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rebound insomnia


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A few nights ago, I took suddefed PE, for sinus pressure, and it has since left, but now the insomnia, returned, after taking it for one night (I had a very sound sleep when I took it) but now the insomnia, is back full force, and I'm finding myself, taking upwards to 3-5 hours, to fall asleep, and wondering why this is? and what would help? Melatonin doesn't help very well anymore. I'm not sure what to do?
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Hi op, just give it some time, it will pass. You may have just thrown off your chemistry a bit with the med. Try not to stress over it and know that it will pass!! As long as you can accept the sleeplessness for the moment, you will not be fearful of it, making it worse.

Linda. :smitten:



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Thanks Eljay,


I'm not gonna stress over it. It maybe annoying but I know in time,

my sleeping with get better.  I believe the Suddefed PE did mess

up my chemistry, so after a little while, I should start to take

shorter and shorter amount of time, till I fall asleep.



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I'm surprised that you were able to sleep taking any form of sudafed.  Here are some of the common side effects:


"Mild upset stomach, trouble sleeping, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, nervousness, shaking, or fast heartbeat may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.  This product may reduce blood flow to your hands or feet, causing them to feel cold. "


I'm sure you are right about the effects passing and sleep coming sooner.  Do you like to read before going to sleep?  Sometimes I do and sometimes I listen to a book on my CD player.  When the chapter ends, the player shuts off.  I wake up hours later with the earbuds still in my ears, pull them out and go back to sleep.  ;D


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For some reason I found that sleeping flat without a pillow has helped me with falling

asleep a quicker, but not sure why thoe?  I guess that because I do feel a stiff back

when I try to sleep, so then when I'm flat some how it sorta helps with how it feels.



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  • 2 weeks later...



Only problem...sinus headaches... man! They make the withdrawls 10x's worse.

  I live in VA, there's pretty bad sinus problems all yr round. The only thing I ever found to open the sinus's was sudafed....so I switched over to Sudafed PE.  Ive taken it a couple times.. My sleeps pretty tore up anyway right now..About 4-5hrs a nite. I usually only take 1 four hour PE pill. I try to not take them at all... 

Any ideas on how to open sinus's without Sudafed?.. Vick's doesnt work..



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I use a little ceramic one I got at the health food store.  I use it in the shower and it really seems to help. (BTW I saw a segment about Neti Pots on Oprah a few months back.  If Oprah says it's good....  :laugh:  )
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The Neti Pots....from what I read on the link, are they mostly for sinus infections?.. Im pretty much willing to try one, only thing I really didnt understand that they 'opened' or drained sinus's. The cause of the Sinus Headaches.

So ummm set me straight lol... :)


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Sk - I don't know what they do technically speaking.  It seems like the mild salt water solution is washing out the allergans and whatever else is "washable".  :laugh:  I just know that I am allergic to lots of stuff and yet I don't get sinus infections any more (15+ years).  :yippee:
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salt and water is suppose to be pretty good for cleaning the sinuses. But I would prefer to use a spray that you could buy at the store, as it seems much more easier for cleaning your nose.
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  • 2 weeks later...


Hi All


I took half a tablet of Phenergan at the beginning of March for 6 nights and slept good. But after stopping it I have had really bad sleep and none at all for the past two nights.


Over the course of the last week I have only had 2 nights of 3 hrs and all the rest I have not been able to sleep at all.


I think that maybe although the Phenergan gave me good sleep it has set me back.


I just cannot believe that this has happened so long after my last Dalmane.


What does anybody think ??



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Hi Diane,

Have you considered a hormone deficiency. I am currently the bio identical hrt bandwagon. I am perimenopausal.

I have recently been started on biohrt after testing low on several hormones following a saliva test. One of our members suggested it due to my insomnia. I have been on just a few short days and weeks, and I'm sleeping like baby, drug and supplement free for the first time in years.


Just a thought.  ;)

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I am on HRT have been for 10 years now. I am post menopausal now.

Oh my god I just dont know why my sleep has gone so bad, I used to go off listening to a c.d. and wake after 1 or two hours and then again during the night.


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I am on HRT have been for 10 years now. I am post menopausal now.

Oh my god I just dont know why my sleep has gone so bad, I used to go off listening to a c.d. and wake after 1 or two hours and then again during the night.



bio identical hrt might work better for you.


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  • 1 month later...

i found an interesting websit through the night while i couln't sleep  ::)yet again!


this page in particular is relevant to this thread but the whole site is worth looking at and you can even sign up for weekly emails.http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/2415.html



Dear Alice,


What are the long-term effects of sleep deprivation?




Dear Reader,


If increased demands in your life have forced you to cut back on your ZZZs, welcome to the club. A century ago, when people went to bed and awoke based on the sun's schedule, the average person could expect to get approximately nine hours of sleep a night. By 1975, nightly slumber was down to about seven-and-a-half hours, and today, one-third of Americans get less than six hours of nocturnal snooze-time. Electricity, television, and computers have created a world that's lit and lively 24/7, and many around the world are sacrificing siesta time to take part.


Chronic sleep deprivation (going for extended periods of time with less sleep than your body needs — which for some could be as much as ten hours a night) can cause a variety of physical and psychological problems. At its most basic level, loss of sleep can make people more irritable, less efficient and able to recall events, and more accident-prone. Research on the physical effects of chronic sleep deprivation suggest more serious and significant long-term complications, including:





Research from the University of Chicago Medical Center has shown that sleep deprivation interferes with the body's ability to regulate insulin production and sugar metabolism, potentially increasing the risk of diabetes.



Weakened immune system


People who don't get enough sleep have been found to have changes in their immune response and white blood cell production, which can lead to difficulty in fighting off infections.



Cognitive problems


It is believed that adequate amounts of sleep are essential for storing and maintaining long-term memories. People who are sleep deprived also score less well on cognitive tasks, such as judgment and reaction time. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that as many as 100,000 car accidents a year may be caused by sleep deprivation.





Some scientists believe that sleep deprivation decreases the production of leptin, a hormone that makes people feel "full" after eating. Without enough leptin, people continue to crave carbs even after they've eaten — leading to overeating and possible obesity.


When you cut back on nightly napping, it's not just beauty sleep you're losing — sleep buffs both your body and brain.





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  • 1 month later...
What are the long-term effects of sleep deprivation?



Not to mention CHF, irregular heartbeats, possibly heart attack/stroke, and other assorted heart problems as a result of the continuous strain on the body. :'(

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What are the long-term effects of sleep deprivation?



Not to mention CHF, irregular heartbeats, possibly heart attack/stroke, and other assorted heart problems as a result of the continuous strain on the body. :'(


Joey, please don't project. You're sleep only very recently got poor. And it's really more about long term related anxiety that causes the above. sleep deprivation in itself is not as harmful. If you can learn to relax about it, despite not sleeping, just laying quietly and resting without actually dropping off, can be very recuperating.   

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a history of chronic sinus infections, including having sinus surgery therefore.  I discovered about a year and a half ago a product called Entsol.  It is buffered hypertonic saline.  Hypertonic means that it is a higher salt content than what is in body fluid. By osmosis, water goes where salt is.  Entsol is a nasal spray (drug free) and it relieves nasal congestion for me better than just normal saline spray.  I've not needed antibiotics for a sinus infection for as long as I've used Entsol. I use it twice daily.  Also use Mucinex extended release to keep secretions thinned.  There is are also Xyletol nasal sprays that can be found at the healthfood store. Xyletol apparently keeps bacteria from sticking to the sinus passages.  Drawback with Entsol is it IS expensive ($18/can) but I have a can last at least a month and a half and it is worth it not to have sinus infections.  I carry Xyletol spray with me in my purse and use it while out on the road for work.  I purchase Entsol on line.
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