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Paralyzing Intrusive, Obsessive Thoughts?


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My worst symptom seems to be these obsessive, intrusive thoughts that just seem to hang on and on. These thoughts are very fear-provoking that just get stuck in my head.  They make me just want to scream or just curl up in a ball and veg out in front of the T.V.    Does anyone else have this at 3 1/2 months off?    I"m so tired of my brain getting stuck on unwanted thoughts.  Does anyone else have this at 3 months off?  I feel so crazy.
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I'm still tapering. I have had the intrusive thinking. I have this technique that helps me to many points with these thoughts.

You can Google it it's called Law of Attraction, also- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mysticism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_ordering

It helps me, but everyone is different on how to deal with different symptoms. Basically it's replacing Neg. with Pos. thinking, and keep telling yourself Positive Thoughts, and day by day... your thinking morphs to a more positive pattern. You will just have to read in depth, it helps me with the intrusive thinking.

I just thought I would share this.

Hopefully others will give you more info. on how they cope with this.

I know it's part of withdrawal, and it will eventually fade.




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I'm only at 3 weeks, Zugora, but I know what you mean. I wake up everyday, and my brain immediately begins to "roll the blooper reel" of every stupid, regretful and asinine thing I've ever done in my life. I then dwell on it at frequent intervals throughout the day.
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those intrusive thoughts are just horrible.  i had never had anything like that until i was in benzo wd.  for me they started around month 3 and lasted until month 9 or so (then they came off and on for another 2 months). 


i had read that inositol helps so i used to eat a TON of cantaloupe every day.  it did seem to help.


at one point, the thoughts were so bad...i would wake up in the morning and within about 20 seconds of waking they would start...i only got relief when i slept. 


mine eventually just started fading away. 

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Thank you so much for responding and relating...this makes me feel a little better since I feel soooooo crazy with these intrusive, looping thoughts!! 
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Zugora, my thoughts are now just starting to slow down in week 15, they are still fast but I can see that they are slowing down.  I've had them really bad for months, but now, the thoughts are still rapid but no longer only negative, which is real bonus.  It has happened over the last couple of weeks.  I figure in another few weeks, they should be back to normal fast, not crazy fast.
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Thanks, Wellness. The thoughts are better than what they were 3 months ago, but they still hang on.  They seem to get stuck on the negative and they still hang on to the irrational fear and worry.  It makes me feel totally crazy.
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Hi Zugora....I've got them too. In fact, I was put on klonopin because I needed to quiet them and now as I come off the seem to have reappeared. I'm slowly, very slowly, learning to relearn and try not to "hamster wheel" my thoughts as much. Hope you feel better....hang in there and I will try to too.  ;)
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My intrusive thoughts seemed to fade about 4 or 5 weeks ago. (then, about 6 months benzo free)


I exercise a lot.

This really helps me.



My mantra; "calm of thought and focus"


Could help.

Also, when I think I don't fit in, I find it helps me, instead of thinking "I'm not like them" think, "they're not like me" seems to help.


we can make it!




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Hey Zugora and all!

Unfortunately I too understand, so in that case, we are not alone, right?!  Have to stay positive!  :thumbsup:

I would never want anyone to feel these withdrawal symptoms, or have to go through the "looping thoughts", so i am sorry your dealing with this as well.


I am still tapering... so i do hope they disappear before too much longer!


Keep thinking and talking positive to yourself!


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I've have OCD and I know all about having intrusive obsessive thoughts so I can empathize with you. They're very scary and can send me into a panic at times. My intrusive thoughts are very irrational. I've had thoughts that I was going to stand up in church and started cursing (like I have Tourette's or something  :laugh:). I'm sure my obsessive thoughts will become more intense as I taper down but I've found that If I pinch myself it brings me back to the present moment. 
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This was a horrible w/d sx for me also, but it went away around 5-6 month mark. I am 1 week away from 8 months off and I have them no more!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, I know about innapropriate thoughts big time, the bad thing is it seems when I get over one obsessive thought something else will take its place. Want to hear my obsessive thoughts of late? I fantasize about losing gravity when I walk outside in the open and free falling through the atmosphere and plunging into space. Hows that for innapropriate  :crazy: The thing is I know thats just absurd but our mind wants to make it real and we end up going into panick alot of times. I actually have developed astrophobia because of it " fear of outer space" but Im hoping each day of recovery will ease the thoughts, God Bless :thumbsup:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! Lots of great post here!  :thumbsup: Obsessive thoughts were almost constant in the first several months and then they went away around month 4. They reoccurred around month 7 (I'm now 8 months off the beast) and have been horrific!  They do not come everyday, but are frequent; and, when they come they are vengeful it seems :P  At those particular times I must confess that I get very discouraged and am tempted to despair of ever getting healed.


HOWEVER, when I am able to embrace the positive then I am able to get the victory. Things that help me embrace the positive are: (1) I really am better off today than I was before; I can exercise now, go places by myself, etc (2) reading of others who are having the same problems helps me tremendously; I'm not the only one experiencing this and it seems that everyone does get over this particular problem (3) talking with others about positive things helps too (4) of course, the Bible and prayer helps me and is my real source of strength.


Thankful for this posting Zugora and all who replied; great encouragement! 


Sir William

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