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This was very scary (derealization), but thankfully it's over!


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I am very short user, I took the pills only for two three weeks and then stopped one day. I was not aware of the abstention syndrome, that I could get it after such a short time .So first few weeks I didn't even know what was happening and it was very very scary.

I had many symptoms, but the primary one was a derealization and it was very strong...I felt devastated,scary, went few times to the urgency,nobody understood me and believed me..I was destroyed..


This message to any person suffering from the derealization. I know how you feel and how scary it is, probably you don't even understand how come you still can talk and read. Please please please keep calm, IT WOULD GO AWAY. One day you suddenly would realise that it got much better, but you are still not there, not in the reality. Then little by little it would go away and you will be totally okay and you will be YOU again!! Feel the world around and your presence in it! Talk to people and feel that they are there next to you.

Please take care of yourself, eat healthy, get enough sleep if you can ( if you don't, don't worry, it's ok), be kind to yourself and the most important thing don't lose hope 💕 Remember there were people exactly like you and they are back to the reality now and feel the same they used to feel. YOU WILL TOO

Sending a big hug 🫂 You are not alone


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What a wonderfully encouraging post, thanks for this. Our members need to hear from people like you, short term users, who have recovered.  :smitten:



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@[Sm...] hello I came upon your story. I'm a short term user too. April last week is when my life changed . I would say between April and September I used Benzo like 50 times. Like a month 1/2.  Are you completely healed? Do you feel emotions again all of them? 

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