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Why do I feel like lead?


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Hey guys, though I would give a little update.  Im a little over 4 months off. I still have some rough symptoms but have had some easing of them hear and there. One thing that happens is extreme fatigue with lead body? Does anyone have this? I also still have some vision issues, DP/DR which is some better, apathy and adenonia, trouble regulating tempature, anxiety and more. I still can't work and don't drive much but push myself to do small things with my family. Just wished it would all stop.  :'(


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Nike0911, it sounds pretty par for the course at 4 months off, unfortunately.  I can’t speak to the feeling like lead fatigue, but I know from other reports on the forum it’s a pretty common symptom.  I’m so sorry you can’t work or drive much yet.  I remember when I was able to drive again.  It was a good feeling even if I was uncomfortable most of the time.  Now I will only have random moments, mostly when I encounter very congested interstate traffic, when I can feel some of that nasty anxiety creep back and my chest and back tightness intensifies. It does get better though, just not as fast as we would like.  Hang in there, okay!?  :thumbsup:
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18mo off here

Yes, heavy head and legs, limbs, muscle tension,

sometimes when I get out of a chair I feel like I weigh 1000lbs and cant move right

I have been an athlete my whole life, this muscle stuff for me has been the worst by far

have to hang in and treat yourself right

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That is a common symptom of withdrawal and I have it too ... feels like I walk with cement boots. It is hard to deal with when you used to be very active before but it passes. It can also come and go, too.


Some recovery success stories share about it and some people find it the last thing to go. But don't let that worry you. No one can predict anything in this journey. We are all different and just last night I read a success story where the person had a very linear recovery where she got better little by little. No windows and waves......



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I just now started driving. The first time was a couple of weeks ago and that was b/c I needed to deposit a check and I was NOT ready- I felt like I was in a haunted house. Then I started driving just around the block a few times. Then I drove to get my waters filled about 5 miles away and each time it got a little easier.


My point is- you will drive again. It's the lack of GABA in my brain that makes things scary. I keep telling myself that. "This is a GABA shortage issue and the GABA will come back"


I am keeping you in prayer....


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Hey there!

Lead limbs, feeling like 1000 pounds, or like gravity is WAY to strong, or like trying to walk through neck high mud with weights tied to you..  yeah all very common. It sucks! For some it comes and goes, for others like me, it comes and stays for a long time.

I hated it so much. Robs you of so much. And keeps you from doing the things that are most helpful during this, which is distraction and movement, or doing things to try and be normal.


I know.


I'm glad some of your symptoms have lessoned! Hopefully this one will soon. Just to give you hope though- at 4 months off I was in a wheel chair, and now I am doing really great! I do all my original sports and activities plus some new ones!!!! :smitten:

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Yep,  that goes away but the mental issues are worse for me.  My body feels a lot better but my eyes and brain are severely damaged.  The peripheral nervous system can repair but the cns, aka brain,  optic nerves,  spine cannot, they can only adapt to the damage.
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I was in a pool the other day and my body felt lighter, but when I got out it was oddest feelings ever, my entire body felt weighted to the earth, so very bizarre


IM really stiff for sure and today just started seeing a chiropractor, a good one, the xray look good, but my neck has swelling and knots in it, I never sis anything about it after I was rearended 2yrs ago, but I am now, Im hoping he can relieve some of this tension, but this gross muscle stuff seems systemic

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I'm glad you asked this question because I've wondered about this.  I get it from time to time. It's like I can barely move. I keep telling my husband, "this is NOT normal fatigue".  It's like walking through cold molasses. I'm a little over 3 months since jumping and it comes and goes at this point along with a bunch of other symptoms (none of them fun).  I'll cross my fingers it lets up for all of us still struggling.


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I just want to thank each and everyone of you for responding to my post. It is a very scary symptom. Wished I could heal us all and none of us had to suffer. Since I cant, sending hugs and support your way.
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