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doctor gave me a month to find another doctor before she cuts me off of my benzos


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I'd like to join because I feel I have no other place to turn. I have been on Xanax for 35yrs and am currently on Baclofen as well. I'm currently on 5mg of Xanax. I am trying to taper, however being on Baclofen makes it very hard because benzos are commonly used to taper Baclofen and that's how I ended up on 5 mg of Xanax. I was only on .5 mg prior. So technically I'm polydrugged. When I decrease my Xanax it decreases the Baclofen. If any of you have been of Baclofen you know it acts like a benzo. I also have a medical condition that is extremely rare and make it impossible to take meds like Gabapentin. I'm at my wits end. Thank you for accepting me into the group.
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Hello Country girl, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


This is terrible news, I can't imagine another doctor agreeing to prescribe that high of a dose of Xanax, what has precipitated this decision, it feel cruel and punitive.  I've heard that Nurse Practioners can be a little more understanding, maybe you can find one who will help you.


Being on the drug for so long means you most likely need to do a slow taper, I'm afraid you'll be non-functional if you try to go too fast.  We suggest reducing by about 5-10% of your dose every couple of weeks but using your symptoms as your guide seems to work better..


I'll provide some links to help you find you way around but please keep talking to us, we want to help.




Colorado  Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidance


Planning  Your Withdrawal (Taper)


Withdrawal  Support (during your taper)


Ashton  Manual symptom list

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Hello Pamster,


I want to apologize for taking so long to get back to you. I was able to find another prescriber. I live in a very remote area, the closest to me was an NP who who I've been seeing for 8 years, but not for that. Initially she did not want to get involved, as she knows nothing about benzos or baclofen.. I am also in the medical field, and was able to educate her enough that it piqued her curiosity. That night she went home did some research, and has agreed to prescribe for me. Although I was on a combination of XR and IR Xanax because it kept me from going into Baclofen withdrawal, she prescribed only the IR, as she didn't understand the correlation. But, I'm grateful for her prescribing anything! I'm attempting to slowly taper, but it disrupts the baclofen and weakens it, which causes withdrawal. I feel like I can't win. If it were not for the baclofen, I would probably be down to my normal dose of 2 mg of Xanax. Fortunately, I do taper easily. You would think after 35 years of being on it it would be difficult, but I am blessed that it is not. I had one doctor call me the queen of tapering, because I refused to let doctors put me on high doses, as so many of them did. In this case I understood why, it was used to taper of the baclofen, I was on 80 mg due to a car accident. Baclofen works like a benzo, so the irony being increasing the benzo allows you to taper the baclofen. It's still a big mess. Finding a doctor who understands both meds is proving to be impossible in my state. I will have to go out of state. Thank you for reaching out to me! It was so nice to see. And congrats on being benzo free!! 🎉

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I’m getting a baclofen education, I had no idea it complicated things so much.  We have members who use it but I’ve never heard this aspect of it. 


I’m so glad you found another prescriber, 5 mgs of Xanax will make many doctors nervous, they probably worry about the authorities looking into their prescribing practices. 


I hope you’ll reach out to others on the forum, hopefully you can connect with someone who shares your drug history.

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Has anyone suggested changing the baclofen first?  Not to pry, but sounds like you have a neuromuscular disorder of some type. Xanax plays on gaba receptors as well so, the continued need for increased dosage over 35 years isnt so suprising.



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