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Macrobid Antibiotic - anybody have any experience with this - for UTI - scared


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I have a UTI - and the doctor gave me Macrobid - I did search it and someone said in one post that Ashton said it was OK to take - but I need to hear from anyone on BB who has taken it and has been OK with it - I am scared to death to take any kind of drug at all..  Please let me know as soon as you can.  Thank you all

Love Hoping2BFree

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Hi Hoping,


I have not taken Macrobid in benzo withdrawal but I did take it a long time ago.  It made me feel weird, anxious and just not right so it probably does cross the blood brain barrier and affects the CNS.  I had to take an antibiotic for a UTI last December.  I was about 8 1/2 months benzo free.  It was bactrim and it made my withdrawal symptoms much worse.  It made me extremely anxious and panicky and I just did not feel right at all.


I have read previous posts where others took amoxycillin and had no issues.  Maybe you could call your doctor and ask for that instead?  Or you could try just one of the Macrobid pills and see how it affects you.  I highly doubt it could hurt you seriously in anyway, but it may increase your anxiety.

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Hi there,


I know several people that had heightened anxiety from antibiotics, even penicillin. Some people have no reaction at all. A very good friend of mine reacted badly and the reaction went away a week after she stopped. She uses D Mannose for UTI's and it does not affect her and its very reliable for bladder and UTI infections.




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Its a simple sugar, not sure how it works but alot of benzo people I know has used it with great results..You can get it mail order (probably don't wanna wait) or from a health food store..it can be pricey like maybe $30 or less but its worth it if you are afraid to use an antibiotic.


The only drawback is that it can give you diarrhea but it don't cause cramping. I would use the D Mannose before using Macrobid. Maybe you should search this site and see what others had to say about this. It's all natural.


If you get it, let me know how it works for you.




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I take cranberry extract pills now daily and haven't had a UTI since.  I became really afraid of getting one after the Bactrim ordeal.


I think the cranberry pills work only as a preventative though and not as a cure if you already have an infection. 

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I took a homeopathic remedy (not while on benzos but it doesn't interact anyway) called Uri-Cleanse from Boiron (I think).  Worked great...have to follow directions...and drink lots of water even though it really hurts to "go".  Bless you dear...these are no fun.  I also took Bactrim in the past before benzos with no problem.  Couldn't tell you what it might do.  I also took amoxicilllin in January for bronchitis in desperation.  Didn't cure it but didn't make anything worse either.
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Thank you all for replying - I am afraid of the Microbid but am going to ask my doctor tomorrow morning for amoxicillin - I just check the Mayo clinic website and they said Amoxicilllin is one of the drugs recommended for a UTI.  Thank you L123  - I am e-mailing you.......

Love Hoping

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Hi Ruth,


You and I have already had a PM conversation about this, but I thought I would alert other buddies as well.


I had a SEVERE reaction to macrobid back in 1997.  I will not go into all the details, except to say that it changed the quality of my life for several years.  I know that not everyone reacts the same way, or they would (hopefully!) take it off the market.  But it is a drug that has known side effects such as peripheral neuropathy.


I am including a link to one of those sites where patients give their experiences, and would not normally do this except you see that there are many more negatives than positives.


I believe that when Ginger (BB) had a UTI not too long ago, she used a z-pack and if I remember correctly it worked.  (azithromycin)  I have used this while in withdrawal and have not had a problem.






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I'm experiencing my 3rd uti since being put on Klonopion & Zoloft >:( Macrobid did not work for me at all and the infection became worse. No-No to Cipro!!!! Augmentin--had to be put in hospital. A cephalosporin helped for a while, but within a week, the uti was back and is now a kidney infection. Lastly, was given omnicef--SEVERE anxiety, hot heat-like sensation from the back of my head to my feet--very scary :sick: I did try D-Mannose but felt sick. It may not work for the E-coli version. What to do?!? Oh and the antibiotics mad my BP sky high :o


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The last time I had a UTI--I think it was last year--the doctor gave me Norfloxacin and it was bad for me so I went to another doctor because he wasn't in and this doctor gave me bactrim which wasn't bad except for the fact that I call them horse pills because they are so huge  ;D.  This past week I developed another UTI and the doctor gave me Norfloxacin and it never bothered me at all.
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Thank you all for replying - I am afraid of the Microbid but am going to ask my doctor tomorrow morning for amoxicillin - I just check the Mayo clinic website and they said Amoxicilllin is one of the drugs recommended for a UTI.  Thank you L123  - I am e-mailing you.......

Love Hoping


Hi Hoping,


I'm so very sorry about your UTI.  I take Macrobid for my UTI's (I'm allergic to Bactrim, i.e. Sulfa drugs)  and I do not have many side effects from it.  From what I can see it's 6 1/2 or a half dozen between the Marcrobid and Ammoxicillin.  We are so sensitive to every thing in withdrawal - antibiotics as well as everything else.   I'm sorry there doesn't seem to be a "safe" antibiotic to take when we need them. As far as Amoxicillin, I got this off of Wikipedia:




Amoxicillin BPAmoxicillin (INN), formerly amoxycillin (BAN), and abbreviated amox, is a moderate-spectrum, bacteriolytic, β-lactam antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections caused by susceptible microorganisms. It is usually the drug of choice within the class because it is better absorbed, following oral administration, than other β-lactam antibiotics. Amoxicillin is one of the most common antibiotics prescribed for children.


Amoxicillin is susceptible to degradation by β-lactamase-producing bacteria, which are resistant to a broad spectrum of β-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillin. For this reason, it is often combined with clavulanic acid, a β-lactamase inhibitor, and marketed under one name. This increases effectiveness by reducing its susceptibility to β-lactamase resistance.


Contents [hide]

1 Medical uses

2 Adverse effects

2.1 Nonallergic amoxicillin rash

2.2 Interaction

3 Mechanism of action

4 Formulations

4.1 Modes of Delivery

4.2 Proprietary preparations

5 References

6 External links


[edit] Medical usesAmoxicllin is used in the treatment of a number of infections including: acute otitis media, streptococcal pharyngitis, pneumonia, skin infections, urinary tract infections, salmonella, lyme disease, and chlamydia infections.[1] It is used to prevent bacterial endocarditis in high risk people who are having dental work done, to prevent strep pneumococus infections in those without a spleen, and for both the prevention and treatment of anthrax.[1] It is also a treatment for cystic acne.[2] The UK however does not recommend its use for infectious endocarditis prophylaxis.[3] These recommendations have not appeared to have changed the rates of infection.[4]


[edit] Adverse effectsSide-effects are as those for other beta-lactam antibiotics. Side-effects include nausea, vomiting, rashes, and antibiotic-associated colitis. Loose bowel movements (diarrhea) also may occur. Rarer, but patient-reported, side-effects include mental changes, lightheadedness, insomnia, confusion, anxiety, sensitivity to lights and sounds, and unclear thinking. Immediate medical care is required upon the first signs of these side-effects.


The onset of an allergic reaction to amoxicillin can be very sudden and intense - emergency medical attention must be sought as quickly as possible. The initial onset of such a reaction often starts with a change in mental state, skin rash with intense itching (often beginning in fingertips and around groin area and rapidly spreading), and sensations of fever, nausea, and vomiting. Any other symptoms that seem even remotely suspicious must be taken very seriously. However, more mild allergy symptoms, such as a rash, can occur at any time during treatment, even up to a week after treatment has ceased. For some people who are allergic to amoxicillin the side effects can be deadly.


Use of the amoxicillin/clavulanic acid combination for more than one week has caused mild hepatitis in some patients. Young children having ingested acute overdoses of amoxicillin manifested lethargy, vomiting and renal dysfunction.[5][6]


[edit] Nonallergic amoxicillin rashSee also: Stevens–Johnson syndrome

Somewhere between 3% and 10% of children taking amoxicillin (or ampicillin) show a late-developing (>72 hours after beginning medication and having never taken penicillin-like medication previously), often itchy rash, which is sometimes referred to as the "amoxicillin rash." The rash can also occur in adults.


The rash is described as maculopapular or morbilliform (measles-like; therefore, in medical literature, it is called "amoxicillin-induced morbilliform rash"[7]). It starts on the trunk and can spread from there. This rash is unlikely to be a true allergic reaction, and is not a contraindication for future amoxicillin usage, nor should the current regimen necessarily be stopped. However, this common amoxicillin rash and a dangerous allergic reaction cannot easily be distinguished by inexperienced persons, and therefore a healthcare professional is often required to distinguish between the two.[8]


A nonallergic amoxicillin rash may also be an indicator of infectious mononucleosis: Some studies indicate approximately 80-90% of patients with acute Epstein Barr virus infection treated with amoxicillin or ampicillin develop such a rash.[9]


Nonallergic amoxicillin rash 8 days after first dose, 24 hours after rash began. Diagnosed by a pediatric resident at local university hospital.

Eight hours after first photo, individual spots have grown and begun to merge.

Twenty-three hours after first photo, the color appears to be fading, and much of rash has spread to confluence.

[edit] InteractionAmoxicillin may interact with the following groups of drugs:


Anticoagulants (e.g. warfarin)[10]

Allopurinol (gout treatment)

Birth control pills

Certain antibiotics

Cancer treatment (methotrexate)

Uricosuric drugs

Typhoid vaccine

[edit] Mechanism of actionMain article: Beta-lactam antibiotic

This drug acts by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls. It inhibits cross-linkage between the linear peptidoglycan polymer chains that make up a major component of the cell walls of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.


It has two ionizable groups in the physiological range (the amino group in alpha-position to the amide carbonyl group and the carboxyl group).


[edit] Formulations[edit] Modes of DeliveryAmoxicillin in trihydrate form is available as capsules, chewable and dispersible tablets plus syrup and pediatric suspension for oral use, and as the sodium salt for intravenous administration (although the IV formulation is not available in the United States[11]).Amoxicillin is most commonly taken orally. The liquid forms are helpful where the patient might find it difficult to take tablets or capsules.


There is recent research with mice that indicates successful delivery using intraperitoneally injected amoxicillin-bearing microparticles.[12]


[edit] Proprietary preparations This section does not cite any references or sources.

Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (February 2010)


Novamoxin Prescription Drug - 500mg Amoxicillin TrihydrateAmoxicillin is one of the semisynthetic penicillins discovered by Beecham scientists. The patent for amoxicillin has expired, thus amoxicillin is marketed under many trade names, including: Actimoxi, Alphamox, Amocla, AMK, Amoksibos, Amoxiclav Sandoz, Amoxidal, Amoxil, Amoxin, Amoksiklav (with clavulanic acid), Amoxibiotic, Amoxicilina, Amoxidal, Apo-Amoxi, Augmentin (with clavulanic acid), Bactox, Betalaktam, Bioxidona, Cilamox, Clamoxyl, Curam, Dedoxil, Dispermox, Duomox, E-Mox, Enhancin, Gimalxina, Geramox, Hiconcil, Isimoxin, Klavax, Klavocin, Klavox, Lamoxy, Largopen, Moxatag, Moxilen, Moxypen, Moxyvit, Nobactam, Novamoxin, Ospamox, Panklav (with clavulanic acid),Optamox, Pamoxicillin, Panamox, Polymox, Samthongcillin, Senox, Sinacilin, Starmox, Trimox, Tolodina, Tormoxin, Wedemox, Wymox, Yucla, Zerrsox and Zimox.[/b][/color]


I didn't send this to scare you Luv but to help you make the best decision with your doctor.  I hope you feel better soon - I've been plagued by UTI's all my life (as well as my Mom and sister - must be genetic/anatomical thing) and don't let me start about Cipro which I took for years pre-benzos with no trouble, but one dose in benzo w/d....  you get the idea.


Sending you Love and Hugs and Well Wishes my kind, brave friend,


Sara :smitten:


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WEll I was ok with the Nofloxcin until yesterday.  Started having anxiety so I figured that it was because I was consuming caffeine also.  Took another pill today and had an anxiety attack again.
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WEll I was ok with the Nofloxcin until yesterday.  Started having anxiety so I figured that it was because I was consuming caffeine also.  Took another pill today and had an anxiety attack again.


Hockey Girl,


you know that Norfloxcin is a Fluorquinolone anti-bitoic right?  The most huge, worst, horiffic medication you can take in benzo withdrawal (and otherwise - black box warning about tendon damage)  I don't think it's the coffee Hun - if you don't believe me check it out on Wiki or Med Line or Ashton.  Sorry, I don't mean to scare you - I had personal experience with it when I didn't know any better after a c/t benzo w/d in 2008.



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WEll I was ok with the Nofloxcin until yesterday.  Started having anxiety so I figured that it was because I was consuming caffeine also.  Took another pill today and had an anxiety attack again.


Hockey Girl,


you know that Norfloxcin is a Fluorquinolone anti-bitoic right?  The most huge, worst, horiffic medication you can take in benzo withdrawal (and otherwise - black box warning about tendon damage)  I don't think it's the coffee Hun - if you don't believe me check it out on Wiki or Med Line or Ashton.  Sorry, I don't mean to scare you - I had personal experience with it when I didn't know any better after a c/t benzo w/d in 2008.




I read it a while back and you never scared me lol :)  The doctor knew that I had a reaction to it before with the numbness and still told me to take it anyway.  The thing is, though, even though I only have one pill left I don't think it's working because I still feel the symptoms of the UTI.  I won't take the other pill until I see him tomorrow and he better send me for another test and giv eme something else.  If not I'll go to the other doctor in the same office and see what he says.


Another thing that I read about it to is that it can cause depression and I have a bit of that too and loss of energy--another symptom.  Last week I could have jumped the moon because I had so much energy and was not depressed at all.  This week it's like I am in a funk.

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WEll I was ok with the Nofloxcin until yesterday.  Started having anxiety so I figured that it was because I was consuming caffeine also.  Took another pill today and had an anxiety attack again.


Hockey Girl,


you know that Norfloxcin is a Fluorquinolone antibiotic right? The most huge, worst, horrific medication you can take in benzo withdrawal (and otherwise - black box warning about tendon damage)  I don't think it's the coffee Hun - if you don't believe me check it out on Wiki or Med Line or Ashton. Sorry, I don't mean to scare you - I had personal experience with it when I didn't know any better after a c/t benzo w/d in 2008.




I read it a while back and you never scared me lol :)  The doctor knew that I had a reaction to it before with the numbness and still told me to take it anyway.  The thing is, though, even though I only have one pill left I don't think it's working because I still feel the symptoms of the UTI.  I won't take the other pill until I see him tomorrow and he better send me for another test and giv eme something else.  If not I'll go to the other doctor in the same office and see what he says.


Dear Hockey Gal,


Whew!  I'm glad you're OK and survived the " Fluorquinolone experience"  without making your withdrawal any worse.  I didn't know you already knew about the "floxins".  I bounced off the walls  with anxiety and sheer terror along with dp/dr after just one dose in 2008.  Before Benzos I took Cipro (allergy to sulfa drugs like Bactrim) for probably 18 years with no problem when I needed them for UTI's. I'm so glad you're not going to take anymore but sorry you need to try something else to get  rid of the infection  >:(


I didn't mean to over react  Hun - I didn't know if you just started it and had days to go when you wrote about your panic attack and didn't want to see you suffer more.  I'm glad you're OK and seem so calm and cool about everything!

It's the "Mother Hen" in me I guess - maybe I'm the one who needs a Mother Hen!  :laugh:


Feel better Soon.


Sara :smitten:

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WEll I was ok with the Nofloxcin until yesterday.  Started having anxiety so I figured that it was because I was consuming caffeine also.  Took another pill today and had an anxiety attack again.


Hockey Girl,


you know that Norfloxcin is a Fluorquinolone antibiotic right? The most huge, worst, horrific medication you can take in benzo withdrawal (and otherwise - black box warning about tendon damage)  I don't think it's the coffee Hun - if you don't believe me check it out on Wiki or Med Line or Ashton. Sorry, I don't mean to scare you - I had personal experience with it when I didn't know any better after a c/t benzo w/d in 2008.




I read it a while back and you never scared me lol :)  The doctor knew that I had a reaction to it before with the numbness and still told me to take it anyway.  The thing is, though, even though I only have one pill left I don't think it's working because I still feel the symptoms of the UTI.  I won't take the other pill until I see him tomorrow and he better send me for another test and giv eme something else.  If not I'll go to the other doctor in the same office and see what he says.


Dear Hockey Gal,


Whew!  I'm glad you're OK and survived the " Fluorquinolone experience"  without making your withdrawal any worse.  I didn't know you already knew about the "floxins".   I bounced off the walls  with anxiety and sheer terror along with dp/dr after just one dose in 2008.  Before Benzos I took Cipro (allergy to sulfa drugs like Bactrim) for probably 18 years with no problem when I needed them for UTI's. I'm so glad you're not going to take anymore but sorry you need to try something else to get  rid of the infection  >:(


I didn't mean to over react  Hun - I didn't know if you just started it and had days to go when you wrote about your panic attack and didn't want to see you suffer more.  I'm glad you're OK and seem so calm and cool about everything!

It's the "Mother Hen" in me I guess - maybe I'm the one who needs a Mother Hen!  :laugh:


Feel better Soon.


Sara :smitten:


that's ok! :)  I am that way too--the Mother Hen thing lol :)  My nieces always tell me I am just like their mother (my sister) is lol :)  


the thing is that I have bee noff Ativan sicne 2009 so I thought it would have been ok to take it now.

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HockeyGal: I have had 3 bladder infections since tapering/withdrawals from Xanax/crossover to Klonopin. This last one turned into a kidney infection :(...I am ultra sensitive to meds anyway so the only antibiotic I could even tolerate was ceftin...but, it didn't work. I believe it was Cupcake who told about someone using a natural sugar that is in cranberry/aloe called D-Mannose. I bought some and read what Dr. Jonathan Wright wrote (I googled D-Mannose). Then I purchased some of the urine sticks (AZO) at CVS. After 2 days of taking the D-Mannose (I got the Cleartract kind from Amazon)... my back is not killing me and the sticks show no purple(a sign of an infection). Before, the stick would turn purple within 5 seconds. This may not work for everyone, but just thought I'd offer my experience. It did not seem to ramp up anxiety either. Hope you're better soon! T2
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Well I wa sover to the dr this morning and he said that since it's only one pill I should finish the prescription and then have another test done.  I am going to take the last pill tonight when I get home from work and then go and have the test done again tomorrow. He said that I should take the pill this morning but I am waiting until I am home from work to take it because if I miss another day of work they won't be happy in there at all.  It will be later on in the day tomorrow before I am able to go to get the test done anyway.
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Well I took the last pill tonight and I mean it's going to be the LAST one that I will ever take of this medication again.  I'ts not affecting me that bad but I will just never ever take it again ever.


I also read that this drug intensifies the effect of caffeine too.  I've got the feeling that's what happened to me on Monday.  I took the pill at 12:15 and had a glass of Pepsi at 1:15 with my lunch.  I was feeling fine before that but after not so good.


Update from last night.  What a night after taking the last pill.  All I heard all night long was the pounding of my heart in my chest.  It was in the normal range but still and the anxiety OMG it was unreal.  It is now 4:43 pm here and it's only now that I am starting to feel better.

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In July 2008 Doctors in the UK stopped prescribing norfloxacin for UTs because they said that there is no proof that they cure them and based on what I am feeling today I think they are right.
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In July 2008 Doctors in the UK stopped prescribing norfloxacin for UTs because they said that there is no proof that they cure them and based on what I am feeling today I think they are right.


Hi Hockey Gal,


Jeez!  Have you talked to you doctor?  What's the next option to get rid of your UTI?  I used to take Cipro pre-benzos but that's in the same drug family - and I take it you're allergic to Sulfa drugs, (i.e. Bactrim) like I am.


I'm sorry you're suffering with this - I know how painful they are.  I hope you get some relief soon.



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In July 2008 Doctors in the UK stopped prescribing norfloxacin for UTs because they said that there is no proof that they cure them and based on what I am feeling today I think they are right.


Hi Hockey Gal,


Jeez!  Have you talked to you doctor?  What's the next option to get rid of your UTI?  I used to take Cipro pre-benzos but that's in the same drug family - and I take it you're allergic to Sulfa drugs, (i.e. Bactrim) like I am.


I'm sorry you're suffering with this - I know how painful they are.  I hope you get some relief soon.




No I took bactrim the last time and the only thing I never liked about it was that the pills were huge lol:)


I was donw to have another UT test done this morning but given that this is a long holiday weekend here in Canada the results won't be back until Monday.


another symptom that I had last ngiht was twitching and thinking about something and not remembering what it was a few seconds later.

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In July 2008 Doctors in the UK stopped prescribing norfloxacin for UTs because they said that there is no proof that they cure them and based on what I am feeling today I think they are right.


Hi Hockey Gal,


Jeez!  Have you talked to you doctor?  What's the next option to get rid of your UTI?  I used to take Cipro pre-benzos but that's in the same drug family - and I take it you're allergic to Sulfa drugs, (i.e. Bactrim) like I am.


I'm sorry you're suffering with this - I know how painful they are.  I hope you get some relief soon.




No I took bactrim the last time and the only thing I never liked about it was that the pills were huge lol:)


I was donw to have another UT test done this morning but given that this is a long holiday weekend here in Canada the results won't be back until Monday.


another symptom that I had last ngiht was twitching and thinking about something and not remembering what it was a few seconds later.


OK - that doesn't sound good - twitching and problems with your memory.  I hate that you have to wait until Monday to get back your results.  Does that mean you just have to tough it out until then.  God, all you need is it to travel and get a kidney infection!  What Holiday to do you celebrate in Canada?  We have the 4th of July on Monday (big whoop to me - could care less).


Somebody's got to get to the bottom of this soon - no more Floxin's for sure - I have a hunch that's why your heart was pounding  and you had so much anxiety.  That can be a side effect for "regular" people also and although I know you've been off of benzos a long time, I think you're still sensative to it.


Feel better soon!



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In July 2008 Doctors in the UK stopped prescribing norfloxacin for UTs because they said that there is no proof that they cure them and based on what I am feeling today I think they are right.


Hi Hockey Gal,


Jeez!  Have you talked to you doctor?  What's the next option to get rid of your UTI?  I used to take Cipro pre-benzos but that's in the same drug family - and I take it you're allergic to Sulfa drugs, (i.e. Bactrim) like I am.


I'm sorry you're suffering with this - I know how painful they are.  I hope you get some relief soon.




No I took bactrim the last time and the only thing I never liked about it was that the pills were huge lol:)


I was donw to have another UT test done this morning but given that this is a long holiday weekend here in Canada the results won't be back until Monday.


another symptom that I had last ngiht was twitching and thinking about something and not remembering what it was a few seconds later.


OK - that doesn't sound good - twitching and problems with your memory.  I hate that you have to wait until Monday to get back your results.  Does that mean you just have to tough it out until then.  God, all you need is it to travel and get a kidney infection!  What Holiday to do you celebrate in Canada?  We have the 4th of July on Monday (big whoop to me - could care less).


Somebody's got to get to the bottom of this soon - no more Floxin's for sure - I have a hunch that's why your heart was pounding  and you had so much anxiety.  That can be a side effect for "regular" people also and although I know you've been off of benzos a long time, I think you're still sensative to it.


Feel better soon!




Well what a great sleep I had last night after the no sleep the night before lol:).  No twitching either or memory problems and no anxiety!:)  I am going through perimenopause too so that's not good.


How long does that stuff take to leaver your system I wonder?  I've got the feeling that when I get the test results back on Monday he will tell me that I don't need anything else.  he's not really one to dish out medication for everything wrong with you.  He didn't even want me to start taking Ativan in the first place--wanted me to cure my sleep problems naturally and told me that if I chose Ativan that I would be going down a dangerous road.  I wish that I had listened to him.  He was the one who gave me the Ativan in the first place but it was only to help me with my fear of flying so it was only meant to be for occasional use.


It's Canada Day here today--Canada's birthday!:)

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