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Starting Xanax Taper and Scared!


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I have had depression and anxiety since I was 9 years old…..started different meds in my 30’s.  Xanax was given to me a few years ago to take daily…never thinking since it’s a PRN drug that it would be hard to get off of.  My doctor just kept writing for it.  I took 0.5mg at bedtime for years, was given an extra for 0.5mg three times a day for 3 month (only took 1 mg a day).  Now…after a rough adjustment I somehow had made it down to 0.25mg twice a day.  I recently cut my am dose to 0.125mg and even with that little change I am feeling crappy.  I am hoping to stay at 0.125 mg in the am and 0.5 mg at night until these side effects start to dissipate.

Is it crazy to think that just a decrease of 0.125mg a day can cause such havoc? 

I’m angry at my doctor for allowing this to go on as long as it has!!!

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Hello Mommap55, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


Such a little pill, such a small dose we’re told but its powerful and has changed how your brain functions.  What you’re feeling is your brain attempting to restore your GABBA receptors to full functioning and this doesn’t happen overnight, repairs take time. 


We suggest reducing by about 5-10% every couple of weeks but what works better is to let your symptoms guide you, this can hopefully keep you functioning.  Reducing a little at a time helps your brain do some repairs on the way down but  repairs are still going on once you’re off the drug, so recovery will take awhile.


I know its a shock to find out just how dangerous these medications can be for some of us but not everyone will suffer like we do so the medical establishment tends to think we’re not dealing with symptoms but our original issue, that simply isn’t true.  What we experience is real and its painful.


I’ll provide some links to help you get started but please let us know more about your situation and if we can help you.




Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidance


Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper)


Withdrawal Support (during your taper)


Ashton Manual symptom list

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