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Adrenaline cortisol surges from early hours that often pump all day long, severe terror - nothing like normal anxiety - you know there is NO reason to be terrified but you are, severe neuropathic pain, urge to end your life all the time, visual symptoms, screaming tinnitus, rashes, unable to distract or think about anything else as it feels like you’re being tortured day and night, obsessions, fear of being alone, fear of being with people (I know - how can you be scared of both?!), GI issues, akathisia, electricity in your brain and body, acid burning set on fire, inner screaming like all of the cells are crying out for help, migraines that last days, severe weakness with muscle atrophy and shaking, intense convulsive trembling, an intense urge to get help from the hospital every day but know no one can help you, brain racing so fast trying to solve this, feeling I am the worst case on here, feeling I won’t make it out of this, fear that something else is going on, heat and cold intolerance, sweating, food makes symptoms worse, crying hysterically, muscles twitching, feeling in a different reality, psychotic, tortured, how can this happen?
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