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Morning Twiny that is good news my love l knew you would be ok.Now l remembered the mouse incident because l happened to be in a pet store a couple of weeks ago and there was an American man buying up all the pet mice.Now he was mumbling under his breath l have to stop her spending all our money 😱😏.It just all fell into place.Poor Rich.You enjoy your day my lovely.love you my lST X

:2funny: :2funny: .. I laughed so hard when I read that! You're as we say here in America " a piece of work" 😂 love your sense of humor twin. I think it's why we " get on" as they say in your part of the world.

Thinking of you and am so happy to read about sis. Hopefully, the big guns, antibiotics, will take care of everything. Hope you're resting and eating! You have to keep yourself as well as possible during wd. I know you know that but it bears mentioning.

Love you much my dear tiny Irish lady,


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Good morning LHSG,

I'm a busy bee today! I have the littles, my grandkids, coming over for the day. It's election day here, mayoral, and they have off from school. Rich took the day off from work to help thank God, for those of you who don't know my grandkids are ages 4 and 5 .. Should be a fun day 🙄😳 I think we're going to take them to a bounce house and to the store and let them buy a toy then out to lunch.. Thinking McDonald's for that. They arrive at 7: 00 am .. Wish me luck, this ain't gonna be easy kids! I should be in bed by the time they leave today and that's about 5 🤯 😳

Love to all!

TT too many T'S Trish 💞💞


PS Bill if you read this, I hope you feel better. I know how awful you must be feeling. I was so sick last year and most of this year from the kindergartener's. Viruses and flu don't mix with wd. Take extra good care of yourself and drink lots of water to help flush out the germs.  :)


Mary, hope those muscles are being quiet girlfriend. Hoping you see much more improvement today.

Love you ♥️

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Sorry l am rushing up to the hospital this morning.l have good news they have started sis on broad-spectrum antibiotics and she appears to be improving woohoo 🎊🎉🎆. Early days yet so we will see what today brings.l won't be on tomorrow as l have a few things to sort out so hopefully l will be on Thursday.Love to you all and l am willing you all on.

Love and hugs Stut X


So glad to hear that your sister is improving, what a relief for you. 

Take care of yourself as much as you can.




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Good morning newbies sorry l have n't time to address you fully however I would hold for as long as you need to.Tolerance withdrawal is a very rare phenomenon which is bandied around this forum pushing people to taper faster.Now it really does sound like plain old withdrawal symptoms to me.Withdrawal when l hold tends to get worse for a period of time then very slowly it settles down.That is why holding is so hard.Stay where you are and allow your brain to adjust.Love to you both.X

Hi, just read your thread. What about getting withdrawal symptoms when you haven’t even started taking away any of the drug yet?  Does that sound like from being on the same dose for too long?  Thanks!
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Oh - WOW... Valley  :angel:  thank you SOooo much I needed that.


Hi all!


I received a request to post this again via pm.


Can anyone plz (please?) tell me how to save a direct link to "Hope FIX" posts like this? Even in my browser, so it lands on the spot in a real long thread where the HOPE thing is?




:-X  I think yesterday mighta been a WINDOW. The very first one.


In spite of "meh". Today, I'm gonna just "Do stuff I don't want to do" and take what I get.    Last time I Recovered, I remember the first day I looked at the sky, and LOVED the sky again... Then back to trudge the drudge... Don't recall the next "happy", but back then, they were kind of like scratch lotto.


HOPE to ALL  :smitten:


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Well, people,


I’m on and have spent almost the entire day on Chewing the Fat discussing how Jana Hill is pushing her agenda again.


If any of you don’t know who she is, join the club. A coward is what I said because I think she is. She now has a member what was here in 2008? (Not sure) speaking for her. That thread seems to be going on forever, and I’m now worn out.


Stut, I do hope that things move along quickly now that the weekend is gone. And I am not going to do a ticker because these sort of things just don’t interest me. If I had a decent recall of all these switches and the way I’m dealing with this crap, I’d just do a regular signature and say “jump,” “done” or whatever I feel like saying.


And no, I haven’t tapered again yet, but these sx are worse than ever after this rather long hold. I’d better  cut again though because I see my doctor on Thursday at 3:30.


There was some talk of cats again. I think it was Olive Kitty and FH. All I can say there is that Olive the kitty looks so much like little Pepper that I’m looking at Pepper when I look at Olive the kitty.


Gads, it’s late here. Luckily, I’ve got that good looking Mexican cooking dinner.


And this iPad says I need to update or back it up or something. I think I can do that cause I save the instructions from a video. Once you get into the settings area of these iPads, it’s confusing.


So tomorrow I need to pay some bills, and do some running around. There’s more.


Mary called and is her usual argumentative self, and Cathy called just to get updated.


Then there the water softener. Matt took a picture of something downstairs where it is. I sure hope I don’t have to pester him to get this done. And I need a phone number from him also.


So on we go.


Hey Intend, I didn't read the Jana Hill posts but I did read the Allison K.  thesis.  Pretty interesting.

I never use to read Chewing the Fat until you talked about it so much.  ;). Hope you have a good day, or best one possible.  Glad Cathy called too.  Love ya, MM 🐱🐾🐾🐾🌹🌹🌹🚂🚂🚂

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Hello everyone

Haven’t been on recently.  I’ve been hit pretty hard with the flu for several days.  I’ve had worse flus, but this seems to have hit me fairly strong, probably because of my taper.  Really have a hard time telling the difference between the pain and weird symptoms of flu vs withdrawal.  Whenever I’m tired or weakened, my symptoms do get worse so I’m sure the flu has worsened them.  Had some depression and eye soreness.  I’m feeling a bit better today, but not there yet.  I don’t recommend getting the flu while in withdrawal—. Just don’t do it!


I’ll be fine in a few days I’m sure.  I hope everyone on here is managing ok.  Trishy, I’m glad your dr went well.  Continue hoarding!  Mary I hope you feel better soon.




Oh Bill, so sorry you got the flu.  Can't wait for you to feel better, will be thinking about you.  Rest and drink lots of fluids  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hello LHSG’ers.  So I noticed something this morning.  So I am on 5mg V and using tablets.  I take 2, 2mg tablets and then I take another 2 mg and cut with a pill cutter and cut it in half, this equal 5 mg.  Well what I realized is the cut ones don’t always look the same size.  Could that be a reason I’m not completely stabilizing?  I’ve been holding for 3 months at this method.  I just bought a scale and was wondering if I should measure those cut tablets so they equal the same amount each day?  What do you guys think?



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Good morning Intend haven't had time to read the documents that Colin posted.l have a little bit of knowledge regarding Jana Hill l need to ask is she trying to say she created liquid titration or is there more to it than that?Also is Builder not one of her followers?l would imagine she is trying to get a book published and sadly people are so desperate she will make a fortune if she does.l hope you see this intend.love to you and Dan.X




If you get the chance, try to read that thread about Jana Hill. I made the last post there, but that was after Piano Girl also posted, and I do think Colin is satisfied that the issues have been covered fairly well as there is no response today.


From my understanding from being a member there and all the information posted, Hill is basically saying that she invented a specific method of tapering benzos and that only her method will work. It does involve liquid titration (daily liquid micro tapering/DLMT), but this method must be customized for each person.


I’m not so sure that any book she writes will sell like hot cakes since she purports that each patient has to deal with only her so she can customize her tapering method to them. That would mean that the many thousands of people seeking help would have to see her and only her.


To me, it would be like saying that there is this one psychiatrist in the entire world that has to see everyone on benzos to help them get off of them.  So how does one person do that?  Can she customize her method for the thousands of people on benzos in a book? I think any book she might write would have to be somewhat more general as far as instructions and that really goes against her mission of seeing each person individually. Well, let’s just say that the book might sell really well, but may disappoint customers when they read it and then find out that they can’t even get the attention of Hill much less see her. That is what happened to me. And I think this book has been “coming out” for awhile now, so where is it? Then again, anything can happen. I know that for myself , I won’t be buying it or reading it because she is pretty much inaccessible in that we never see her and never did see her; I should say that I didn’t see her even as a member there. And her method was successful for some while totally unsuccessful for others.


Yes, builder was also a member there as he is here on BB. Her method was successful with him I believe, but I also think he gives leeway for others who have difficulty with this Daily Liquid Micro Tapering as there are now holds as necessary even though it says daily.


From my understanding, it’s not just Hills method that Colin  is concerned about, but it’s her continual pushing of her method on various online groups, her “hiding behind “ others who are members here, these baseless threats they make directly to him while we never actually see her or hear directly from her.


Lastly, I can just say that I wanted very much for her method to work for me, but it did not even as I tried several times. And as an active member there, I got no attention from her at all except being told I had a genetic defect since her method did not work for me, and finally being called a troll for the reasons I describe in my posts on that thread. Just try to read all this, Stut, and I think you will understand this better than I can describe to you.


And I’m so glad there is progress with your sister. I’m hoping that continues. 🌹🌹. 💜❤️





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Sorry to hear that Bill, I had the flu pretty and a couple of years ago when I was first starting w/d and it was terrible. I hope you get better soon!


Suzy that's funny about your Username, well at least it is original!


Intend you should post a picture of Pepper!




I would post a picture of Pepper if I knew how. I have this iPad here, and my iPhone, but I’ll need instructions to do that. I know it can be done, but I’m not sure how to do it. My computer is out of date so I don’t know windows 10. I do know people who can help me but I really need not only a new computer but lessons on windows 10 and how to upload a picture.


Until I can do this, just look at your beautiful kitty, and you are seeing my Pepper.  :smitten:

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Hello LHSG’ers.  So I noticed something this morning.  So I am on 5mg V and using tablets.  I take 2, 2mg tablets and then I take another 2 mg and cut with a pill cutter and cut it in half, this equal 5 mg.  Well what I realized is the cut ones don’t always look the same size.  Could that be a reason I’m not completely stabilizing?  I’ve been holding for 3 months at this method.  I just bought a scale and was wondering if I should measure those cut tablets so they equal the same amount each day?  What do you guys think?




IMO meems, you should be fine.  The half life of Valium is long, as long as you are keeping those 2 halves as close as possible, I think it's okay.  I am sure you are cutting them pretty close.    :D

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Hello LHSG’ers.  So I noticed something this morning.  So I am on 5mg V and using tablets.  I take 2, 2mg tablets and then I take another 2 mg and cut with a pill cutter and cut it in half, this equal 5 mg.  Well what I realized is the cut ones don’t always look the same size.  Could that be a reason I’m not completely stabilizing?  I’ve been holding for 3 months at this method.  I just bought a scale and was wondering if I should measure those cut tablets so they equal the same amount each day?  What do you guys think?




Hey Meems,

I have worried about this myself, but with dry cutting there is just no avoiding it. I think with all the fillers in the pill, it really doesn't make a huge difference as long as the halves are fairly even. I take a half a pill now and I try not to worry about it too much.

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Morning Twiny that is good news my love l knew you would be ok.Now l remembered the mouse incident because l happened to be in a pet store a couple of weeks ago and there was an American man buying up all the pet mice.Now he was mumbling under his breath l have to stop her spending all our money 😱😏.It just all fell into place.Poor Rich.You enjoy your day my lovely.love you my lST X



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Translator just told me about a shakti carpet.  It's a carpet with all these little hard things stick up that work into your muscles and it relaxes them.  An old India remedy .  I just bought one off Amazon if you want to check them out.  LY girlfriend.  MM  :smitten: :smitten:    You just lay on it ;)


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Olive Kitty- ya I just measured on my scale the cut halves and got them to measure the same.  I’m probably gonna have to go to liquid as I get lower on my taper, or not, I don’t know but I saw that the tablet cut this morning and thought maybe the size should be the same to get the consistent dosage.  Thanks 🙏


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Thanis mm!

I was just sitting here dwelling on my pain. Sometimes i think there is something wrong with the muscle in my low back. It is sor and pops around and kind of goes to hip. Them there is all the legs cramps and sides.  I hope nothing is wrong. There are to.many benxo sx to go to the dr. I am going to get that rug.  Haha. That sounds awesome. Love you pebbles.

Put stormy in my avatar. She always looks pissed off. I would put angel.but when i look at her i cry.

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... I realized is the cut ones don’t always look the same size.  Could that be a reason I’m not completely stabilizing? 


ALL of our bodies metabolize different, regardless of the "thing"... This cut they changed my Xan to .5's... SMH, not all pills are created equal.


The SAME amount (I'm down to 1.5 mg now), but now there's Different Chalk pressed into the tab.  Keeps me from interdose, but the CHALK's changed everything.


Night dose (with the earlier dose still on board) needs over an hour to "upload the file" & take effect.  But I'm not waking up at 0340, or every time a car passes. ???  I'm down so hard I don't hear phone etc... almost 9 hours. wtf! I'm taking LESS.


The damn "Chalk" means over an hour of "Moldy Oatmeal" mush in the AM like Klonopin use to do?  YUCK!!


Now I'm logging what goes in, when it does the job, when it starts getting greedy... a pattern will HAVE to emerge... I should probably take the night dose with the "Food Tank" sucking fumes & eat an hour after. Then I'll be able to gage if I can CUT night dose a bit.


I was never able to endure a long acting Benzo...


Other folks will have more germain experience


HUGZ  :smitten:

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Thanis mm!

I was just sitting here dwelling on my pain. Sometimes i think there is something wrong with the muscle in my low back. It is sor and pops around and kind of goes to hip. Them there is all the legs cramps and sides.  I hope nothing is wrong. There are to.many benxo sx to go to the dr. I am going to get that rug.  Haha. That sounds awesome. Love you pebbles.

Put stormy in my avatar. She always looks pissed off. I would put angel.but when i look at her i cry.

She is beautiful, Stormy, I need to remember that  ;D

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It's hard mm because maybe im exercising to much. I might have overstretched.  I had too. And believe me my excercise is not intense. Alot.for the.benzo body.  :tickedoff:

But yet they say you need to walk around. And not lay down becuz it isnt good. Jim thinks it is becuz i lay down too much. I have too. So mo.matter what i do i cant win. Waaa. I hate benzos.  Ok.i wont be so negative. How did


we end up with the muscle pain  :-[


Are you feeling any different with the new diet and the liquid?

Omg..I hope so. Keeping.my fingers crossed snd the nrw rug should be helpful. Im looking it up.


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It's hard mm because maybe im exercising to much. I might have overstretched.  I had too. And believe me my excercise is not intense. Alot.for the.benzo body.  :tickedoff:

But yet they say you need to walk around. And not lay down becuz it isnt good. Jim thinks it is becuz i lay down too much. I have too. So mo.matter what i do i cant win. Waaa. I hate benzos.  Ok.i wont be so negative. How did


we end up with the muscle pain  :-[


Are you feeling any different with the new diet and the liquid?

Omg..I hope so. Keeping.my fingers crossed snd the nrw rug should be helpful. Im looking it up.


I have done so many things for my muscles since on benzo's, they either didn't work at all or only for awhile.  I really believe the benzo's pull them back and tighten them back up.    I can't lay around, I have to sit.  Sucks.  Maybe this will be different  :)

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We will get this fixed eventually. Thsts what hapoens to me. No mstter what i do they tighten up.  It has to be the benzos. Nobodies mucles do this stuff. It makes no sense. Benzos make no sense so it is benzos. We should get a lumbar pillow.  Omg yhe lumbar pain.  Give me strength!!! Or.roll up a towel. Sit up straight. Sre we 90. What the heck. Maybe ill sleep on wood
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Well, people,


I’m on and have spent almost the entire day on Chewing the Fat discussing how Jana Hill is pushing her agenda again.


If any of you don’t know who she is, join the club. A coward is what I said because I think she is. She now has a member what was here in 2008? (Not sure) speaking for her. That thread seems to be going on forever, and I’m now worn out.


Stut, I do hope that things move along quickly now that the weekend is gone. And I am not going to do a ticker because these sort of things just don’t interest me. If I had a decent recall of all these switches and the way I’m dealing with this crap, I’d just do a regular signature and say “jump,” “done” or whatever I feel like saying.


And no, I haven’t tapered again yet, but these sx are worse than ever after this rather long hold. I’d better  cut again though because I see my doctor on Thursday at 3:30.


There was some talk of cats again. I think it was Olive Kitty and FH. All I can say there is that Olive the kitty looks so much like little Pepper that I’m looking at Pepper when I look at Olive the kitty.


Gads, it’s late here. Luckily, I’ve got that good looking Mexican cooking dinner.


And this iPad says I need to update or back it up or something. I think I can do that cause I save the instructions from a video. Once you get into the settings area of these iPads, it’s confusing.


So tomorrow I need to pay some bills, and do some running around. There’s more.


Mary called and is her usual argumentative self, and Cathy called just to get updated.


Then there the water softener. Matt took a picture of something downstairs where it is. I sure hope I don’t have to pester him to get this done. And I need a phone number from him also.


So on we go.


Hey Intend, I didn't read the Jana Hill posts but I did read the Allison K.  thesis.  Pretty interesting.

I never use to read Chewing the Fat until you talked about it so much.  ;). Hope you have a good day, or best one possible.  Glad Cathy called too.  Love ya, MM 🐱🐾🐾🐾🌹🌹🌹🚂🚂🚂




I too read the Allison K. thesis, but couldn’t find it to read again. It was interesting as you say.


Well, someone else responded on that Chewing the Fat thread by Colin. Oy vey! How it does go on and on.


Looks like Jana Hill does have a sort of “cult” bunch of avid followers still after all these years. Colin is handling it, so I’m going to take my own advice to another of her fanatical followers and SHUT UP for now.


I’m dreading this cut I must make because I need my brain right now. Have to be clear headed and do bills.


Cathy was kind of fun and interesting when she called. Mary was her usual snappy (at me) self. I may have to ask her how to do this picture of pepper and then upload it here.


And those fire sticks. Dan has that whole thing figured out except not for things I want to watch. Can’t seem to get back to my profile so my kind of movie shows up. Once again, ask Mary.


Hope you’re feeling good. You seem and sound good. So are you? Love you. IIII. 🌶 Pepper, me 🌹, Dan 🚂

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Thanis mm!

I was just sitting here dwelling on my pain. Sometimes i think there is something wrong with the muscle in my low back. It is sor and pops around and kind of goes to hip. Them there is all the legs cramps and sides.  I hope nothing is wrong. There are to.many benxo sx to go to the dr. I am going to get that rug.  Haha. That sounds awesome. Love you pebbles.

Put stormy in my avatar. She always looks pissed off. I would put angel.but when i look at her i cry.


Suzy, all these symptoms sound like things I've had or other buddies have had at some point. However if your insurance covers a traimatologist and rheumatologist you could rule out anything else. I'm sorry you're in so much pain  :-\


Sorry I can't catch up with everyone. I just read Suzys post while skim reading. I really hope you all get better. Mary I hope you're getting some relief from the pain.


Olive kitty I went to psychiatrist today, showed him your signature and explained look this girl crashed and had to updose just like me and had held 18 months. He said that makes sense but even if you don't have symptoms I wish you'd go more slowly olive kitty. I really want you to walk off and Valium lag time is so insidious. Couldn't you slow down to be on the safe side? I hope I can catch up over the weekend.

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