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Coming off a borderline long-term xanax usage. It's rough


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Hello. I was prescribed 2mg xanax a day for 3months following a brain injury. I was aware of the dangers but it somehow didn't save me. Ironic, right? I have been off a week. I also need to know whether or not I should be tapering..? I feel somewhat OK... not terrible. I didn't take the xanax every day but I used it weekly for sure. It's hard to say as my memory has been rather poor. I feel i'm coming out of the benzo fog.. but I have to say.. my god, the worst symptom of all has been a terrible, terrible Tinnitus. Does this get better? I only used for 3 months! And not everyday. The ringing in my ears is a single tone, loud enough to be heard over some music. I need to know it will get better because this is rough.
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Hello harpxq, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


Yes, tinnitus is horrible and caused by the drug, most of us get it but for some it's worse.  Mine faded before I completely recovered, for some, its the last symptom to leave. 


I'm so sorry to hear about your brain injury, it feels wrong to give a drug that can injure our brains to someone who actually has one.


You ask if you should taper, but if you've been off for a week and are functional then I'd say no, a taper isn't necessary. 


I'll provide some links to help you navigate the forum but we're glad you found us.




Ashton  Manual symptom list


Post-withdrawal  Recovery Support


The  Ashton Manual

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