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Weight-bearing exercises, at home, or gym for senior women


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First, a definition of a "weight-bearing" exercise:

Definition/Introduction. Weight-bearing is any activity that one performs on one or both feet. It requires that one carry bodyweight on at least one lower extremity. Weight-bearing is an activity that the skeletal system does against gravity.May 1, 2023 by National Institutes of Health.gov.


I had never had a bone-density check, but I'm glad I finally got one, I'm 70 and just thought it would be smart to get the test.   I don't like tests, and usually just blow them off, but if I could see how my bones are holding up (and I do like to be as active as I can, for as long as I can) it would be worth the effort.So surprisingly I had some osteoporosis starting.  I don't have a past test to compare it too, but I got back in about 7 months and see if any improvement.  My first step was to keep from my diabetes (T2) getting worse, but I even reversed it, or some say it's in remission.  Either way, my ketogenic diet took care of that. 

Then I began looking at other ways to save myself some pains, and worries of my body shriveling up into older and older age, so there I go on to more research, etc.  I lost all the weight I needed to, began using a gym, and I learn something new everyday I am looking at info on weight-bearing exercise/training that protects bones, and even some are reversing, and rebuilding bone. 

This all has helped me focus on the quality of life I want, especially after the day I ditch the benzo!  I do supplement because I just don't believe I can get all Essential minerals, and enough Vitamins in my foods.  I just don't believe it.  For one thing I can't afford, or if I can I still can't eat enough to even get to the FDA's recommended amount.  Although I'm darn close with what I have in my freezer and refrigerator.  I don't buy what I need to stay away from and it works for me.  I do live alone so have the advantage of cooking only for myself.  Very lonely sometimes, but making the best of it ;)

I found a lady that I'm not sure her age, but I like the way she is not all flashy and or jumps around like 3 year old.  I'm following her now on youtube, and learning some new info.  I've been into training at the gym for going on 2 years, if not there already.  I've been doing some weight-bearing exercises a bit wrong, which even a bit wrong cause me not to help my osteo at all. 

If anyone has bone-loss, I encourage you to just take a peek at this gals simple instructions, she is a long-time physical therapist.  I hope she might be someone that can help you get started if you have already.  This really is for older gals, but it is also for younger gals that want to prevent or at least slow down bone lose:)

Hugs and encouragement, Denise :smitten::hug:

PS I would really like remind you that this is not for people who say "I can't", I understand there are many reasons you "can't".  This is for people that are willing to take a good look at what they CAN do.  I don't do this stuff every day, I get depressed and I just won't do anything, but with a couple of days of the alternative of doing nothing at all for my body, I am ready to try again.  We have to learn to stop giving up, me included, because our quality of life NOW, is no one else's responsibility but our own.

We have tons of historical figures, and people living today with much worse issues than some of us have.  They're my heros, facing life on life's terms.

If you click on her pic, under video to the left, you can pick from her many videos, and find something just for you ;)


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Thanks @[or...] . My mother is having a bone density test in late Dec. of this year.

I have been working out in a gym for the past 35 years doing both cardio and weight training. I actually did lower body last night and my legs are a little sore today but I enjoy working out. It is a great distraction.


How long have you been keto? I am whole-food / plant-based myself. How long have you been in remission from the T2D? Are your HBA1Cs and fasting blood sugar levels all in the normal ranges now? What were they before you began the keto? How long have you been keto? What do you mostly eat now? What were you eating before you began keto.


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Wow, that's a lot of questions, but some are answered in my original post if you don't mind reading there again.  I have to go to the gym now while I read to go or I might miss it again ;)  I'll write more when I get home for lunch.  I do want to share everything with you, so I will be back in about 2 hours ;) Denise

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6 hours ago, [[A...] said:

Thanks @[or...] . My mother is having a bone density test in late Dec. of this year.

I have been working out in a gym for the past 35 years doing both cardio and weight training. I actually did lower body last night and my legs are a little sore today but I enjoy working out. It is a great distraction.

How long have you been keto? I am whole-food / plant-based myself. How long have you been in remission from the T2D? Are your HBA1Cs and fasting blood sugar levels all in the normal ranges now? What were they before you began the keto? How long have you been keto? What do you mostly eat now? What were you eating before you began keto.

Hi AB, had a pretty long day, sorry not to get back earlier.  Great that you've been doing regular gym-work for all those years.  I always enjoyed walks, but was never regular with any exercise until about the last 10 or so years.  All I did was take regular walks.  Then I got diagnosed with T2 diabetes which scared me as I was not going to ever take another drug because of what clonazepam did to me.  That's on my About me you can read that story.

Anyway, I got lucky and found Keto, including a forum with folks that have helped me along my 2.5 year journey.  This January will be 3 years on my ketogenic diet.  My A1c's are all good (I got as high as 7.4 on my A1c, that was when they diagnosed me).  I had no warning that I had pre-diabetes in 2018.   I was a carb junkie, pretty much, and didn't know it.  I now study Insulin Resistance which is the cause of most of our diseases, especially in the US.

I eat meats, fish, poultry, dairy (yogurt, real cream for my coffee, butter, and cheese) and lots of good fats including saturated.  Some of my fave online docs are Dr. Benjamin Bikman, Dr. Ken Berry, and Dr. David Unwin.  I listen to any info on low-carb eating (podcasts by Diet Doctors with Dr. Bret Scher I love).

If your plant-based diet works for you I am glad, we all are different, but what I had to ask myself was one question.  Do I want eat this way the rest of my life, and will I be able to, and the answer was yes.  I've never looked back, and I've learned to even bake some goodies using Stevia which I never overdo that even.  It's probably because I went through the sugar withdrawals and ended up with no cravings for it.  I have one snack a day and that is usually Two Good Yogurt with chopped walnuts and blueberries.

You asked what I ate before keto, too much, and too often is the first part of the answer, and the second is, starches, breads/gluten, fruits, lots of high carbs. Never realized what was happening, except I gained 40 lbs and could never lose it.  Now I'm at 111 which will go up as I build muscle but I more muscle now than I did when I was in highschool, just from doing my weight-training.

Hope I answered all your questions.  You can read my profile notes, I think  it's all in there.  If you think of something else, oh, I should tell you I don't count calories, I eat when I'm hungry, which usually don't get hungry at all, and have to remind myself to eat dinner, sometimes something for lunch as well ;) Denise PS if you want to know more please feel welcome to ask :)

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Thanks @[or...]. I just read your profile. Looks like you are also close to detoxing the klonopin using a microtaper. I am glad you have found health and wellness with keto. I also eat no processed refined carbs or simple sugars but I do eat whole carbs, plant foods that are whole and fully intact with no processing like salads, greens, oat groats, whole grains, and a little fish or chicken but no dairy at all. I follow doctors like Caldwell Esselstyln, Neal Barnard, and Joel Fuhrman. I started eating like this in 2013. I have exercised my entire adult life, so nothing has really changed there.




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I think we are so fortunate to have the availability of doctors, and the studies, at our own fingertips :smitten: I found out yesterday from a buddy at the gym they are having line-dancing lessons at our local Elks Club, once a week!  He wanted me to go yesterday but it would have meant spoiling a really good workout I had going, so I said I'd be there next week ;)  We don't have a lot in our small town, and I love to hike but hard to find folks that will go with me.  Maybe I'll meet someone line-dancing that likes to hike. 

What sort of taper are you doing right now for that last 2.5 AB?  Slow and steady has been best for me, seen too many folks go to fast or CT.  I already tried that as you saw in my "history" input.  My slow taper by an MD was bad, and my whole left side of body went numb while I was up river camping, now almost 3 summers ago.  Lasted 3 days and today I still have partial numbness in my left arm.  Finding a lot more info on tapering has saved my life most likely, he was tapering me at 25% a month, too fast for me ;) Have a good one, Denise :balloon:

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Hi oregonlady and AntiBenzo7,

I just wanted to drop in on this conversation since I, too, came across videos by this physiotherapist (what we call them here in Canada -- she's from the Ottawa area of Ontario!) some time ago and was quite impressed with the quality of info she shares. Really good, I think! And she's got a ton of videos, if you're looking for more.

I'm already in the danger zone when it comes to bone density, and I've already had a fragility fracture as a result (in 2017). A horrible experience, I must say. Because I have ongoing disequilibrium from my benzos/antidepressants, plus a chronic issue with my foot, I'm in a really bad position when it comes to maintaining my bone density. It's a huge problem. I'm just doing my best as far as exercises go. I have an exercise plan that I follow, but the sooner this balance issue resolves, the better everything will be. I can only pray that it will go away completely. It can be completely debilitating at times.

As far as diet goes, I'm eating a whole-food plant-based diet (whole grains, beans/legumes, veggies, fruit, nuts/seeds) with just a bit of fish, but no dairy, meat or other animal products. I check out some of the same doctors as you do, AntiBenzo7, (although I don't actually "follow" anyone), and I've found so many great resources online of late. I'm also taking some supplements to add a bit extra calcium, magnesium and vitamin D, and using an estrogen patch (plus progesterone tabs for specific days of the month), although the info on those topics can be rather confusing and conflicting. It depends on whom you listen to. There's no one right answer, as far as I can see, and each woman has to figure out what works best for her.

I wish you both the best with your tapers and applaud everything that you're doing to stay healthy. We all have to do the best we can with our individual situations. :thumbsup:

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Hi AB7,

Yes, I think for me, there are definitely benefits, and I've leaned this way for most of my life anyway. No red meat or dairy for more than 40 years now since those things really never worked well for me. But now there's so much more good info available that's easily accessible online, so if I want to learn more or have questions, there are many more resources I can access.

My fave foods are pretty basic, actually -- short grain brown rice, lentils, chickpeas, all the green veggies, etc. I have to keep it simple for practical purposes at this point, which suits me just fine.


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P.S. I don't want to hijack your thread, Oregonlady, in order just to focus on food and diets, so if it makes more sense to start a separate thread for this part of the conversation, do let us know. :-)

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