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Regular runny nose?


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Something that has been bothering me since during taper - a runny nose. I do also sneeze more, but wake up every morning with my nose blocked and it gets runny throughout the day and runs and blocks again overnight. Worse at the moment as my hay fever is playing up, but does anyone else have trouble with there nose this much?
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I still have a runny nose and sneeze a lot too. I think it has something to do with the weird allergic reactions I get in the recovery process. Sometimes I get allergies after eating a certain food or a certain fragrance, or even when I get out of the shower like I'm allergic to water or something. It's really weird.
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I'm still tapering off klonopin. Thought I would check out this board and found this thread. I've been experiencing this since I began the taper 2 months ago. Along with sinus issues.  Weird.
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Hi there... thank you for this post.  I wonder what percentage of us go through this?    I too, have had serious sinus issues for the first time in my life, since tapering.  It's been going on for nearly a year.    Burning clogged sinuses... almost like what I imagine allergies feel like.  I've never had allergies either.  Is this permanent?  I would dearly love to hear from others that are experiencing this and if you've come through it.

For awhile, I thought I had a sinus infection.. it seems certain foods or even stress will cause them to block.  And in the morning I've got a major bunch of hardened boogers (sorry) to clear... 


So what is this and why?  It's benzo taper related for sure.  Is it an overactive immune system?  Honestly I'm so glad to not be alone within this!


The only thing that has helped is rubbing Palma de Christa oil in my nostrils at night.  Or eating very frugally and simply...  anybody else?

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Ah these ideas on where it comes from do make sense, and thank you - helps to know it isn't just me! Another symptom that will hhopefully heal sometime (especially the hardened boogers im the morning - they do drive me mad!). It's one of those symptoms that is little, niggling and annoying in the background but so overwhelmed by other things that probably does get overlooked a lot of the time as we can manage it for the most part
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I'd rather have sinus issues rather than the dizziness, nausea, vomiting, feeling weird in my head, sweating, fatigue, etc.
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