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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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I put the juice of one orange, 1/4 tsp of Himalayan salt (or sea salt),] and 1/4 tsp cream of tartar. It's supposed to lower your cortisol. I seldom remember to buy oranges though.
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I put the juice of one orange, 1/4 tsp of Himalayan salt (or sea salt),] and 1/4 tsp cream of tartar. It's supposed to lower your cortisol. I seldom remember to buy oranges though.


Thanks !!


I'll add pink salt to mine ....  I heard that pasteurized orange juice is heated.  I'm not sure, but maybe the heat will ruin the Vitamin C.  It's a mystery to me, lol.

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Was folding clothes Friday night 7 30 pm.

Had worked all week.

Decided to lay down on bed and

close my eyes. Fell asleep

for 2 hr.

Awoke then slept another 5 hrs.

Had not taken the evening

Clonazap or melatonin 5 mg.

The sleep was a gift except

wide awake at 3 am.

Wish could be that easy

and relaxed every night.




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Thank you T

well I tried to go back to sleep

and could not.

I thought I could get a few hours more

I got greedy.

I spent a few hours on this site.

The benzo nightmare is lonely

And scary for me.

And I took .25 mg clonazap

at 3 30 am thinking it would

help it did not. Fool girl - me


Mom died in march my family

breaking apart me on benzo

I’m lonely and afraid. Ty


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Hi Health,  I feel for you. Life can be cruel. I'm lonely too, not much support or understanding from my family either. On BB you can find people who do understand and will listen to you. Stay strong!  :thumbsup:
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Hi T

Thank you. I’m sorry you are lonely.

I hope you are okay. I supposed to have

therapist. I sampled one last week

and a biblical oriented one today.

I’m thinking of doing both. I really need the help.

I asked the addiction specialist if he thinks

I’m an ‘addict’ since I take prescribed

clonazapam. He said no cos I’m not

‘abusing it, craving it’. Nor is the dose high.

Im not sure but I need as much help as I can get.




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Hi healthyme,  you're right about getting some help with this. So do I; I go the CBT once a week. Not sure yet if it helps me, but the people are nice and listen.

It's not an addiction,  but a dependency. There's a world of difference. An addict craves his drink, cigarettes or drugs. We don't,  but would love to take nothing anymore. This benzo changes how the body works. It now depends on it. Like oxigen, food, water.


Hope you are OK.  :thumbsup:

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Last night I did not feel tired and decided

I was gonna sleep even if taking chemical

route. So I took 5 mg melatonin and .5 mg clonazapam

Dr ordered clonazapam. A bit fitful sleep

for first 3 hrs then I think better sleep for 4


But I can’t taper for my pm dose

of clonazapam if I want to sleep

No natural sleep last night

I worry too dependent now.

I work too and need sleep.


Have you tried tapering ?


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Hello Healthyme,  glad you did get some sleep! And sleep is indeed very important,  especially when you have to work.


Yes,  I have been tapering since the beginning of this year, as you can tell from my signature. Currently holding.


Hope you have a pleasant day.  :thumbsup:


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Hi everyone,  I hope you all had a good sleep. For me last night was one of the best of this year! I slept for 7 hours, with just one bathroom visit. After waking up at 6, I could still stay in bed and hardly got any anxiety.  I did have pain,  but not too bad. Got up at 7.45 am. Can't remember the last time this has happened to me. All morning long I had, what must have been, a window. First one in almost 3 months. Hope it doesn't close soon...

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday.  :smitten:


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Well, you could wait for it to happen: a horrible night. Woke up around two in pain. Gut, colon, pain that's just wouldn't go away. Tossed and turned at least a million times. Got up early ( exhausted)  to have breakfast and meds for IBS.  And painkillers. Back to bed didn't help. A bowel movement brought relief. No sitting here, not knowing what to do with myself. And to think last night was great...

This all sucks so much! And somehow we always find the strength to make it through another day.

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Home from my mom's 100th birthday party. It was a fun event and I was able to keep the guest list to around 22.  The hometown restaurant was amazing! Anyway, Mother enjoyed the enormous numbered balloons and the party. For those who don't know, Mother was widowed in 1970 at the age of 50. we lived on the farm my paternal great great grandparents had built in 1865 when they headed for Iowa, after arriving on a boat from Sweden. Mother sold off all of the livestock and the farm machinery and stayed there. Corn and soy beans have been the farm's staple since my dad died. Anyway, Mother fell and broke her hip a year ago on December 14, had a partial hip replacement on December 15, and turned 99 the following day. We drove to Iowa on the 15th and found her amazingly alert! Not only did she survived this, she was up and walking the next day and returned to her country home less than three months later.  She was determined to go home so worked diligently in rehab both in the facility and when she was released to return home.  She missed her driver's license renewal last December so no longer drives, but that car is still insured and plated in her garage. 

As for me, I slept around 6-7 hours the first night there and 7-8 hours the second night. Last night I slept at least 6 hours. No idea why, except perhaps I was thinking, the planning was done, all I had left to do was enjoy her party and I was dead tired.  I am happy for the sleep and happy my amazing mother is still part of my life.

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Hi nightengale,  so glad you had a wonderful time with your mom. A century old, and still going strong! Fantastic! Great you slept so well. You deserve it.  :thumbsup:
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Slept well last night! From 11 pm. until 5.15 am. No pain!  Could stay in bed till 7.45 am. So, I feel good at the moment. Hope it continues to stay that way...
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Six plus hours. I am still sleeping since I returned home. Not sure what has happened here.


Thanks trochsetter! I apologize for the long write up about my mother.

Congratulations on better sleep and no pain for you!


DBM, sorry about the strange dreams and your feelings of exhaustion.



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Nightengale,  great you are still able to sleep better!  And of course you're proud of your mom living to be a 100, and still going strong.


DBM,  sorry to hear you still have those vivid dreams and that terrible exhaustion.  Hope it improves soon.


My day started well, but turned into a real bad one. Soon pain set in big time. Plus much more nausea. Horrible morning. Maybe it was all caused by stress, because I had an appointment with the specialist in the hospital this afternoon. He doesn't think it's colon cancer. So no colonoscopy,  but an CT-scan next Tuesday. After coming home I had to go to bed; I felt like exploding. A weird head pressure I hadn't felt in months. And my whole body was on fire. Normally I'm always cold. Thank the Lord I'm now starting to feel better again.


Let's hope we all start to feel better soon.

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