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Took it only for a little while


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I was given Clonazepalm by my brother (a doctor) for issues with staying asleep the whole night. I used it intermittently (0.5 mg) for 7-8 months. There were times when I probably did not use it for almost a month. So, I did not develop the dependency. However in Jan 2023 I took it bit more regularly may be for a week to 10 days for anxiety. After stopping it, I was not feeling good, and there was increased anxiety. At this point I was still not aware of the addiction risks of this drug. Then I used it for may be two weeks to deal with my anxiety. I think at this point I developed the dependency. When I tried to lower the dose to 0.25 mg I was having withdrawal symptoms that I never experienced before. At this point I found out about the Benzo withdrawal. Then I started tapering the dose to 0.125mg per day. It is been one month and I am at 0.07 mg/day. It is astonishing that even with about two weeks of taking the drug, the withdrawal symptoms are substantial.
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Hello rk0983,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies! You are very correct, it doesn't take long for a physical dependency to develop when taking strong drugs like clonazepam.  To be quite honest, your previous usage, although sporadic, likely contributed to this as well.


What was your original dose of clonazepam, that you took reguarly for about 10 days?  Clonazepam is a very strong benzo, so what might seem like a small reduction could actually be large and account for some strong withdrawal effects. It seems  like you are tapering slowly and are down to a very small amount, good for you.  Just remember, even though you will finish your taper, it will take a while for your nervous system to recover from the use of a benzo. It will though, balance will come once again.


I'll give you a link to the Withdrawal Support Board where you can connect with others. It really helps to know you are not alone in this process. We understand what you are going through and will support you through the process.  Settle in and do some reading and let us know how we can help.


Withdrawal Support (during your taper)


pianogirl  :)

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Same here and you don't realize it's the benzos causing the anxiety rebound until you seem to have grown a tolerance or addicted. I used for four weeks,used about 6mg twice a week and suffering enough to NEVER USE THIS POISON AGAIN
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I hear you! Same happened to me with short use. Anything over 2 weeks and there's a possibility for dependency. Wish I had known as well.
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