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Intense horror, burning puffy red skin, can’t eat. Help.


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I haven’t done a dose cut in almost 2 weeks. The first few days were horrible. Then it kind of stabilized. Still bad but more tolerable. But now, even on this same dose it’s getting worse. I’m so dizzy I can barely stand up. I’m so nauseated I can’t hardly eat anymore. I took a nap today and woke up itching horribly all over and all of my skin was red and puffy and had some hives. My arms, legs, hands, everything was red and puffy. I took my afternoon dose and it went down. This is too much. I’m terrified. How can I survive this. I’m so so so afraid. Can this be normal?  This level of horror?  The puffy red itchy skin??  Somebody please help me. Hospitals don’t help. Detox centers aren’t an option as they take you off too fast. I’m trying everything in my power to get through this but I’m struggling so so so much and just praying every single day for God to heal me. This is so bad. Somebody please help me.
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I haven’t done a dose cut in almost 2 weeks. The first few days were horrible. Then it kind of stabilized. Still bad but more tolerable. But now, even on this same dose it’s getting worse. I’m so dizzy I can barely stand up. I’m so nauseated I can’t hardly eat anymore. I took a nap today and woke up itching horribly all over and all of my skin was red and puffy and had some hives. My arms, legs, hands, everything was red and puffy. I took my afternoon dose and it went down. This is too much. I’m terrified. How can I survive this. I’m so so so afraid. Can this be normal?  This level of horror?  The puffy red itchy skin??  Somebody please help me. Hospitals don’t help. Detox centers aren’t an option as they take you off too fast. I’m trying everything in my power to get through this but I’m struggling so so so much and just praying every single day for God to heal me. This is so bad. Somebody please help me.


Where are you located?

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I’m in Atlanta. I have my mom and my partner and they’re trying all they possibly can but nothing is helping.
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First, you have to eat.  I don’t care what it is and hydrate drink water.  Is this a choice taper? Is your partner aware of your taper and helping you with meds?  Do you have a doctor managing your taper? 
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Hi ATLPatrick,

      Sorry to see you in such a state.  You may want to consider these:


Zofran or ginger root for the nausea

Benadryl for the itchy red skin

Dramamine for the dizziness

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Hi Patrick,

This sounds so challenging. I'm truly so sorry for your suffering and what you're enduring. I took a moment to watch your recent YouTube video and want to say thank you for taking the time to document your journey. Know that you are helping others by sharing your journey!


In terms of the itchy/puffy skin... it appears (I'm not a physician...) there's some type of histamine response happening in your body. Another buddy mentioned Benadryl which I think is a good option. Another option (possibly in combination or alternative) is high dose vitamin C therapy. Vitamin C is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine. I have struggled with a variety of allergic reactions and sensitivities with my taper also - really bizarre stuff. Vitamin C has always helped me.


Here's what I do: Purchase a large value pack of the ‘Emergen-C' orange flavor packets (or whatever flavor you prefer). When I'm getting a reaction to something as SOON as I can, dump four of those packets into a low-ball glass, and warm 8 oz of water. Mix the contents into the water thoroughly and down the hatch. I think you’ll see relief with the Benadryl and Vitamin C but IF you don’t…you could also try Quercetin. Another anti-inflammatory/anti-histamine.  If our body doesn't use the vitamin C, we just shed it.


Hang in there Patrick. This will get better. You will improve. This is a wave; your next window is right around the corner.


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So sorry for all this misery, Patrick. Sometimes I get a really red, hot, irritated reaction on my face - both cheeks. I believe it's cortisol or histamine, or both. It seems to happen when something upsetting happens, and/or when it's time to cut my dose. It's almost like my body is saying "get this poison out of me!" Diamine oxidase helps me a lot during those times. I get it from Omne Diem in Ann Arbor, MI. Benedryl might really help. I hope it does. There are many good responses here, I hope and am praying for comfort and relief. - Eileen
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Ensure, ginger for nausea. Cold compresses for burning. Hang in there. I also had much ups and downs while being on the same awful dose. You've got this!
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Ensure, ginger for nausea. Cold compresses for burning. Hang in there. I also had much ups and downs while being on the same awful dose. You've got this!


Ensure is loaded with sugar. That might cause him to rev up. The low sugar versions have artificial sweeteners, also not a good idea as they can cause a chemical reaction with our sensitive nervous systems. I drank tons of that stuff while doing chemo and gained a lot of weight, which is how I know.

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Sure. But on my very very bad puking days a similar thing to ensure and bananas were the things that made me survive.
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What I did was made smoothies in acute when I could not get anything else down.  I ate peanut butter, almond butter by the spoon straight out of the jar.  Try getting protein in as much as you can.  I used pea protein powder in my smoothies.  I eventually just started eating anything I could get in.  The worst thing I attempted was a restricted diet.  The only thing recommended by the dietitian and my pcp was gluten and dairy free.  I cut out caffeine and sugar but now can eat anything I want. I still don’t drink caffeinated drinks or alcohol by choice. 
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Yes there were days coco that I survived on ensure  and bananas but I had to start force feeding myself. 
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Yes no gluten, dairy, sugar, coffee, alcohol seems the common advice for us all.


Any smoothie recipes? Mine are not super tasty yet.

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Sure, one of my favorites and I still do have these occasionally, blueberries, banana, spinach, rolled oats, almond milk, coconut-based yogurt, a few slices of orange and I blended it.  I never measured anything. I just put a handful of each in there and if the fruits are not in season, I bought frozen.


I used what I had on hand I would add cucumber, watermelon, honeydew, melon, mangoes, strawberries raspberries blackberries, kiwi, avocado, apples, pears literally anything.  In the worst of it, I added Pea protein powder no specific brand just what I could buy at Trader Joe’s or on Amazon.  My big thing was peanut butter, almond butter. I added them right to every smoothie. You just have to eat. You have to get the calories in those people that are restricting themselves to three foods are creating their own sensitivities and will react to anything at that point.

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Thank you, Upperleft! You are being so helpful. I had a nice EFT session. Wish I had found that lady earlier. She is awesome. She thinks even my black brain can turn unblack. I still don't know if I believe her but she said even somewhere in the world arms are regrowing lol.
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You’re welcome and just remember I was just like you I had all those doubts and all those thoughts it does get better it does get easier you will get through this. All you have to do for today is survive. Do not look to tomorrow and don’t look back take breaks from this group or any groups you are in, and stay away from anything that triggers you


Your brain is not black it may feel that way as the darkness can settle in but I know you’re in there I see you I hear you and that’s who I’m talking to. You will get through this.

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Cold shower if you can shower at all. At least a cold rinse. Cold compresses if shower isn’t doable

I survived on smoothies for many many months

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Patrick, just saw your video. It is withdrawal. I have had these skin issues for some months now. Not to worry. It comes and goes. You'll be okay.



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Thank you all so much!!  I slept most of the day today but ever since I woke up it’s slightly better than yesterday. I’m still incredibly weak and blurred vision and brain fog but I’m not crying and shaking uncontrollably and not red or puffy or itching today. So I guess that’s a plus. I didn’t even think about the sugar. I have been having a ton of sugar lately. Do you think that could have made it worse?  I’ve been doing 1-2 ensures per day, each have 15 grams of sugar, I’ve been having 1 smoothie from smoothie king per day that my partner always brings me, that’s about 60-70 grams of sugar. And I usually have 1 Gatorade per day which is about 20 grams of sugar. So all other 90-100 grams of sugar per day I’d say. Could that have made the symptoms worse? 
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It could yes. It's advised to not eat sugar, dairy and gluten free for your brain health. So maybe you had a sugar overload.
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Why I am glad you are eating…you may want to cut back on refined sugar while you taper.  If smoothies are your thing  maybe made from home for now to control the sugar.  Get a balance going meats and veggies too.  Nothing stressful just eat.  If you can go gluten free and dairy free that’s fine but no big deal. It’s mainly Whole Foods stay away from box stuff.  Fast food is not a good idea for now.  Just until you see if it makes you feel any better. 
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I definitely can. I’m more than willing to try anything different at this point they may help. Diet is an easy thing to change. I guess I just never paid much attention to my sugar intake. I’m on the very low end of my weight range for my height, within about 5 pounds of being medically underweight, so I pretty much just ate whatever and didn’t give it much thought. But it makes sense I guess that the sugars can cause issues since I know sugar can increase stress chemicals in the brain and cause more anxiety. I just never thought much about it. Looks like it’s time for me to make some changes! 
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Thank you all so much!!  I slept most of the day today but ever since I woke up it’s slightly better than yesterday. I’m still incredibly weak and blurred vision and brain fog but I’m not crying and shaking uncontrollably and not red or puffy or itching today. So I guess that’s a plus. I didn’t even think about the sugar. I have been having a ton of sugar lately. Do you think that could have made it worse?  I’ve been doing 1-2 ensures per day, each have 15 grams of sugar, I’ve been having 1 smoothie from smoothie king per day that my partner always brings me, that’s about 60-70 grams of sugar. And I usually have 1 Gatorade per day which is about 20 grams of sugar. So all other 90-100 grams of sugar per day I’d say. Could that have made the symptoms worse?


That is A LOT of sugar. Smoothie King is loaded with sugar.


The gut is the second brain. Go look up gut/brain health.


Not to drive you crazy because this process can but you might have histamine intolerance. Look that up as well. It is common in benzo wd.


Also, many protein powders have additives that can trigger symptoms. I would avoid powders if I were you. Make smoothies at home. You can make them with very little organic fruit, unsweetened organic dairy-free milk, ice, frozen aloe vera chunks that are tasteless, and add bulk to the smoothie, organic coconut chunks, etc.


Have you looked at SSR1975's story? She has diet info there that you might want to consider. Very thorough. She works in healthcare. Knows her stuff.

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I definitely can. I’m more than willing to try anything different at this point they may help. Diet is an easy thing to change. I guess I just never paid much attention to my sugar intake. I’m on the very low end of my weight range for my height, within about 5 pounds of being medically underweight, so I pretty much just ate whatever and didn’t give it much thought. But it makes sense I guess that the sugars can cause issues since I know sugar can increase stress chemicals in the brain and cause more anxiety. I just never thought much about it. Looks like it’s time for me to make some changes!


Good glad you realize and are willing to just try different things. In the long run it will make you feel better I think.  I don’t let much stress me out and I think the less stress we put on any part of this the better.  You stay in your story and don’t go over board on anything.  Just clean up your diet as much as you can.  Let’s see in a week if it helps.  Be patient it’s not over night but every

Bit helps. 

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