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panic while falling asleep


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After a nice 4 month window of sleeping good, I'm thrown back into insomnia. I'm about 9 weeks into this wave but it just intensified and I'm now having  panic  while I'm falling asleep. It's associated with the beginnings of intense dreams. About 7 days ago, I had a dream about a large passenger jet on the runway and it was full of passengers and it was really loud and smoking and about to explode and there were people everywhere and then I woke up right before it exploded and my heart pounding. Ever since then, I can't fall asleep and when I do fall asleep, I start an intense dream and wake up panicked.  It's hard to believe that after 9 1/2 months that it can be just like in acute. I have trazedone and hydroxyzine but they are not working very well. I'm hoping that this is the storm before the calm. Any input would be appreciated !!
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How long have you been taking the trazodone and hydroxyzine?

When I was in acute in the beginning, I alternated them with unisom and my natural sleep came back while taking them and then I had a 4 month window without any meds. Now I'm doing the same, alternating the hydroxyzine one night and traz the next and unisom the next and then a zero med night. It's not working now.
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It's really not that hard to believe...I was just starting to turn a corner at 9.5 months off.  My sleep started to return between month 9 and 10 after my CT.


Ashton says it takes 6-12 months for insomnia to resolve on average.  Some take longer, some take less time.


In my experience, most on this insomnia board saw some type of relief by month 18.  As you already know, that doesn't mean your sleep is terrible the entire time, but the times listed are when good sleep was more common than poor sleep.


I had a 29 day insomnia only setback after sleeping well for 6 months at 18 months off and another 6 week insomnia setback at 52 months off and that was after sleeping well for over 2 years!


They both evened out given time.  In the first case, I slept pretty well for 2 years after the 29 day setback resolved and have been sleeping well for about 9 months now after this last setback in January and February of this year.


It will even out.  At least you're falling asleep and dreaming...something many on this forum pray for nightly!


Good luck!

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Hello Stupid mistake, I am on my second round of withdrawal, after a previous withdrawal of about three years, and I am having sleep issues and on both Hydroxyzine and Trazodone.  Side effects of Traz, which I have, are vivid dreams, some of them pretty weird.  I am not sure about Hydroxyzine, interesting to me that you alternate them with Unisom.  The difference I see with both is that I am building up a tolerance, and it takes longer for me to get to sleep.
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