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I know some of us struggle with weight during withdrawal. I lost 30 pounds of fat already by eating lower carb and more protein. But I wouldnt call it keto.

Im about 220 pounds now and as far as my health goes, my ideal weight is 185 or 190 pounds.

Im going to meal prep once a week and have a weekly cheat meal(not cheatday, but cheatmeal)

I will use this topic to document my fat/weight loss.

I eat dairy, meat, leafy greens, organ meat, fish, nuts and take all my suppliments to counter any deficiencies.

Its been about two weeks since I have been more "strict" about my diet. I will write down every two weeks my weight and how i notice my body changing. Consider this as inspiration.


Take care all. May you have a complete recovery.

Im about 6 years and 6 months in protracted withdrawal.

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Im about 218 pounds now. I have lost some fat around my midsection. I will start doing hit training tommorow, as I dont have exercise intolerance anymore. I changed my diet abit, im not doing keto.

But im consuming full fat milk from grass fed cows now, and im going to add abit of strength training aswell(im not ready to start at a gym just yet) so ill be doing some bodyweight exercises at home and jogging outside for 20 min every other day.

Will be interesting to see how my body changes over the next few weeks. I dont avoid anything in the diet except refined sugar, gluten and meat with nitrates. Ill give you guys an update in a few weeks. Take care.

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I lost even more fat around my midsection. My pants fits better. Im having a steak with two pasture raised organic eggs and a fried red bellpeber(cooked in butter) for breakfast.

I had 3 cups of coffee this morning. As a snack later im having raspberries. Im planning on walking out with the trash later, its about a 15 min walk from were im at, at the moment.


For fiber and to make sure im able to go to the toilet next morning, im having 300-400 g of green beans with my lunch. I think im having abit of boiled potatoes for dinner as a light carb source. I have estimated my total carb to hit 70-80 g for this day total. So as you can see its not quite keto.

Im not saying my diet is the ultimate diet.


But I have decided to not drink any of my calories. Im just having water/coffee.

I used to be 218 pounds, im 215 pounds now. So its going in the right direction. I will make a new update in about 7 days. Take care all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now a month later. I made a concious effort to not get up on the scale. So I dont know my currenct weight, but my jeans fits me better and are no longer squeezing my midsection.

I still drink coffee. At dinner i eat normal food, but in the morning and at midday im mindfull about making sure i get berries and leafy greens with every meal. I make sure i dont eat to big of a portion at every meal.

I still walk about two hours everyday because I like walking. Im having a small portion of karamalized cherries/almonds with sour creme with 38% fat later this day, but I only eat one portion. Thats how i still "live my life" and it seams to be working, that I eat normal food, but just smaller portions. I will get on the scale sunday to see what my weight is. All the best to you guys.

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On 24/06/2023 at 16:52, [[L...] said:

I know some of us struggle with weight during withdrawal. I lost 30 pounds of fat already by eating lower carb and more protein. But I wouldnt call it keto.

Im about 220 pounds now and as far as my health goes, my ideal weight is 185 or 190 pounds.

Im going to meal prep once a week and have a weekly cheat meal(not cheatday, but cheatmeal)

I will use this topic to document my fat/weight loss.

I eat dairy, meat, leafy greens, organ meat, fish, nuts and take all my suppliments to counter any deficiencies.

Its been about two weeks since I have been more "strict" about my diet. I will write down every two weeks my weight and how i notice my body changing. Consider this as inspiration.

Take care all. May you have a complete recovery.

Im about 6 years and 6 months in protracted withdrawal.

I've been on low-carb/ketogenic nutrition for 2.6 years.  I don't know where you are with benzos, I've just been onboard with BB for 5 months and doing very well with a slow-taper.  I am so glad I had started the low-carb but it was more from the fear than enveloped me when I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes ;)  but I've never looked back, and I am pretty sure my lack of any major sxs is partially, at least, due to my nutrition.  I did lose 30 lbs which was a bonus for my 5'2" small-boned frame, but the many benefits of basically eating an anti-inflammatory diet has helped with arthritic pain, it's gone, of course my diabetes is now in remission, for about a 1.5 years or more, can't remember exact date but I have my A1c's I keep filed. 

Really glad to see your success, and I LOVE walking, it's my fave thing.  I go almost every day, usually after my dinner, sometimes mornings when it's not too windy here on the coast. Very nice to find you and how you are doing with low-carb, I believe in it and met so many others that are succeeding.  Have you ever listened to Dr. David Unwin in the UK?  I have a dynamic review video between he and Dr. Bret Cher, if you might like to watch it, he's just so amazing and he's changed his whole practice and his other doctors and nurses are following his lead as well :)

Nice to meet you, Denise PS here is the video, very long but who knows, you might like listening to it some time ;) It does focus a lot on folks that have diabetes but I think it's very good for anyone to hear:


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On 07/07/2023 at 16:09, [[L...] said:

I lost even more fat around my midsection. My pants fits better. Im having a steak with two pasture raised organic eggs and a fried red bellpeber(cooked in butter) for breakfast.

I had 3 cups of coffee this morning. As a snack later im having raspberries. Im planning on walking out with the trash later, its about a 15 min walk from were im at, at the moment.

For fiber and to make sure im able to go to the toilet next morning, im having 300-400 g of green beans with my lunch. I think im having abit of boiled potatoes for dinner as a light carb source. I have estimated my total carb to hit 70-80 g for this day total. So as you can see its not quite keto.

Im not saying my diet is the ultimate diet.

But I have decided to not drink any of my calories. Im just having water/coffee.

I used to be 218 pounds, im 215 pounds now. So its going in the right direction. I will make a new update in about 7 days. Take care all.

I eat eggs and sausage in a.m. and mostly steak, I don't get to always have the best cuts, but I love steaks and had never even know how to cook one ;)  I do believe in the low carb rather than ketos 20 grams or less of carbs.  I just have to watch my Blood Glucose, usually just my labs now, A1c's.  I love my blueberries best but also strawberries, blackberries are all safe for me.  I'm trying to branch out a bit so I can find other low enough carb that won't spike my blood glucose ;)  I think my magnesium, 500 mg 2 x per day help me a lot with the fiber issue, I also use a bit of Chia Seeds, Flaxeed and Nutritional Yeast.  Really good find your Post @[Le...] I'm very into nutrition and exercise, it's changed my life, and even got me to find BB because I hated taking that pill so one thing led to another, Denise

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4 minutes ago, [[o...] said:

I eat eggs and sausage in a.m. and mostly steak, I don't get to always have the best cuts, but I love steaks and had never even know how to cook one ;)  I do believe in the low carb rather than ketos 20 grams or less of carbs.  I just have to watch my Blood Glucose, usually just my labs now, A1c's.  I love my blueberries best but also strawberries, blackberries are all safe for me.  I'm trying to branch out a bit so I can find other low enough carb that won't spike my blood glucose ;)  I think my magnesium, 500 mg 2 x per day help me a lot with the fiber issue, I also use a bit of Chia Seeds, Flaxeed and Nutritional Yeast.  Really good find your Post @[Le...] I'm very into nutrition and exercise, it's changed my life, and even got me to find BB because I hated taking that pill so one thing led to another, Denise

Thanks for commenting. Im with you on the fact, that a low carb diet dosent have to mean keto. I also consume ekstra fiber because I helps me to "do my thing" when im at the toilet. I take chromium and magnesium for my blood sugar, not that I have diabetes or even prediabetes. Its just to make sure my blood glycose gets into my cells and dosent cause high insulin for longer than nessacery. Exercise/diet is key, ive lost 35 pounds of fat so far, i went from an xxl in shirt size to just xl. Its very hot in scandanavia right now, so I make sure I get sunlight in my eyes every day. I did it because im in protracted, so I figured i might aswell make good use of my time, while my brain heals. Im 6 years and 8 months in protracted.

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That's just awesome, and so smart, I already living my life and although I like to come to BB, I love my gym, and walks.  I don't do much socially but I don't miss it much, I guess I like online forums best, but this one has saved my life from benzo dependency, and it's helping me through the wd time.  I am very hopeful for my protracted recovery/healing as well, even though I am 70, I want whatever years I have left to have as much quality as possible ;) 

Glad you get your D3 naturally, I love the Sun as well, and we get a lot on the coast actually, but with the Sun comes a lot of cool winds from our NW.  I miss my inland home in Oregon but don't know that I'll move.  I get to see some of your Scandinavian countries through drone footage on Youtube.  I can watch it, usually before I fall asleep for a nap :) Again, very glad to meet another that interested in the same type of exercise and nutrition as I am.  It must be early a.m. for you about now, if you are also 8 hours ahead of Pacific NW US, it's just 7 pm right now.  I'll be following your journey, hope you won't mind, Denise (y)

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Now its been about a week.

My weight has stabalized.

I still drink coffee everyday, but sometimes when a switch flips in my brain. Its like my coffee works a 100 times better, and when my coffee works i dont feel like eating(which is a good thing)

I still walk about 2 hours everyday and eat berries/leafy greens and fermented foods nearly everyday. I dont do any strengh training at the moment, but that is because my sleep is not great and I feel like I wont be able to recover from my training. But once my sleep gets better i plan on doing some light resistance training, to get the blood flowing in my muscles.

I have been taking grass fed beef liver capsules for a month now, about 12 capsules pr day. It has been giving my skin a nice glow.

I get about 140 grams of protein pr day, and it seems to be enough for my body to keep my muscle mass. I plan on in the future to get my testerone measured, because I know its pretty high by the way i feel. Because I over time get less and less anxiety(because that is one of my longer lasting protracted symptoms) I have planned to take my mom and dad to a spanish restaurant next month. Im also moving to a cheaper apartment next month, where I save 130 dollars on rent each month. Some of the money i save, i will be using on more suppliments. Take care all, just a little update on my diet and life.

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A week later: Im still eating around 140 g of protein each day.

I eat abit more fruit, but my diet hasnt changed much.

I get around 200 g of berries, 150 g of banana, 300 g of carots and 150 g fermented cabage each day.

Sometimes when I drink coffee in the morning, it has an effect on my appetite were i dont feel like eating. Ive been drinking fullfat milk and been trying new types of milk with even more fat. I started to enjoy going to the grocery store, and I usually walk to get there.

I take the flushing niacin 3 times pr day and it usually help with my mood and concentration.

I have a future plan for my diet, where I want to drink less coffee. But a better quality and where I know the farmer gets paid enough to make a decent living. Other than that not much changed.

Im turning 35 years old in 4 1/2 months. I will make a new update in a weeks time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A week after: 

I have been eating less calories, its the same kind of food I eat. But im eating smaller portions.

Due to my poor sleep, I sometimes get a sugar craving. But its been way easier to control the cravings this past week.

My plan is to lose 30-35 pounds and I dont care how long it takes. When im ready i will begin building on some muscle. Im moving to a new apartment in about two weeks.

This november is my seventh year in protracted withdrawal. At some point i would like to begin growing my own berries, i will get a medium sized balkoni in my new apartment where I will be growing my own berries/wild flowers. Just a minor update, nothing crazy has happened. Take care all.


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  • 4 weeks later...

You are in the right track! The article below sumarize scientifically most of what you are doing. There are several studies that link neural plasticity with exercise, diet and sleep.

Being on benzos may restrict or limit some of these practices that can help us but we can slowly can start improving one at a time. 

We can stay still and suffer or we can challenge ourselves to beat the condition these drugs put us on! Enjoy it!


Edited by [mi...]
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  • 2 weeks later...

Its been awhile since i last posted. I drink less coffee now, since there has been some positive changes to my cns.

Which means im much sensetive to caffeine, which is good. Its my 7th year in protracted withdrawal next months, and every year i feel better and better. Im walking 2-3 hours every day, not because I cant stand still. Im working on improving my financial situation. Alot has changed from year 6 in protracted to now almost year 7. My diet is better, i have more money and I havent been drinking soda for 18 months now.

Im going to grow some of my own berries and greens next year, because its like therapy to me, and I have always loved gardening. I dont smoke and dont drink alchohol.

A month ago i went to my aunts birthday, it went pretty well and I didnt pace much. First time i was able to be around her grandchildren and not be so noice sensetive.


Im lucky that I dont have money problems and that my brother, dad and mom "belong" to the upper middle class. I have moved to a smaller apartment to save money on rent, im saving about 200 dollars each month, compared to my former apartment.

I just stick to my diet regardless how i feel, and if my improvements keep comming at the same pace, i believe i will be completly healed in 18-24 months time.

Thank you all for reading and listening.


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