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Intense horror, burning puffy red skin, can’t eat. Help.


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Thank you both so much!! I haven’t seen her story but I’ll look at it!  And smoothies at home seem to be a better idea, the downside is I have to drag myself into the kitchen to make them  :sick: but it may be good for me. And definitely with a lot less sugar and made healthier. Also no worries with me when it comes to alcohol and I never liked the taste of it or how it made me feel. I haven’t had a single drink in probably 10 years. Caffeine on the other hand…. That’s a hard one. When I started this whole miserable process I was still on my 2-3 cups of coffee per day that I’d done for years. As my withdrawal has progressed I have been forced to have less and less because it does ramp up my symptoms. As it is I’m down to about half a cup of coffee per day. I know I probably should stop that as well it’s just sooooo difficult  :'(  But at least for the time being it may have to go also.
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I switched to decaf at first and just stopped completely and now I can drink it without any repercussions at all.  It does get easier I promise!



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