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33 months off Clonazepam


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33 Months off Clonazepam. Prescribed for 19 years for panic attacks along with every antidepressant you can think of. I started having panic attacks when I learned both my children were going to be severely disabled. That is a normal response that anyone would have.

I went to a psychiatrist and was prescribed medications. I continued taking them because I thought I needed them. I thought it was what we do. Listen to a doctor.

My son passed away this past July from negligence. I have to say dealing with benzo withdrawal is harder. I am coping with my son's passing with no medication going through a benzo withdrawal without the aid of anything.

The benzo withdrawal is harder. I still suffer many symptoms. But I am a lot better than I was even a year ago.

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I'm very sorry for your loss 1999, you're so brave and strong, you're facing more than most while recovering from benzo's.  I wish you healing.  :smitten:
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