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Eating make symptoms worse?


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Is it normal why all things considered that is, when in a wave to experience worsen of symptoms after or during eating/drinking? I find that if I'm in a wave that eating/drinking anything increases symptoms
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yes, a thousand percent, eating for a long time whacked me out pretty badly. super dizzy, short of breath, heart pounding.


theres one thing I realized, and this is probably just me, that DID help at least a little....


eat 'gently' - if you think about it, eating is a pretty involved / dare i say, intense experience on our super sensitive systems. so a couple things i started doing, one, drink water right before you eat. dont gulp it down, thus defeating the purpose of all this, but drink like half a glass of water at least, a couple/few minutes before eating, and drink water all along with your meal.


now, personally, i realized that I was eating like a caveman, gulping down my food in big chunks, not chewing it down to near liquid, and eating waaaaaay too fast.


i also realized I wasnt breathing correctly while eating, I was inhaling air either in big gulps with a big bite, or barely breathing at all as i ate.


so it sounds silly, and none of this may apply to you, but be conscious of how youre eating, youre breathing, and have some water. try to do it all as relaxed as possible. it actually helped me. sometimes it didnt much, but overall i pay more attention to all this when i eat, and i was able to actually settle down these symptoms by a pretty good margin. there were periods where it didnt help too much ,but times where it definitely did. to this day i catch myself when im eating too fast.

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