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Dr. David Healy - Raising Awareness of Inappropriate or Harmful Deprescribing Practices ×

16, 17 anda 18 months free [BROMAZEPAM / CLONAZEPAM / ALPRAZOLAM]


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I'm 3 days away from turning 18 months but I'm desperate to update my progress.


From the 16th month to the beginning of the 18th month, there were many waves.


I continue to have problems with insomnia, as if I went back to the first months of withdrawal.

I had difficulty taking a nap, because I couldn't sleep, maybe it was anxiety.

I slept 2 or 3 hours most days and had difficulty getting up to go back to sleep again.


In reality, months 12 to 18 were pure, very terrible waves.


I had no watery diarrhea, very mild diarrhea and few within months 16, 17 and 18.


I had acne on my chest and back but for weeks it was mild and in others it was more moderate or severe. There were days when it broke out and others not so much.


the acne on the face is still mild and the acne spots are still there.


Record very few, short-lived, and very mild muscle twitches.


On August 24, I smoked maybe 8 cigarettes.


there were days when I was depressed and other days I wasn't.


I need a window to give me back my hopes!!!!!


in my signature is my history on benzodiazepines.





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yesterday I posted this and today I slept 6 hours straight or 5:40 hours straight, it's been a long time since that happened to me


According to Google activity, I stopped using the applications at 1:30 and I calculate that it took me more or less 30 minutes to fall asleep, maybe more or maybe less, I don't know and when I got up and grabbed the cell phone it was 8:05 am

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Oh my goodness, you got some sleep, that's wonderful!  You said you needed hope, did this give you just a bit?


he gave me a lot of hope hahahaha


I'm going to wait for the end of month 18 and 19, to give an update

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