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joints in hands, feet achy like arthritis. Gabba, Xanax withdrawal?


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Been almost 9 months since CT of Xanax .25 MG daily, and 3 months off Gabapentin tapered down.


Anyway, last two weeks been getting achy joints mainly in my hands/fingers, and feet. Doctor said last week xanax withdrawal would be over by now. At the time just my one arm was bothering me a bit.


However this week it has got worse. Like tender in areas of the joints like arthritis is when you open a door, touch it ect.


Now I am also wonder I use an indoor exercise bike. Lately I've been cranking up the intensity.  I grab onto the handles really tight with my hands and I'm peddling hard which is putting a lot of pressure on my feet, toe joints. Is it also possible I'm putting too much strain on it and that's causing repetitive strain injury to my joints due to gripping very tight for 40-50 minutes everyday?

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Absolutely… it’s very possible it’s the tension you’ve been putting through your hands and feet.


It’s one thing to be past the withdrawal phase, but, the problem is that your doctor doesn’t understand that it’s not as simple as saying ‘you’re past withdrawal now’, it’s about the time it takes to repair all the damage these medications have done to the brain.

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