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Flu shot or no?


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So I’m 5 years off but still in this. I got a flu shot yearly and the 1st three Covid vaccines which may have made me worse because around those times I had setbacks esp at the 3rd Covid booster. 
mom wondering  if I shouldn’t  risk the flu shot this year, but I’m scared to get the flu. 
I’m 41 and healthy otherwise, but we do have a child in middle school. I feel damned if I do and don’t in this situation. I had a cold for 2 weeks and that revved me up, but not in a setback way. 
I haven’t had the flu since I got the vaccines, but I just don’t know because once it’s on me I can’t get it out yet I don’t want to die from the flu. 
I want to heal and LIVE life. 
Any advice ?

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I don't think we are supposed to give medical advice but I'll just chime in and say I've never had a flu shot and I've never had flu, whereas a friend had his flu shot every year and got flu every year. Crazy! I've never thought it was worth the bother of a shot and I must say that friend of mine sealed it for me


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Maybe have your middle schooler get the flu shot and anyone else in your family so you’re less likely to have it brought home. That’s what we do. I won’t risk a shot ever. 

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7 minutes ago, [[m...] said:

Maybe have your middle schooler get the flu shot and anyone else in your family so you’re less likely to have it brought home. That’s what we do. I won’t risk a shot ever. 

Yea he did a few weeks ago! I had the same idea! Good thinking! 

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Absolutley not.

Ive had covid. I am unvaccinated for covid.


Same with flu shots. never.

Setbacks are real. Especially ACUTE ones. Im in one at 6yrs off. No joke. Prior to feeling healed from taking PEPCID. I could not imagine a vaccine.

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34 minutes ago, [[b...] said:

Absolutley not.

Ive had covid. I am unvaccinated for covid.

Same with flu shots. never.

Setbacks are real. Especially ACUTE ones. Im in one at 6yrs off. No joke. Prior to feeling healed from taking PEPCID. I could not imagine a vaccine.

Don’t I know it. I had a setback 3.5 years in that was hell a month after an Covid booster (January 2022) and another last March. I can’t go back again and need to only go forward. 

Thanks for the advice. I think I’ll take a pass on it! 
I hope that you feel better soon! 

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I got my flu shot last week. I get one every year. I just had a sore arm. But everyone's different, right? Oh, and I've never had the flu. :classic_wink:

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@[ho...] I wouldn't risk it. I've seen so many people have bad reactions to those flu shots, worse than actually having the flu. Also, those shots are always based on a previous version of a virus which has most likely mutated by the time you're innoculated, so they don't really protect you all that much anyway. I think we all need to rethink our habits regarding medical practices at this point, unfortunately.

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16 hours ago, [[G...] said:

I don't think we are supposed to give medical advice but I'll just chime in and say I've never had a flu shot and I've never had flu, whereas a friend had his flu shot every year and got flu every year. Crazy! I've never thought it was worth the bother of a shot and I must say that friend of mine sealed it for me

Every medicine and medical procedure carries potential benefits and risks. This does not mean that mean that we make no use of medicine.

Flu shots cover only the most common strains. The data is overwhelming and undeniable: vaccinations are some of the most effective and safe medications out there.

Seems that you have been lucky, and your friend, unlucky. I expect, though, that your friend has not had flu every year.

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15 hours ago, [[m...] said:

Maybe have your middle schooler get the flu shot and anyone else in your family so you’re less likely to have it brought home. That’s what we do. I won’t risk a shot ever. 

Perhaps best to not speculate on these kinds of decisions, which should be between doctor and patient. It is not really a subject for rolling dice, mixing and matching, gut feelings, or votes.

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12 hours ago, [[L...] said:


     I had my flu shot two weeks ago and had no issues.  


And this is true for nearly everyone.

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Hi @[Co...] perhaps it is because my friend (who is not a friend anymore as I haven't heard from him since I told him about the benzo nightmare) lives in London and is out and about all day long whereas I live out in the wilds of the countryside and have never been one for a regular social life, so all depends on one's lifestyle I guess. He said he got the flu every year but he could have been exaggerating, bit of a hypochondriac I think!

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12 hours ago, [[b...] said:

Absolutley not.

Ive had covid. I am unvaccinated for covid.

Same with flu shots. never.

Setbacks are real. Especially ACUTE ones. Im in one at 6yrs off. No joke. Prior to feeling healed from taking PEPCID. I could not imagine a vaccine.

Huge numbers of people died from influenza and other viruses before the advent of vaccination. And those who did not die, many would be highly visible in society, disabled and/or disfigured.

Vaccination is not an issue for those who have withdrawn from benzodiazepines.

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11 hours ago, [[o...] said:

I got my flu shot last week. I get one every year. I just had a sore arm. But everyone's different, right? Oh, and I've never had the flu. :classic_wink:

I've had flu a few times (when younger), but never when vaccinated. These days, I am normally vaccinated. As you say, a sore arm, maybe.

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1 hour ago, [[h...] said:

Well said! 

No, not really.

Sorry everyone, but we do not allow anti-vaccination propaganda at BB. So, I am locking this thread.

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15 minutes ago, [[G...] said:

Hi @[Co...] perhaps it is because my friend (who is not a friend anymore as I haven't heard from him since I told him about the benzo nightmare) lives in London and is out and about all day long whereas I live out in the wilds of the countryside and have never been one for a regular social life, so all depends on one's lifestyle I guess. He said he got the flu every year but he could have been exaggerating, bit of a hypochondriac I think!

Yes, that's likely a significant factor. Most people will have noticed how few colds we developed during the COVID lockdown. I used get 2-3 colds per year until COVID. I had none during those two years, and I do not recall having one since. I expect this will change in the coming years and I will be back to 2-3 colds per year.

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2 hours ago, [[C...] said:

There is evidence for association between some vaccinations and autoimmune diseases. However, the risks of not taking the vaccination still outweighs the risks of taking them. There is no zero-risk option - only lower risk options. And doing nothing is usually the riskier option.


I though I'd reference a recent paper regarding possible links between COVID vaccination (in this case) and autoimmune disease. I failed to find a recent study discussing the subject more broadly.

From what I have read on the subject, the answer is nuanced, varies by disease (and vaccine), and is broadly inconclusive. But where a link between an autoimmune disease and specific vaccination has been researched, and there remains uncertainty, I suggest that it is probably because either there is no link, or only very small numbers of people are negatively affected.

We also need to factor in that some of the prevented diseases actually cause autoimmune disease, and sometimes in far greater numbers than what the vaccine is thought might cause. But you will not read any of this from those promoting their website selling quack wares (or making money through advertising), or their Youtube channel,* etc.

* Youtube has closed down a lot these now. But they exist elsewhere.


I understand that many of our members feel damaged by benzodiazepines, the lack of warnings and informed consent, etc. But we should not project these experiences onto unrelated matters, other people, or medicine in general. Medicine is inexact by its nature, and is practiced by (imperfect) people. But modern medicine and medical science is what has enabled life expectancy in the West to nearly double over the past 150 years.


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