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crying spells and feeling depressed


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I have no idea whether I'm depressed, or I just have some disorder where my emotions are out of control.  I feel very upset and am starting to have crying spells.  I haven't had them in months, but I dread this.  When this starts to happen I start to loose whatever support I have from my family because it so extreme. 


I don't know how much longer of this feeling I will be able to endure.......


I don't understand over 3 months in and feeling like this.  Could it be stress, exercise, diet?  Or is it just the withdrawal?  Is it something else besides withdrawal?


When I had my mental break down I don't know if these spells happened, but I just think the breakdown has forever damaged my life.  It just sucks to know this is the way life will be from now on, unstable.


I believe it's due to stress and I'm just crashing again.

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Hi Kd35,


Sorry to hear you are having problems with crying jags.  It can be very difficult to try and figure out what is causing what when it comes to benzo withdrawal.  But I can tell you that you are not alone on this one.  I have seen other buddies reporting similar problems with crying jags.  If "three months in" you mean three months post benzo, that actually is not all that long in the healing process.  I recall month three being quite difficult for me.  Try to hold on best you can.  It does get better.  If you feel you are becoming way too unstable have you considered an anti-depressant?  Hope you feel better.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I was only on K. 2 months and towards the end of my taper and 2 weeks after, there were days that I just would cry so easily. Pretty strange stuff for me, but it happened.

Our brains are bouncing back and forth with all this new activity that wasn't there while on these drugs that it can be very very disheartening.

I am 3 weeks off and I keep telling myself that all these strange sensations are just that, sensations and they will pass...


You are healing..



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The emotions like crying and so on.. I have sometimes.

It's you coming back. You're healing.

The Benzo suppresses these emotions, and when we get hit by a meteor, we don't know how to take it.

Crying is a human emotion, we should cry. If we stayed numb and didn't, then there is something wrong.


Hang in there.



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Hey kd35,


I am just over 4 months out and was recently hit with depression, crying, and rage I couldn't control again just when I thought it was a past memory.  Seemed like it was not going to lift, and then it did.  When you are in it for days and days it can feel like it will always be this way.  But then when you come out it and can think clearly again you realize it was part of the w/d.  Then, it is hard not to feel guilty for the way you behaved.


Fortunately for me my husband and my family noticed my personality becoming dark and depressed while I was on the benzo and they all suspected it was the meds my psychiatrist was RXing me, so they understand where this is coming from in the present and know it is not me.


I really feel for you because I know exactly how you feel.  I don't think we are facing a life sentence of this never going away, I don't.  I really believe that this is just all part of our brains healing, and as time marches on this will be a bad memory for good.

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