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LDN while still on benzo and pregabalin?


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As this is still a medicine, I thought that it would be more appropriate and visible in this board (I tried to remove the thread on the alternative treatments board).


My blood tests suggested that there are some auto immune reactions occuring in my body so maybe LDN is a good idea.


Also, it could help with the mental fatigue I am dealing now.


Saw some threads but I don't know if the users took LDN after jumping or during the taper. I am too exhausted to do a proper research unfortunately.


In a site called benzowarrior (https://www.benzowarrior.com/may-cause-setbacks) I found this:

"LDN or Low Dose Naltrexone – Naltrexone blocks the inhibition of GABA receptors."


Your experiences or thoughts on this are welcomed.

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