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Let's Talk Akathisia


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An uncomfortable subject, I know, that has unfortunelty been a part of my life for 4 months now.  I am starting to get some windows from it, which I believe is a good sign, but everytime it comes back I can't help myself from going back into that dark dark place.


Any advice or supplementation for this syndrome is welcoming.  Even just a success story or reassurnace would be nice.


This symptom is why I reinstated the last time.  I was freaking out from it being related to my other meds since it came out of the blue at 2.5 months off.  Is this possible for it to come on like that?  I just have this overwhelming obsession that I am stuck like this forever or until I get off my SSRIs (Celexa & Remeron).  Funny story being I have never even had depression. Just bad anxiety.  Doctors just love handing this stuff out like candy. 


Will it go away if I do nothing and hold at my doses? (7.5mg Remeron, 10mg Celexa).  I think my downfall may be that I have changed my meds so much over the past 4 months in desperation, but I just get overwhelming urgency to "fix" whatever is wrong. 


Thanks guys, I guess I'm just looking for support ❤️

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I think you're wise to consider holding your current doses of Remeron and Celexa.  It could really help you stabilize if you give your nervous system a rest from changes.  I understand the  wish to be done with meds.  But your system may need this time to adjust to your current withdrawal before you start another taper.  As far as symptoms showing up out of the blue at 2.5 months off - this is not uncommon.  Symptoms can pop up out of nowhere, disappear, reappear, all without any rhyme or reason.  I know it may be hard to hear but at 2.5 months you're still pretty early in withdrawal and there's a lot of healing going on.  You'll get there.  It just takes time.
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I believe that it will go away at some point. You are wise for not wanting to change the dose of the current prescription meds you are taking. I would just "leave them be" for a longer period. I wish you well and im sure you will eventually recover. All the best to you.
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Thanks for the replies and hope guys, I really appreciate it.  I guess my only concern with holding at my doses is if one of these meds are CAUSING the issues then it won't simply resolve by holding the dose, but I guess I won't know until I try.
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Thanks for the replies and hope guys, I really appreciate it.  I guess my only concern with holding at my doses is if one of these meds are CAUSING the issues then it won't simply resolve by holding the dose, but I guess I won't know until I try.

You can promise yourself, that you give it least say 4-5 months more. If it keeps getting better then you'll know its not the other prescription you are taking. You are on your way to recovery. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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Yes that's actually a really good way to think of it.  I think the worst part of all of this is just the confusion about what's causing it.  And I don't even have the pacing or any movements, it's way more inner akathisia which makes it hard to measure.
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I had terrible akasthasia.  Couldn’t stop pacing. The block around my house measures 1.1miles and it was so bad if pace shuffle 20-30 laps/miles per day.  Only sleeping approx 1-2 hours while my legs would not stop the constant bicycle motion.  Was terrible a torture I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.  Worst part lasted about 4-5 months then slowly faded away.  I now work full time and have a pretty normal life
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Aww Jdoe I'm so SO sorry that you've had to experience this but it's very nice to hear a story from someone that isn't doom & gloom ❤️  I've been trying to stay as positive as possible and thank towards the future.  I've been out of work since the aka started and money is getting really tight so I completely understand where you've been. 


I just ordered a full body massage pad so I really had that can help release some of the excess energy.  Mine doesn't manifest as pacing but rather an extreme agitation and urge to stab myself in the stomach (sorry that's graphic, but it's true!!). Luckily I've had multiple few day windows lately so even tho I am back in a wave I'm praying that's a good sign!!

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