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feeling a panic attack is coming my way


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Well I posted on here yesterday that I thought I was going to have a panic attack mid day yesterday.  Well I notice that today things have been getting a little more intense.  I have not been having any any heart racing, but I have had some pal-pations, a lot of tightness in my chest, some flashes, light headed, a little fatigue, starting to get very sensitive to stress, fears starting to come about, paranoid.  I also am having some flashes and intensified senses.  Things are started to get to me a lot more, and the heat outside is intensifying all this.


I'm to the point where I feel like I can't keep going.  I'm not living life, I'm just some prisoner in my own body, waiting for bad things to happen.  What a life huh?  I've been fighting hard for 4 months, for what?? For this??


Very discouraged due to I haven't had a panic attack since September.  I don't want to have anymore of them.  Why did this have to happen to me, especially this far in my life, I have a family I need to support, challenges that need to be overcome, and this is making things way to difficult.  I just don't know anymore...

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Hi Kd,


I can't give you the greatest advice just based on the fact that I haven't completed my taper.  BUT, I go to a counsellor once a month who worked in a detox facility (several actually) and knows all about benzo withdrawal.  And she's warned me on several occasions that once you're off, you still have to be patient b/c s/x can come and go for awhile.  And you can feel great or at least good for awhile, and then get hit out of the blue w/ panic, fear, intrusive thoughts, etc.  But she said that the difference once off of the Benzos, is that it doesn't last as long.  It will hit, but then it will slowly fade again over a week or so (or less).  And she said that even though it doesn't mean it will go on for 2 years....that these "bouts" of panic, etc can come on for up to 2 years.  So maybe that is what is happening.  Your body is just telling you "I'm still healing...so I'm going to annoy you for a little bit".  I know...may sound silly but I hope it makes sense. 


I hope that helps...I still deal w/ a good panic attack at least weekly and almost daily during the end of my period, so I know first hand how terrifying that are.  I wish I'd never have to experience one again.  Maybe you'll just hit the "anxiety" level and it may not turn into a full attack.  But just remember it's impossible for the body to stay in "fight or flight" mode forever, so it will pass.  And I'd guess it's just your body still healing and getting back to the old you. 


All the best and I'll be thinking of you,


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Maybe you've already heard of this but there is aa book called "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" By Claire Weeks, it's mentioned a lot around here... but I read it and really helps you to understand the 'life' of a panic attack and why not to fear it. I don't think there is anything worse than a drug induced or drug withdrawal panic attack.


Also, the heat seems to be a problem with a lot of members, me included  :sick:

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Does anyone get these waves of heat--not exactly a hot flash--but heat that starts from the scalp and runs down the back all the way to the toes? Is that a benzo side effect?.. Also, being out in the heat--105 degrees today in Texas :sick: just about kills me--well, I'm exaggerating, but not by much ??? I've had to be on antibiotics for several weeks trying to get rid of a recurring uti and the anxiety level, high blood pressure, and feeling just awful. I know what you mean by feeling "on the verge" of an anxiety attack! So sorry for all of us going through this. Take care and I hope you feel better fast!...and me too :angel:

teacher 2


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Teacher 2, I have had that feeling several times since tapering...so it's definitely w/d.  It is unpleasant though and it gets me up quickly...I'll feel like I have to pace till it goes away...if I sit still during it I get more and more anxious. 


Take care,


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Whew! Thanks Schatje!! I thought I was the only one who had these furnace blasts. It's odd, I guess, because it only (so far that is) is the back of my body. And you are so right, you jump up fast :o I tried to sit it out and the anxiety was tremendous. Also, I wonder if anyone on benzos runs fever? I run a low grade fever, sometimes 99.6--the highest. It takes about 3 hours for it to return to 98.6 or lower. Take care, Teacher2
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Does anyone get these waves of heat--not exactly a hot flash--but heat that starts from the scalp and runs down the back all the way to the toes? Is that a benzo side effect?.. Also, being out in the heat--105 degrees today in Texas :sick: just about kills me--well, I'm exaggerating, but not by much ??? I've had to be on antibiotics for several weeks trying to get rid of a recurring uti and the anxiety level, high blood pressure, and feeling just awful. I know what you mean by feeling "on the verge" of an anxiety attack! So sorry for all of us going through this. Take care and I hope you feel better fast!...and me too :angel:

teacher 2



I have them and here is very hot these days. Sometimes is like my head and face burning and get faster hart rate at that moment. Not pleasant but good is that that flashes last just a few seconds. And if I get panicky last longer but if you get used to them they go away quickly. And sometimes like in the last few days I feel like have a fever but not.

Hope I helped somehow



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