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Hello Millie000 :hug: Welcome to Benzobuddies!


We are glad you joined our community.  You have come to a great place for withdrawal support.  What benzo are you taking?  Slow is the way to go with benzos, accept that it’s going to take a while, stay positive, it does get better.  Some people can effectively withdraw with few symptoms,  we are here to encourage  you and offer support to get you through this process. 


General tapering guidelines are to reduce the dosage by between 5% and 10% every 10 to 14 days according to how you are feeling. We advise listening to how your body reacts to cuts and if you are feeling a little too symptomatic, we would suggest slowing that rate down to minimise the withdrawal effects.


I found that The Ashton Manual, was a great resource for me, helped me understand the effect benzo’s have on the body.  It also provides withdrawal information and includes a list of common symptoms 


I'll leave you a few links to resources:


The Ashton Manual

Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidelines


For tapering advice post here:


Planning Your Withdrawal (TaperPlans)

Withdrawal Support (during your taper)


If you would like to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) to help members give you relevant advice.  Please go to the top of the page and select PROFILE then choose forum profile then insert drug history into the text box and remember to click change profile


Welcome aboard



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