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Yes V I am dosing four times a day--one dose has to cover me for 8 hours sleep and the other three for 5-5 1/2. I can either set my alarm for 3:30 in the morning to even out the four doses (which I don't want to do) or can go down to three--1 every eight hours. I know mornings suck for everybody but I wonder if the imbalance in dosing is affecting me or if I'm just grasping at straws.
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Yes V I am dosing four times a day--one dose has to cover me for 8 hours sleep and the other three for 5-5 1/2. I can either set my alarm for 3:30 in the morning to even out the four doses (which I don't want to do) or can go down to three--1 every eight hours. I know mornings suck for everybody but I wonder if the imbalance in dosing is affecting me or if I'm just grasping at straws.

I wonder If the 4 doses are too much? Maybe 3 would work better especially if you're a slow metabolizer. We need to figure this out. How many doses are average on the K Klub thread?  You will get this figured out. We just need to get some K people to chime in.  :)--V

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I thank God for you V and everyone else here. You are all so helpful and encouraging and I apologize when I don't reciprocate because I'm in a bad place.  I've heard klonopin dosers do between two and four a day because Builder said the "active" life is 6-12 hours. I haven't heard of many doing four. Builder didn't think it would affect side effects much but I can imagine the body would like a steady stream--either twice or three times a day. Again, I don't know what is side effects and what is being unstable but maybe I'm unstable because of my uneven dosing. I asked this in my FB group last year and was told that it didn't matter because of the half life. If I truly am a slow metabolizer (it would suck to try going down to three and find out I'm wrong) then I'm dosing too much. My doc and the buddy who sent me here said my body is too used to four doses and I shouldn't change but they're not in my body. I'm sure there would be an adjustment period, but this idea came out of the blue yesterday so I pray it's divinely inspired. Afraid to change anything before my daughter goes back to college in ten days so I have some time to think about it. Love y'all


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Liza.... I've been thinking of the same thing.... I dose 3xs a day and I am still very overly sedated feeling very bad.... I believe I am a slow metabolizer as well..... Whenever I feel the drug wearing off I feel better.....


I don't understand the science behind this....


If anyone knows,  should I go back to 2 doses? I don't know...... It doesn't seem to make sense.... And I'm afraid to change anything... My body is sensitive to everything...


Should I make the morning one the lowest and the night time one the largest? I don't know....


I'm probably posting on the wrong thread but saw Liza's post and feel I'm kind of in the same boat....


I'm experiencing very severe symptoms now ....


Anyone with suggestions thank you so much

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All I know Please is that our bodies and brains would probably do better with even dosing throughout the day so we don't have ups and downs. I've done "take more at night to help you sleep and less during the day to be alert" but that hasn't worked for me and because these are so potent, I've read many people who say it's better to be consistent (when I had my Ativan doses exactly even before my crossover I felt a lot better than I do now--is it the klonopin or that it's not even in my bloodstream?). I know some people can unevenly dose but I wonder if making this change would help me or you. Hopefully others will add their experience.
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Hi Liza,


I just had a thought. It might help to inquire about dosing K on the K board.  There are many people on the board that have experience with K.  I thought half-life for K was longer than 6 to 10 hours, but I could be wrong.  The half-life for Ativan is 6-10 hours, and from what I have read K has a longer half-life.


You might be on to something here.




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Thank you Liza and Anne.......


I have SEVERE physical neuro symptoms that initially kolonopin had softened quite considerably but I was taking .50 to .75 by noon for that to happen and then the .25 at night in pill form....


Since I did the liquid change..and.. The dosing 3xs a day and reducing ....something in the mix or perhaps all three has  been too much too soon?  I know the drug doesn't agree with me to begin with but I have to try to make this work somehow or I will not make it thru....the drug makes me feel toxic and poisoned...all benzos do....


I'm afraid the drug itself is making me severely ill and there's no way out.... If you can't just stop the drug and you can't reduce what do you do? I feel trapped...


I am close to being hospitalized for my neurological symptoms... I have been so ill I haven't been on here to even ask for support..... Feel like I'm dying... I don't feel any amount of holding will make them go away.... I just don't know anymore or how to figure out....


Thank you kindly all again for suggestions and just being here..... :'(





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Please--there has to be an answer. I took klonopin in the past and tapered off too fast and was so sick but I only ever did the pills or a compounded version. Last year was the first time I liquified a Benzo for microtapering. Worked great with the Ativan, but again my dosing was split evenly. I'm thinking there may be something to the idea of even dosing.


Anne--thanks. I've been on that board and was told it's not very active. I may try to ask still.

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Someone on the klonopin board is questioning that I am using dissolvable klonopin bs regular pills. Now I'm more confused. But they have no evidence that it's different.
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Yes V I am dosing four times a day--one dose has to cover me for 8 hours sleep and the other three for 5-5 1/2. I can either set my alarm for 3:30 in the morning to even out the four doses (which I don't want to do) or can go down to three--1 every eight hours. I know mornings suck for everybody but I wonder if the imbalance in dosing is affecting me or if I'm just grasping at straws.


I dont think that the way you are dosing should cause any problems. I dose 5 time per day at 7am 11am  3pm 7pm and 10p. I have ruff patches but mostly when I first wake up.

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Hi all,


I've been reading your posts. I haven't replied because I don't know anything about klonopin or any of the other drugs discussed here.

But I do hope you get things straightened out with the help of the buddies who are knowledgeable.


Peace and healing and better times ahead to all.



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Are you tapering Klonopin JR.?


No I am not.I am tapering Xanax. which has a very short half life thus the 5 doses per day!My wife who is tapering Klonipin only takes her dose at bedtime. She has tapered from 1.5mg per day to .25mg per day without any problems at all.

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Hi again


. Question


Is there any big difference , as far as being kind to your brain, between


Cutting.01 for five days and then holding after the fifth day (.05) 


Cutting .05 all at once and holding?


Seems like going the five day route is a waste of time, but ???  ?


(After my two month hold, I had originally planned on tapering all the way down at -.01 daily, but it seems that is not going to work for me. I get side effects even with a  micro taper after the fifth day and have to hold.) I am presently holding again for at least a month after my last .05 cut! Why am I so sensitive to even tiny cuts??



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Thank you Liza and Anne.......


I have SEVERE physical neuro symptoms that initially kolonopin had softened quite considerably but I was taking .50 to .75 by noon for that to happen and then the .25 at night in pill form....


Since I did the liquid change..and.. The dosing 3xs a day and reducing ....something in the mix or perhaps all three has  been too much too soon?  I know the drug doesn't agree with me to begin with but I have to try to make this work somehow or I will not make it thru....the drug makes me feel toxic and poisoned...all benzos do....


I'm afraid the drug itself is making me severely ill and there's no way out.... If you can't just stop the drug and you can't reduce what do you do? I feel trapped...


I am close to being hospitalized for my neurological symptoms... I have been so ill I haven't been on here to even ask for support..... Feel like I'm dying... I don't feel any amount of holding will make them go away.... I just don't know anymore or how to figure out....


Thank you kindly all again for suggestions and just being here..... :'(

Hi Please. I'm trying to understand your situation. I'm reading that you were taking K for neuro sxs? Or you're getting neuro sxs from tapering?  I do see you're early in your hold. You can hang on for a little longer and see if things improve. Once a taper goes sideways it does take some time to "right the ship". So sorry you're still suffering.  :(--V

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Hi again


. Question


Is there any big difference , as far as being kind to your brain, between


Cutting.01 for five days and then holding after the fifth day (.05) 


Cutting .05 all at once and holding?


Seems like going the five day route is a waste of time, but ???  ?


(After my two month hold, I had originally planned on tapering all the way down at -.01 daily, but it seems that is not going to work for me. I get side effects even with a  micro taper after the fifth day and have to hold.) I am presently holding again for at least a month after my last .05 cut! Why am I so sensitive to even tiny cuts??



Hi Heathcliff. I actually know someone who did .1mg cuts at your dose and waited 4 weeks in between the cuts. She tolerated it very well but we're all different. You can make a bigger cut and hold longer or smaller cuts. You may do better with .005 daily cuts at the level you're on. That's half the rate you're cutting now. It's somewhat of a trial and error especially as you reach the lower levels. Don't be afraid to take a year or more if that's what it takes. The goal is to keep sxs to a minimum so when you jump you'll already know you're home free. Hope others will share their wisdom.  :)--V

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OH MY! Please reduce my anxiety,


I just read on the


Withdrawal support during recovery forum, a posting called


The  Four phases of withdrawal, where are you?


It Scared the you know what out of me!


I know every one has different experiences,and I know everything I read is not necessarily going to happen to me, but it scared me silly!

I try not to read the scary stuff, but I just happened to come across it, so I took a look. Oh my I wish I never read it!


I really like this long hold support group because you are so kind and positive in your posts. I feel safe here. You are honest, yet kind, and I know this whole process is worse than no fun.  But that post really got the worst of me.


And I am not negating anything I read on the posting I referred to here, above. And everyone has the right to put what they want. And maybe that happens to some people.


But will someone please just take a look at what it says, and tell me that it is not written in stone and that it is not like that for everyone?

Thanks so very much,


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Thank you Liza and Anne.......


I have SEVERE physical neuro symptoms that initially kolonopin had softened quite considerably but I was taking .50 to .75 by noon for that to happen and then the .25 at night in pill form....


Since I did the liquid change..and.. The dosing 3xs a day and reducing ....something in the mix or perhaps all three has  been too much too soon?  I know the drug doesn't agree with me to begin with but I have to try to make this work somehow or I will not make it thru....the drug makes me feel toxic and poisoned...all benzos do....


I'm afraid the drug itself is making me severely ill and there's no way out.... If you can't just stop the drug and you can't reduce what do you do? I feel trapped...


I am close to being hospitalized for my neurological symptoms... I have been so ill I haven't been on here to even ask for support..... Feel like I'm dying... I don't feel any amount of holding will make them go away.... I just don't know anymore or how to figure out....


Thank you kindly all again for suggestions and just being here..... :'(

Hi Please. I'm trying to understand your situation. I'm reading that you were taking K for neuro sxs? Or you're getting neuro sxs from tapering?  I do see you're early in your hold. You can hang on for a little longer and see if things improve. Once a taper goes sideways it does take some time to "right the ship". So sorry you're still suffering.  :(--V

Hi V- yes.... The only reason I reinstated at 10 months off the ativan was in the hopes the kolonopin would help die down the neuro symptoms from the ativan..... It was and is beyond horrific and I couldn't go on any longer like that...and my doctor prompted me at his suggestion.... The day I took it I cried profusely...


I have severe tardive dyskenesia like symptoms and I was informed that benzos can cause td.... I'm horrified And convinced i have this now... I had no idea benzos could do this....I don't know why I got hit so badly from the ativan unless the 5 days of vistaril did it as a synergistic effect... I just don't know what happened to me...


I feel like I'm losing it when every part of your body just involuntarily does what it wants..... I feel and look maimed...especially every part of my face...


I do not like taking pharmaceutical drugs at all... Too hypersensitive to meds..... If you look at my history; I briefly tried or took only  one pill of something......I was desperate... All because of a pill called ativan...


I don't know what else to really do...the physicians I saw were not helpful and made me feel worse...


If I really have this condition; I know I will just allow myself to just give way... I'm so exhausted from this and don't have it in me....I've been housebound 15 months....


Thank you for listening to my plight....

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OH MY! Please reduce my anxiety,


I just read on the


Withdrawal support during recovery forum, a posting called


The  Four phases of withdrawal, where are you?


It Scared the you know what out of me!


I know every one has different experiences,and I know everything I read is not necessarily going to happen to me, but it scared me silly!

I try not to read the scary stuff, but I just happened to come across it, so I took a look. Oh my I wish I never read it!


I really like this long hold support group because you are so kind and positive in your posts. I feel safe here. You are honest, yet kind, and I know this whole process is worse than no fun.  But that post really got the worst of me.


And I am not negating anything I read on the posting I referred to here, above. And everyone has the right to put what they want. And maybe that happens to some people.


But will someone please just take a look at what it says, and tell me that it is not written in stone and that it is not like that for everyone?

Thanks so very much,


I've read that thread in the past. Nothing is written in stone in getting off benzos. There are many that have minimal to no withdrawal throughout their tapers and are completely healed at the jump. If you listen to your body and not try to push it past what it can handle, you'll be just fine.  :)--V

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Thank you Liza and Anne.......


I have SEVERE physical neuro symptoms that initially kolonopin had softened quite considerably but I was taking .50 to .75 by noon for that to happen and then the .25 at night in pill form....


Since I did the liquid change..and.. The dosing 3xs a day and reducing ....something in the mix or perhaps all three has  been too much too soon?  I know the drug doesn't agree with me to begin with but I have to try to make this work somehow or I will not make it thru....the drug makes me feel toxic and poisoned...all benzos do....


I'm afraid the drug itself is making me severely ill and there's no way out.... If you can't just stop the drug and you can't reduce what do you do? I feel trapped...


I am close to being hospitalized for my neurological symptoms... I have been so ill I haven't been on here to even ask for support..... Feel like I'm dying... I don't feel any amount of holding will make them go away.... I just don't know anymore or how to figure out....


Thank you kindly all again for suggestions and just being here..... :'(

Hi Please. I'm trying to understand your situation. I'm reading that you were taking K for neuro sxs? Or you're getting neuro sxs from tapering?  I do see you're early in your hold. You can hang on for a little longer and see if things improve. Once a taper goes sideways it does take some time to "right the ship". So sorry you're still suffering.  :(--V

Hi V- yes.... The only reason I reinstated at 10 months off the ativan was in the hopes the kolonopin would help die down the neuro symptoms from the ativan..... It was and is beyond horrific and I couldn't go on any longer like that...and my doctor prompted me at his suggestion.... The day I took it I cried profusely...


I have severe tardive dyskenesia like symptoms and I was informed that benzos can cause td.... I'm horrified And convinced i have this now... I had no idea benzos could do this....I don't know why I got hit so badly from the ativan unless the 5 days of vistaril did it as a synergistic effect... I just don't know what happened to me...


I feel like I'm losing it when every part of your body just involuntarily does what it wants..... I feel and look maimed...especially every part of my face...


I do not like taking pharmaceutical drugs at all... Too hypersensitive to meds..... If you look at my history; I briefly tried or took only  one pill of something......I was desperate... All because of a pill called ativan...


I don't know what else to really do...the physicians I saw were not helpful and made me feel worse...


If I really have this condition; I know I will just allow myself to just give way... I'm so exhausted from this and don't have it in me....I've been housebound 15 months....


Thank you for listening to my plight....

I think the TD sxs will dissipate as you work your way off benzos. I have a lot of weird facial tics and involuntary muscle contractions at times, but they have improved since I started to taper. I know how hard it is to be housebound. In fact it's horrible during benzo withdrawal as it limits your ability to distract. Try to get out of the house no matter how long every day just to distract from the withdrawal. Do whatever you can at home to distract also.  We can do a lot more than our mind tells us we can during withdrawal. At least that's been my experience. You can get through this this!  :)--V

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The first three times I took klonopin for sleep for a few months 2002-2009, I tapered off myself in a couple months. Because this isn't my first rodeo and I've been through a horrid taper before this and never took klonopin more than at night before--I think that's what's causing some problems and why I'm considering going to three doses. I feel like I got horrible advice last year in the FB group I was in and I've spent s year trying to fix it.

Thanks for the info JR


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