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Bupropion: Fatigue, motivation, anxiety, muscle tone,self-confidence - resolved!


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The amazing medication that has almost totally alleviated the symptoms in the title that so many of us suffer from was Wellbutrin(bupropion).


I had these issues prior to my benzo withdrawal, but ever since withdrawal they have been so much worse. At least 5x as bad. It's been so long since I was myself that I didn't even realise anymore that I was no where near healed until taking bupropion. Not only has it helped my general mental health and energy levels (both mental and physical) but my muscle tone and mass is returning and even better than it previously was. Bupropion increases hormones and it hasn't caused any issues at all like TRT does for some people in withdrawal. My behaviour is reflecting that of increased testosterone so I believe it's higher unless it's just the extra dopamine making me act this way but I never have quite like this from other stimulants and this testosterone effect became noticeable after 5 months of use. My urinary retention also got better.


I also still had issues with coordination, decision making, problem solving and some forms of memory. Bupropion has made me so much more focused, capable and reliable like I used to be.


The only bad about it is it takes a month or 2 to get stable and if you're still in bad withdrawal the initial anxiety may be a bit much, plus it lowers seizure threshold so care must be taken. I've never felt close to a seizure though. There's also other potential side effects like nausea but if you suffer from the problems I've mentioned it's worth a try. Incredible medication after trying so many antidepressants etc. It just makes me feel normal plus some extra drive and confidence that improves life more. It even makes me interact with people normally again, my social skills are better than ever..


There's so much this medication can help with, so many specific issues I never really knew were a problem keep getting better and I'm like damn I was messed up and I didn't even fully know it. I could ramble about how it's helped all day long. The main things that helped me is having mental energy, drive and a shit ton of confidence. I'm one of those people brimming with potential and never able to ultimately get anywhere despite high expectations, especially lately. With bupropion I can confidently say I'm fast becoming the person I've always wanted to be, super productive and enjoying work to a normal extent, funny and casual in conversation, coming up with and trying new ideas without fear of failure, calm and collected when faced with stress and just more rational in general. I also don't stress obsessively over every possibility in life anymore.


There's not many medications I see as worth taking long term or even at all, but this one is definitely worth a try for a multitude of reasons. I even stopped my other antidepressant that I thought helped a lot for motivation. It did nothing by comparison except help me sleep (agomelatine). Just be patient with it if you do try and join the reddit group called bupropion so you understand the general process of getting used to the medication. Withdrawal is mild to moderate compared to most other antidepressants.


Just to add- Bupropion doesn't seem to help my view of life like an SSRIs would. It doesn't make me feel more happy or lovey. It's more of a drug that makes you cope with life better, rather than change your perspective on it. Bupropion wouldn't help that much if I hadn't of fixed my mindset and perspective on life prior to taking it. If I didn't fix it I'd just have all this drive to do pointless stuff. Where SSRIs failed, psilocybin mushrooms cured me. Now I've found bupropion and the more physical issues are clearing up. Then clearing up the physical like motivation allows me to accomplish more which allows even more mental benefits like increased confidence.

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If it worked for you thats good. For many others thought it can make them feel super revved up - and thats ppl not in benzo recovery. I tried it years ago and felt like I'd had a gallon of coffee - like not in a good way.:)
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  • 4 weeks later...
I understand, it revved me up for a few weeks but nothing worse than if I had a moderate amount of coffee would cause I'm still pretty sensitive. I felt it was working for some things so I stuck it out and I adjusted extremely well so for anyone trying it out give it a chance even if you feel nervous the first month, sometimes it takes a few months or more for full effect but if it is gonna work for you then after a month you should be reasonably adjusted.
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