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CT vs. W/D


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I threw down Ativan, but after 2 months use, Xeno, and had no w/d.


Strange, how that works.


But with Klonopin, for me a different story. I couldn't do it.


C/T withdrawal can potentially kill you. I wouldn't recommend anyone consider it, even on a low dose. I think most of us who have c/ted have done so because we didn't know there was another way or made the mistake of trusting a detox facility. I've been in w/d for almost six months and have felt nothing but fear and pain every day. I'm still terrified a lot of the time that this won't end or that I'll die like this. Some mornings I can't even recognize my own face in the mirror. It's horrible.


It could, but rare.

cd, you are past the point of having seizures.


Hang in there, dude.


You will get better.


If a wimp like me can go through this, anyone can. :(






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S# ...OMG thats awful thank god your ok!!! As for your friend isnt that something how this effects all of us so diff !


X ...Holy cow and you didnt have a seizure my god so glad about that!!!


ctd85..You hang in there I did c/t was awful for 7 months but im so much better and healing took place for me huge at month 7..I did it cause I didnt know it was bad and all the ER drs,keep telling me noway is it from stopping Valium

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Sig you're no wimp. Your messages/posts have done a lot to help me get through this week and I'm very grateful for that.


Thank you for the encouragement Jaso. I hope that I receive some relief in month seven as well.

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Just keep pushing through. You will make it.


Nothing lasts forever, that includes Benzo w/d.

I keep that in mind.


Hopefully you will get relief at month 7.


Everyone is so different, hard to tell.


And some say, when the withdrawal goes, it just goes.


If I didn't seizure, I would have kept going, and I would probably be healed today.




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C/T withdrawal can potentially kill you. I wouldn't recommend anyone consider it, even on a low dose. I think most of us who have c/ted have done so because we didn't know there was another way or made the mistake of trusting a detox facility. I've been in w/d for almost six months and have felt nothing but fear and pain every day. I'm still terrified a lot of the time that this won't end or that I'll die like this. Some mornings I can't even recognize my own face in the mirror. It's horrible.  


To the OP: Also keep in mind that there are many of us that c/t that did not want to...I didn't know any other way to do it but to go to a detox facility.  Every doctor I consulted kept telling me to just stop taking it.  When I stopped c/t I ended up in the ER.  I kept saying, "there has to be some way to taper off this stuff".  I heard nothing of crossing over or titrating.  And I found BB only AFTER I came back from detox.  So for many of us that c/t, it really wasn't planned that way.  :(


Had I known what I know now, I would have c/o to Valium and proceeded with a slow taper.  At least that way I'd still have all the money I spent on detox and I might have been able to keep my job.  I almost even lost my home.  I couldn't function at all for the first several months. 


To the person I quoted: Are you being literal about not recognizing your own face in the mirror?  That actually happened to me once about 4 months out...scared the hell outta me!!  I guess it's a form of derealization maybe.

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Yes L, it has happened more than once that I've looked in the mirror and not known who exactly was looking back. Derealization has probably been my overall worst symptom. It has improved a bit though.
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When I c/t I didn't know anything about Clonazepam or withdrawal.  I was on Paxil forum, but I never understood what the big deal was about Clonazepam. People had mentioned that they were tapering...I actually didn't get it. What's the big deal. When I got hit by withdrawal...it hit hard; it did not dawn on me that this was Clonazepam...I didn't know what was going on, I was literally walking around dazed and confused, and I was a complete mess...I didn't know what to do. My skin was on fire. My stomach was killing me...I was walking hunched over and couldn't eat anything; other than sipping on chicken broth. The lights were so bright...I was walking around with my eyes half closed.


I did my research on the .Net with sun glasses on because the screen was far to bright, that I couldn't stare for to long. Then I came across a list of withdrawal symptoms for Clonazepam...when I saw seizure, I just about had one out of shear panic...I freaked. I called a friend, who told me to stick it out because this was the only way to get off. I tried to take it...think I lasted for 6 days and then off to the hospital. Paxil was easy compared to this...the Zaps where nothing compared to the pain I endured with Clonazepam. I would never c/t again...I honestly believe I was so shocked I suffered PTSD...because after coming home from the hospital...that is when the suicidal ideations began and they haven't stopped since. It took me 2 months to get those thoughts "somewhat" under control. Taper is sloooooowwwwww, and it is driving me bonkers cuz I just want off. Taper is not fun...but c/t was like someone had flayed me alive and poured alcohol on the open wounds.


I am still in the beginning stages of tapering...I hope it does not get any worse than this as I progress. Depression and hopelessness are both kicking me in the shins right now, and I am barely able to lift myself up.

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I don't understand how some people just throw it down and have no withdrawal. I had a friend, she threw 3mg of Klonopin down c/t and no withdrawal. She said, "I felt more energetic and that was about it." She took it for three years.

Now, someone tell me how she did it! It's beyond me! And no, she wasn't on any other medication, but insulin for diabetes.

I tell her about withdrawal, and she don't get it.



We were talking about this on another thread, it is like you eventually reach a point of no return after a while, where you can no longer just stop taking it without paying the consequences.  Some people have their point of no return after only 2 weeks of taking benzos...some go on and off them with no problems several times over several years before withdrawal finally hits them.  Strange!



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I don't understand how some people just throw it down and have no withdrawal. I had a friend, she threw 3mg of Klonopin down c/t and no withdrawal. She said, "I felt more energetic and that was about it." She took it for three years.

Now, someone tell me how she did it! It's beyond me! And no, she wasn't on any other medication, but insulin for diabetes.

I tell her about withdrawal, and she don't get it.



We were talking about this on another thread, it is like you eventually reach a point of no return after a while, where you can no longer just stop taking it without paying the consequences.  Some people have their point of no return after only 2 weeks of taking benzos...some go on and off them with no problems several times over several years before withdrawal finally hits them.  Strange!



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I have tapered down from 1mg to .25mg of Clonazepam.  I am thinking about jumping from here.  I am doubtful that .125 will give me any w/d relief. Would jumping from .25 be considered C/T?
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No it wouldn't.  A CT is stopping your regular dose, at its highest point, abruptly.  If you reduce, at whatever rate, then, jump off, that is a taper.


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It's a taper, but going from 1mg of K to .25mg in just over a month and giving up further tapering because of bad w/d is doubtful to have much of a different effect than a c/t. I'd suggest you hold for a while Wilcofan and see if you can't improve a bit.
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