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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I had experience with Seroquel, but after I was off of Benzos.  Since all Benzos do pretty much the same thing, there are most likely hundreds of people on this forum that used both Seroquel and Ativan at the same time?


Ativan is a Benzo and Seroquel is an anti-psychotic!

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Not sure what information you are looking for then?  Given the fact that you're still on a Benzo means that what you are experiencing with symptoms and sex drive (libido), etc., is considered "completely normal."


Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms


The following is a list of possible symptoms; it is not a list of what you will suffer from during withdrawal. You are unlikely to experience more than a few of these symptoms during withdrawal, and may experience none at all. Some of these withdrawal effects are reported from anecdotal evidence and may be spurious. All of these symptoms can have causes other than withdrawal from benzodiazepines. It is important for you to discuss any new symptoms with your doctor.


    Most Common


            Muscle pain





    Less Common


            Gastrointestinal problems (may include abdominal pain or cramps, and distension)

            Visual disturbances (blurred vision, hypersensitivity to light, seeing spots, sore eyes, dry eyes)

            Headaches (may include feelings of tightness in head)

            Flu-like symptoms (fatigue, lethargy, weakness)


            Pain in neck and shoulders, teeth and jaw

            Limbs feel heavy

            Balance problems, dizziness, unsteadiness, loss of coordination


            Feelings of tightness in chest, breathing difficulties, palpations, inner trembling


            Phobias (most common are agoraphobia, social phobia, and the fear of going mad)

            Panic attacks

            Rapid mood swings

            Restlessness, jumpiness

            Loss of memory, trouble concentrating



            Derealisation (feelings of unreality, changes in perception)

    Least common


            Changes in appetite, weight gain or loss

            Constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting

            Difficulty swallowing, increased saliva, loss of taste or metallic taste, sore mouth and tongue, dry mouth

            Craving of sweet foods

            Tinnitus (ringing in ears)

            Menstrual changes

            Changes in libido

            Urinary problems (frequency, urgency)

            Skin rashes, itchy skin, dry skin, slow healing of wounds

            Painful scalp

            Feelings of 'pins and needles' , tingling or numbness in arms, legs, face or trunk

            Hypersensitivity to sounds


            Speech difficulties

            Rapid changes in body temperature


            Depersonalisation (feeling like you don't know who you are)


            Feeling suddenly aggressive or full of rage


            Intrusive thoughts or memories

            Morbid thoughts, suicidal thoughts

            Unusually sensitive (such as to reading or watching news stories)


Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome


It is first important to understand that, generally speaking, a syndrome is not a disease, per se. Rather, it is a collection of symptoms associated with a particular condition where the causal mechanism is unknown. If you have read the withdrawal symptoms list above, you will be familiar with the possible effects associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal. If these withdrawal symptoms continue for many months after you have finished your taper, then your symptoms can be said to be "protracted"; this does not mean permanent! Therefore, Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome (PWS) is just a label to indicate that you have not been lucky enough for your withdrawal symptoms to have cleared up (or largely cleared up) within some weeks or a few months of taking your last dose of a benzodiazepine.


PWS is characterised by a group of symptoms that are assessed clinically (not by blood tests etc.). Because the cause for these protracted symptoms is not understood and these symptoms go on for some time, then the term "PWS" is appropriate, but not very helpful. Some of us take longer to get better, that is all. It would be a mistake to think that you have another disease - PWS is not a disease! It is probably better to think of PWS as "protracted withdrawal symptoms", because this is exactly what they are.



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Yes, thank you ThEwAy2 for "articulating" so well this subject.


I especially like the thought that PWS(Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome) would be better stated as "Protracted Withdrawal Symptoms". I also, appreciate the fact that you pointed out it's Not understood. How so very true...and very sad at that!


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