."



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