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Toxic sleep


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I am 13 months off and still suffering from toxic sleep. Before I go to bed I take 1,5 mg melatonin. Every night is different. Sometimes I manage to fall asleep immediately and sometimes it takes hours and also there are many nights I can’t sleep at all. For example last night I fall asleep 3 times to only wake up in panic… also during the day when I try to relax and close my eyes…toxic!??? Funny enough one week ago I slept 9 hours with two short brakes. No fear, no panic, no agitation but since then back to hell. I am so afraid that sleep won’t even out for me. Deep despair. Anybody else suffering frim toxic sleep. Any improvements? Thanks 🍀


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Any chance the melatonin might not be agreeing with you?  I tried it twice and it make me feel hungover and weird all day the next day.
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Thank you for your note! Yes I thought of that severel times and I tried it several times with out taking melatonin. I had quite good nights with and also without… I am going to give it an other try without tonight. Hope it is going to work even for a few hours. I am so exhausted. I f only I could nap but even closing my eyes…. toxic. Did your sleep come back completely? 🍀
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I'm so sorry you are suffering and I know how hard it is.  Yes shamrock, my sleep came back completely.  I had an absolutely awful first year off benzos because of insomnia but at about the year mark things began to improve.  I finally asked my doc for an Rx for trazodone and began taking a tiny dose (12.5mg or even less) and while it is likely more placebo than anything else, it helped me over the hump.  That and time were two key things.  Too, I think I finally surrendered to the insomnia thing and quit doing battle with it in my head and that helped also. 
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Thank you so much for your reply kate! and for giving me hope. I am still on a tiny amount of AD. Sometimes I am afraid that it prevents me from healing but it would be to much to taper that too. Hope I will still heal… 🍀


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It does get better shamrock but not perfect.  I still have nights where I don't sleep well - maybe 1-2 out of 7?  But even the bad nights are better than the terrible ones my first year off benzos.
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  • 2 months later...

I would skip all supplements if I were you, don't even play around with them during benzo withdrawal. My doctor told me melatonin is actually really bad for you, because then your body doesn't produce enough of the natural kind.


Think about it like this, even if you found some kind of magical pill and magical cure for your sleep during benzo withdrawal, it would be affecting your body just like the benzos. Whenever you remove that magical pill or magical cure for your sleep, your body is going to go through hell again.


There's no evidence of anything whatsoever speeding up the benzo withdrawal process, so I would rough it out if I were you. I'm at 36 months and I learned the hard way with all kinds of different supplements and got thrown back multiple times throughout this process. I still believe I would have healed a lot quicker if it wasn't for supplements.

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Hi JustInTime, thank you for your reply! I haven’t taken melatonin for a while.  The sleep pattern is still the same. nights with only 1-2 hours and when I lucky 3-6. Still toxic very often it’s awful nerves and muscles pain. Burning, pins and needles, pulls and dull pain. About 3 weeks ago it also started in my legs and feet whereas it was only in my arms and hand before… so desperate!!! 🍀
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I know right, isn't that the worst? I'm still having burning in my legs and nerve pains and tingling and muscle soreness and that whole entire thing. I'm over 3 years out, and it comes and goes. Sometimes certain pains get better, and then new ones come about.


I had the worst of the leg pain a few weeks back, and it was only in my left leg. I thought I had a blood clot because of coronavirus, but it went away for the most part. I almost went to the doctor and almost started taking meds, I'm glad I didn't.


It's still really easy to get injured as well, due to lack of sleep and muscle tightness. Always try to go for a walk before doing any physical lifts or exercises, get your blood flowing first. It's a complicated thing, but we have to have exercise.


And yes, just stay away from supplements. You might think that they are helping you out, but it might just be a coincidence. For example if you take some melatonin and go to sleep right away, maybe you were just sleepy and it wasn't even the melatonin. Even if it was the melatonin, you don't want your body to get used to that. Right now it's important that you get your body back to Natural as much as possible and as quickly as possible, that's how I look at it.


If you eat a good diet and you exercise a ton, you're guaranteed to get some sleep. Of course there's this whole entire limit and going above what we should be going right now, so it's really difficult to find that medium. Basically don't overdo it, but don't lack at it either.


It's almost guaranteed you're going to have sleep problems for quite some time, we've all been through it. This is what makes us or breaks us, we have to do the best we can.

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