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Regarding the Removed Threads Referencing Baylissa Frederick


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Wow, this saddens me.  The fact that this forum, particularly  the owner, is trying to discredit someone who has helped thousands of people get through withdrawal could have huge implications, had I read this before knowing Baylissa I would have been put off, however she literally saved my life and I have no doubt countess others.


I began my benzo withdrawal in a Rehab facility where I was surrounded by medical professionals, therapists and counsellors, not one of them understood benzo withdrawal,  their insurance certainly didn't save me from getting further damaged by the antipsychotics I was prescribed and the suicidal thoughts I was having as a result of being completely misunderstood.  After leaving Rehab I came across Baylissa, this was so validating and her support helped me to navigate withdrawal in the most positive way.  Of course her approach is not for everyone but I am confident it helps far more than it doesn't.


This site too has been invaluable for me at times but I am noticing more and more how people are getting pounced upon by Colin and his admins if they dare to voice an opinion or air a concern which opposes their line of thinking.  In my mind it is unprofessional to enter into an argument with someone who most likely does not have the cognition to respond and is sick and vulnerable on a SUPPORT forum.


I would urge Colin to rethink the implications of what he is doing here.  Whatever way you wish to spin it , this is detrimental to Baylissa's character and the magnitude of good she has done within this community, are you prepared to pick up the crisis calls she deals with on a daily basis?


You are attempting to defend the indefensible.


None of you have been banned from BB or had any sanctions placed upon you account. How do you think your dissent would go down at any other benzodiazepine withdrawal resource you utlilise?


Why is it OK for you and others to challenge me and my views but not for me to not challenge you and your views? Why do you think it is OK for a counsellor to track down her client to a forum and challenge him in public for expressing his opinion about her services?


We do not allow members to post conspiracy theories or dangerous fanciful nonsense. We surely do not catch it all, but when we do come across it, it is removed, stopped (locked), or challenged. What type of content is it that you wish to post which we do not allow?


My dissent?


I wasn't trying to defend the fact Baylissa came on BenzoBuddies, that wasn't the wisest choice she ever made, although labelling her as dishonest and disingenuous is not entirely correct, as she immediately made herself known as far as I can tell. Regardless, it seems you are judging her on this one act and attempting to discredit her entirely when you know full well how many people she has helped, supported and saved.  That is what I take issue with and how damaging this is coming from someone with the most established forum within the benzo community. How many people stand to lose the kind of support that saved my life because of this?


As the owner of a support forum I would suggest an unbiased approach would be most conducive to supporting people.  If I am challenging you directly than absolutely you have the right to respond but I just don't agree with people being shut down and labelled for having rational concerns, or even irrational concerns, there's a way to handle things. I have concerns about taking the COVID vaccine but chose not to post my fears here due to the response I saw others getting.  I have lost 15 years of my life due to damage from a prescription drug, this makes me wary of the pharmaceutical industry, what can I say? I wouldn't call this dangerous and fanciful, more like an entirely reasonable response.


I usually steer clear of hot topics and controversy, they're not worth my precious energy, but I feel this is, due to the implications for others.  There are too few good resources for people in benzo withdrawal,  I urge you once more to reconsider.



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Although there is no legal requirement to do so, but given that Frederick practices independently, I would have expected that she was registered with one of the national professional organisations. I have checked the databases of both BACP and UKCP; Baylissa Frederick appears in neither. I have also checked her 'About Me' page at her website - she references no professional affiliation, supervision, or any oversight of her practice.

And, most importantly, the new rules expressly disallow member recommendations for counsellors who are not registered with a professional body, irrespective of their personal qualifications and/or experience.

Early in my withdrawal, I met with two licensed professional counsellors.  Both are recognized as being quite eminent in the Chicago area.  It soon became evident that neither of them was at all familiar with benzodiazepine withdrawal, and the burden was entirely on me to educate them, and ultimately, convince them of how severe and lengthy a benzo injury can be.  After five or six appointments with each, I realized it was doing me more harm than good to see them. 


Since then, I have counseled (long distance), with three people who basically call themselves benzo/psych med withdrawal coaches (Baylissa and two others). All three of these coaches have been able to offer tremendous insight into this problem, through their own lived experience and their ability to share anecdotal evidence from having counseled hundreds or thousands of other patients suffering the same fate.  Needless to say, sessions with these people are infinitely more helpful than the ones I had with those "eminent" mental health professionals in Chicago.  For someone seeking help in the virtually unknown area of psych med withdrawal, knowledge and experience are far more important than official credentials and professional affiliations.  After all, the doctor who prescribed me these meds for decades has more letters of credential after his name than both counsellors combined.




I suggest that you read the BACP Ethical Framework document I linked in my opening post. Then read more at their website. It is patently dangerous for someone to act as a counsellor or therapist without being suitably qualified. I also suggest that this is true if there is no oversight/supervision of their practice (even if they hold paper qualifications). Without such safeguards, there is nothing protecting their clients when things go wrong.


I write this from a position of some knowledge on the subject. Many years ago I received some training in councelling, with real supervised practice. I am nowhere near well enough trained to offer counselling myself, but educated and experienced enough to understand that counselling and psychotherapy are potentially very dangerous when practiced by the unqualified or those without suitable safeguards in place.


A further thought: always ask for proof of their professional indemnity insurance. No genuine practitioner would be without it. But insurance is not enough in of itself. Proper supervision and an independent method of recourse/complaint are vital too.


Baylissa used to be a member of BACP until a year or two ago.

Either she left or there were complaints and she was refused membership. Perhaps she will enlighten us.


Baylissa left the BACP of her own accord.


There was a total of zero complaints against her.


She left because of the ongoing bullying and trolling in the ‘Benzo Community’.


Now... it must take some kind of confused individual to complain about the most honest, kind, an ethical individual I have ever come across in my entire life.

Baylissa is in the community saving lives all day, every day... most of whom she gives her services for free... she barely covers her operating costs financially.


So... to all those who have some kind of unnecessary ‘beef’ with Baylissa... what are you doing to save lives in the ‘Benzo Community’?


The bolded statement is rude and uncalled for.  It is also in violation of forum policy:


Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members. Any account created for the purposes of causing arguments and/or ill-feeling will be banned.





^^^^^ ... No disrespect pianogirl, but I’ve seen far worse than that on this forum go unchecked... even Colin has done far worse in the past.


I know he’s the group owner, and can technically do what he likes, but ‘pot - kettle’ springs to mind here.


Perhaps he should lead more by example.


Anyways, I wasn’t intending to be “rude”, sorry it may have came across that way... however, I was being 100% factual, and in that context I don’t see what’s wrong with the part of my comment that you’ve highlighted in bold here.


However, I accept your guidance, and will choose my words more carefully now and in the future.


Apologies again.

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Although there is no legal requirement to do so, but given that Frederick practices independently, I would have expected that she was registered with one of the national professional organisations. I have checked the databases of both BACP and UKCP; Baylissa Frederick appears in neither. I have also checked her 'About Me' page at her website - she references no professional affiliation, supervision, or any oversight of her practice.

And, most importantly, the new rules expressly disallow member recommendations for counsellors who are not registered with a professional body, irrespective of their personal qualifications and/or experience.

Early in my withdrawal, I met with two licensed professional counsellors.  Both are recognized as being quite eminent in the Chicago area.  It soon became evident that neither of them was at all familiar with benzodiazepine withdrawal, and the burden was entirely on me to educate them, and ultimately, convince them of how severe and lengthy a benzo injury can be.  After five or six appointments with each, I realized it was doing me more harm than good to see them. 


Since then, I have counseled (long distance), with three people who basically call themselves benzo/psych med withdrawal coaches (Baylissa and two others). All three of these coaches have been able to offer tremendous insight into this problem, through their own lived experience and their ability to share anecdotal evidence from having counseled hundreds or thousands of other patients suffering the same fate.  Needless to say, sessions with these people are infinitely more helpful than the ones I had with those "eminent" mental health professionals in Chicago.  For someone seeking help in the virtually unknown area of psych med withdrawal, knowledge and experience are far more important than official credentials and professional affiliations.  After all, the doctor who prescribed me these meds for decades has more letters of credential after his name than both counsellors combined.




I suggest that you read the BACP Ethical Framework document I linked in my opening post. Then read more at their website. It is patently dangerous for someone to act as a counsellor or therapist without being suitably qualified. I also suggest that this is true if there is no oversight/supervision of their practice (even if they hold paper qualifications). Without such safeguards, there is nothing protecting their clients when things go wrong.


I write this from a position of some knowledge on the subject. Many years ago I received some training in councelling, with real supervised practice. I am nowhere near well enough trained to offer counselling myself, but educated and experienced enough to understand that counselling and psychotherapy are potentially very dangerous when practiced by the unqualified or those without suitable safeguards in place.


A further thought: always ask for proof of their professional indemnity insurance. No genuine practitioner would be without it. But insurance is not enough in of itself. Proper supervision and an independent method of recourse/complaint are vital too.


Baylissa used to be a member of BACP until a year or two ago.

Either she left or there were complaints and she was refused membership. Perhaps she will enlighten us.


Baylissa left the BACP of her own accord.


There was a total of zero complaints against her.


She left because of the ongoing bullying and trolling in the ‘Benzo Community’.


Now... it must take some kind of confused individual to complain about the most honest, kind, an ethical individual I have ever come across in my entire life.

Baylissa is in the community saving lives all day, every day... most of whom she gives her services for free... she barely covers her operating costs financially.


So... to all those who have some kind of unnecessary ‘beef’ with Baylissa... what are you doing to save lives in the ‘Benzo Community’?


The bolded statement is rude and uncalled for.  It is also in violation of forum policy:


Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members. Any account created for the purposes of causing arguments and/or ill-feeling will be banned.





^^^^^ ... No disrespect pianogirl, but I’ve seen far worse than that on this forum go unchecked... even Colin has done far worse in the past.


I know he’s the group owner, and can technically do what he likes, but ‘pot - kettle’ springs to mind here.


Perhaps he should lead more by example.


Anyways, I wasn’t intending to be “rude”, sorry it may have came across that way... however, I was being 100% factual, and in that context I don’t see what’s wrong with the part of my comment that you’ve highlighted in bold here.


However, I accept your guidance, and will choose my words more carefully now and in the future.


Apologies again.


What is wrong is that you called someone 'confused' which is a demeaning, degrading term.  I don't believe that the sun rises and sets with Baylissa, and I find it disturbing that people attack anyone who might have issues with her style/methods of counselling. She may be a great help to some and not so much for others, that is reality.


It is also not accurate to say you are 100% factual when what you are stating is your opinion.


Thank you for the apology.



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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


So you do indeed (now self-admittedly here) have an unnecessary ‘beef’ with Baylissa.


How very sad.


And that is why your original comments here in the BB forum should have been removed in the first place.

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Pamster, thank you for the clarification. I have a suspicion as to why Givemehope68 was included, but she has exited the forums, and it wouldn't serve any purpose. If you want to know, you can PM and ask. I just don't think it would be helpful to healing this forum, to publicize it.
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I left her a WhatsApp message not a voicemail while in the ER as well as many others when I hit acute and my parents didn’t know what to do with me and were going to send me to a detox. It’s true she never explicitly told me not to take medications although she showed displeasure at the prospect of me taking Vistaril but rather it was the anti medication sentiment prevalent throughout the group as well as the fact that I was told protracted folks who I mentioned by name had “not healed” due to being “polydrugged” that is what became problematic for me.


If she had known I had ocd at the time I would hope she would have told me to take my meds as directed by my prescriber.


She showed displeasure how? Watch your wording. It is what started this. Facts have been kept hidden and people have had to make their own opinions on things such as this. I can not word properly at all right now because I am in withdrawal and a hurry BUT even I know that this whole situation could have been avoided by speaking the truth and the truth in it's entirety.

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Although there is no legal requirement to do so, but given that Frederick practices independently, I would have expected that she was registered with one of the national professional organisations. I have checked the databases of both BACP and UKCP; Baylissa Frederick appears in neither. I have also checked her 'About Me' page at her website - she references no professional affiliation, supervision, or any oversight of her practice.

And, most importantly, the new rules expressly disallow member recommendations for counsellors who are not registered with a professional body, irrespective of their personal qualifications and/or experience.

Early in my withdrawal, I met with two licensed professional counsellors.  Both are recognized as being quite eminent in the Chicago area.  It soon became evident that neither of them was at all familiar with benzodiazepine withdrawal, and the burden was entirely on me to educate them, and ultimately, convince them of how severe and lengthy a benzo injury can be.  After five or six appointments with each, I realized it was doing me more harm than good to see them. 


Since then, I have counseled (long distance), with three people who basically call themselves benzo/psych med withdrawal coaches (Baylissa and two others). All three of these coaches have been able to offer tremendous insight into this problem, through their own lived experience and their ability to share anecdotal evidence from having counseled hundreds or thousands of other patients suffering the same fate.  Needless to say, sessions with these people are infinitely more helpful than the ones I had with those "eminent" mental health professionals in Chicago.  For someone seeking help in the virtually unknown area of psych med withdrawal, knowledge and experience are far more important than official credentials and professional affiliations.  After all, the doctor who prescribed me these meds for decades has more letters of credential after his name than both counsellors combined.




I suggest that you read the BACP Ethical Framework document I linked in my opening post. Then read more at their website. It is patently dangerous for someone to act as a counsellor or therapist without being suitably qualified. I also suggest that this is true if there is no oversight/supervision of their practice (even if they hold paper qualifications). Without such safeguards, there is nothing protecting their clients when things go wrong.


I write this from a position of some knowledge on the subject. Many years ago I received some training in councelling, with real supervised practice. I am nowhere near well enough trained to offer counselling myself, but educated and experienced enough to understand that counselling and psychotherapy are potentially very dangerous when practiced by the unqualified or those without suitable safeguards in place.


A further thought: always ask for proof of their professional indemnity insurance. No genuine practitioner would be without it. But insurance is not enough in of itself. Proper supervision and an independent method of recourse/complaint are vital too.


Baylissa used to be a member of BACP until a year or two ago.

Either she left or there were complaints and she was refused membership. Perhaps she will enlighten us.


Baylissa left the BACP of her own accord.


There was a total of zero complaints against her.


She left because of the ongoing bullying and trolling in the ‘Benzo Community’.


Now... it must take some kind of confused individual to complain about the most honest, kind, an ethical individual I have ever come across in my entire life.

Baylissa is in the community saving lives all day, every day... most of whom she gives her services for free... she barely covers her operating costs financially.


So... to all those who have some kind of unnecessary ‘beef’ with Baylissa... what are you doing to save lives in the ‘Benzo Community’?


The bolded statement is rude and uncalled for.  It is also in violation of forum policy:


Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members. Any account created for the purposes of causing arguments and/or ill-feeling will be banned.





^^^^^ ... No disrespect pianogirl, but I’ve seen far worse than that on this forum go unchecked... even Colin has done far worse in the past.


I know he’s the group owner, and can technically do what he likes, but ‘pot - kettle’ springs to mind here.


Perhaps he should lead more by example.


Anyways, I wasn’t intending to be “rude”, sorry it may have came across that way... however, I was being 100% factual, and in that context I don’t see what’s wrong with the part of my comment that you’ve highlighted in bold here.


However, I accept your guidance, and will choose my words more carefully now and in the future.


Apologies again.


What is wrong is that you called someone 'confused' which is a demeaning, degrading term.  I don't believe that the sun rises and sets with Baylissa, and I find it disturbing that people attack anyone who might have issues with her style/methods of counselling. She may be a great help to some and not so much for others, that is reality.


It is also not accurate to say you are 100% factual when what you are stating is your opinion.


Thank you for the apology.




^^^^^ ... No probs’...  :)


And just for the record, I’ve personally not “attacked” anyone... debating is a more accurate description of what I do... again, sorry if the translation of such is ‘lost in text’.


The rest of your response is noted.


Thank you again.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


So you do indeed (now self-admittedly here) have an unnecessary ‘beef’ with Baylissa.


How very sad.


And that is why your original comments here in the BB forum should have been removed in the first place.


It’s honestly amazing to me that you can read what I wrote and take that out of it. I’m done here I’ve said all I felt I needed to say. I will pray for everyone I don’t know what else to say I hope you all find fulfilling, speedy and joyful recoveries in whichever methods you choose.


^^^^^ ... I asked a general question to all those in the ‘viewing audience’ that had an unnecessary ‘beef’ with Baylissa.


Here’s a reminder again...


“So... to all those who have some kind of unnecessary ‘beef’ with Baylissa... what are you doing to save lives in the ‘Benzo Community’?”


... then you immediately responded.


And that’s because you indeed do have an unnecessary ‘beef’ with Baylissa.


Let it go.

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For purposes of transparency I want to tell everyone exactly what transpired.


I logged into the forum and saw a registrant waiting at the Account Approval Desk.  Typically when we see a ticket with what we suspect is a real name we'll hold up the approval process until we can reach out to them asking them to provide another username.  On occasion one of us won't check closely enough or we'll be in too big of a hurry and we'll have to contact them after we've let them into the forum to provide another name.  Unfortunately on this occasion this is what happened and I let her in without asking for another username while she was still in Account Approval. 


After I moved her post to the Introductions board I took a closer look at her username and saw it might have been a real name so I immediately moved her post to the Help Desk out of public view and sent her a PM letting her know my mistake.  I've read the name Baylissa on the forum before but until this week I didn't know her last name.  Here is her introductory post and my PM to her and her subsequent replies to the Help Desk.


Hi, I took clonazepam for almost eight years and had a difficult time. I joined the forum to read through posts and to understand better the current thinking.


Thank you


7.5 years clonazepam (Rivotril)

Ashton crossover to Valium


Hi there,


I approved your membership but didn't realize you've used your real name, at least it looks like your real name.  Anyway, we must ask you to choose a new username that isn't personally identifiable.


Please respond to me here with a new name and I'll change it for you, then move your introductory post out to the main forum so you can meet the other members.


I'm sorry, this isn't how we usually do things so I hope you'll get back to me soon.




Hi Pam,


I am sorry for using my real name. Can you put GratefulBliss as my username. Thank you!


I'm sorry. It says I am not yet allowed to send messages and I can't reply to yours. So I apologize for the many messages. :)


At this point, 4:57:40 pm (PST), I changed her name to GratefulBliss, moved her post to introductions and replied to her there.


At 5:13:09 pm (PST), I received a PM from her addressed to me and Givemehope68.


Hi, Yes, it's me, Baylissa! I just came to respond to a post with some false accusations about me but it seems to have been removed and I just want to thank you both so very much. I know people say all sort of things and I don't mind, but this one was from someone I don't even recognise, who said she or he sent me a voicemail while in hospital (but I don't have voicemail) and all sorts of other terrible things that weren't true. I would never tell people not to take their medication. That's just ridiculous. And I don't tell people not to take supplements, I just don't tell them to take them unless they are deficient, because everyone reacts differently. It's on [sCOTT GAULKE]s website still but that's okay. I will have it removed. :)


Anyway, thanks to you both. Hoping you are well and sending my very best.


Much love,



I was confused by this PM because I'd only read a couple of posts about Baylissa on the forum, and not the one started by JayTay0.  What was also concerning is that she referred to me as if I'd somehow helped her when the only thing I'd done was work with her on a name change.  I have no idea what her relationship is with Givemehope68 but I don't have one with Baylissa, in fact I've never paid much attention to what's been said or written since I recovered in 2008.


When I logged in and saw the above PM from Baylissa I brought it to the attention of the moderator team  at 07:10:06 pm (PST)


Baylissa then left this message at the Help Desk


Hi Pam, GiveMeHope, and other moderators,


I am writing just to say "Thank you" so much for removing the defamatory posts from the forum. I know I am not the right fit for everyone and that some people may dislike me, and that's okay. It's just heartbreaking sometimes to read false information and to be lied on.


Also, because of my career and the fact that I am insured to remove defamatory statements, I would have had to persist in getting them deleted. (I have to do this from time to time - Facebook groups, etc. - not a lot but every now and then someone loses it and blames me). You've helped me greatly and I just wanted to let you know I appreciate it very much.


Thanks for the amazing work you do here and for saving so many lives.


Sending much love and gratitude, Baylissa


This message was confusing to me because Givemehope68 is not and has never been a part of the BenzoBuddies team, in fact I'm not sure how Givemehope68 came to be so involved in this situation but I didn't ask either Baylissa or Givemehope68.


At 6:20:20 pm (PST) she posted to JayTay0's thread.


On March 26 after much discussion with the moderators and administrators I alerted Colin to what had been happening because her message at the Help Desk appeared to be threatening. "because of my career and the fact that I am insured to remove defamatory statements, I would have had to persist in getting them deleted."


Hi Colin, we've had some activity you should be aware of, in a nutshell the members started talking about Baylissa but one member found fault with her methods.  Apparently another one of our members contacted her and she joined to refute the claims the member was making.  We've pulled all of the threads talking about her from the forum and have been in discussion about how to resolve the situation.


Colin then had to digest pages and pages of posts both on the open forum and in the team rooms.


On March 30 Colin asked the admin team about the name change, he'd known nothing about it until then, I hadn't thought to tell him because I didn't think it was important, obviously I was wrong.  It was then that I told him about it, well after his initial announcement.


My error was not telling him about the name change but I honestly couldn't remember the username she'd used and didn't think it was important since she didn't state her purpose for being here.  I regret this because I've put Colin in the position of possibly having to issue a retraction for my mistake, I'm very sorry for this but he's a kind person and has done his best to assure me I'm not to blame.


All of this could have avoided if she'd only stated her purpose for joining in her introductory statement or in the two subsequent messages she left at the help desk before being approved.  I would have put her on hold and contacted the team so we discuss it but she didn't do this.


For a couple of days now I've wanted to let our members know my role in this situation and I've received the go ahead from the team to do this.  I respect their judgement and hope I won't be vilified my for part in this situation but I accept responsibility for my actions and I believe its important to be honest and forthcoming in our communications.




Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.

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I thought I'd add a few words about Pamster's clarification of what occurred


First of all, Pamster has taken it far too much to heart. It was the kind of oversight we all make, repeatedly, every day. But these kinds of common failures in communication do not usually receive such scrutiny. I don't necessarily blame members for seeking an explanation, but you really should know by now that the BB Team do not behave in a nefarious manner.


You should also know that Pamster wished to write something immediately after this matter came to light, but I asked her to hold off since there was a lot of related matters occurring in the background and the situation was very fluid. I was considering writing a lengthy message to the forum (including a clarification about the order of events resulting in the change in Frederick's username). But it would have been more complicated for me to explain since I was not involved in the process and was not privy to the exchange of private messages.


What I found quite astonishing (and still do) is that some members are fixated on what happened over Frederick's username change at BB, but were/are willing to totally excuse a counsellor registering an account here, withholding their true intentions, and then confronting a member regarding his dissatisfaction with Frederick's services.


I do not know what occurred in the conversions between Frederick and her client. I was not there. And, neither were you. The assumption (by several of you) that it was libel is exactly that, an assumption. The Team and I acted on the known facts: that is to say, a counsellor pursued her former client onto this forum to challenge him in public over his comments about her services. I understand that Frederick had his email details where she might have addressed this, or should could have reached out to him via our PM system (not that I would have approved of this - but it was an infinitely better option that what she actually did). Frederick obfuscated her reasons for joining this forum. She probably judged - correctly - that we would not have approved her membership if we had known her true reasons for being here.


Anyway, Pamster did nothing wrong - she really should not feel bad about it. And the delay in providing an explanation was down to me, not her, nor anyone else on the Team. Thank you Pam for taking the time to provide a clarification and with a detailed timeline of the events.

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Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.


Urgh. No. When I first became aware that Frederick had, apparently, tried to join using her real name, I looked through various Intro action logs, deleted replies to Introduction replies (at the Account Approval Desk), 'Dropped Intros' (another section at the Approval Desk), general moderation logs, the actual approved Introduction from Frederick (and replies there) and then the forum general recycle bin. And, there were holes. The part of the picture I did not hold was that there were also private message communications. Additionally, I would like to point out that the Approval Desk is based upon a chopped-up ticket system - it was not designed for these purposes. Further, the ticket system is poorly designed anyway. Further still, never before have we had to dig into the various Account Approval systems (and other system) to put together a timeline like this. Some of these systems and logs I do not recall even being there. Only after I failed to understand what had occurred did I post to about it to the Admin area.


When I first heard from Pam, she could not fully recall what had occurred during the approval. At the time, it was just another account approval. And although there was some back and forth in the approval process, even this was not that unusual. Only when she remembered about the exchange of PMs was she able to put it properly together. And even then, it took some time.


However, while Pam was going through this, there were related developments in the background. I do not intend to detail them at this time. There was also another matter which occupied my time regarding an unauthorized personal data disclosure. Plus, you know, I have an actual life which requires some attention.


Anyway, I know your post crossed with my previous one. But I hope you will now begin to understand and accept that not everything can occur as soon as any of us would ideally prefer. Sometimes other things get in the way. There is nothing nefarious or shoddy going on here.

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Wow, this saddens me.  The fact that this forum, particularly  the owner, is trying to discredit someone who has helped thousands of people get through withdrawal could have huge implications, had I read this before knowing Baylissa I would have been put off, however she literally saved my life and I have no doubt countess others.


I began my benzo withdrawal in a Rehab facility where I was surrounded by medical professionals, therapists and counsellors, not one of them understood benzo withdrawal,  their insurance certainly didn't save me from getting further damaged by the antipsychotics I was prescribed and the suicidal thoughts I was having as a result of being completely misunderstood.  After leaving Rehab I came across Baylissa, this was so validating and her support helped me to navigate withdrawal in the most positive way.  Of course her approach is not for everyone but I am confident it helps far more than it doesn't.


This site too has been invaluable for me at times but I am noticing more and more how people are getting pounced upon by Colin and his admins if they dare to voice an opinion or air a concern which opposes their line of thinking.  In my mind it is unprofessional to enter into an argument with someone who most likely does not have the cognition to respond and is sick and vulnerable on a SUPPORT forum.


I would urge Colin to rethink the implications of what he is doing here.  Whatever way you wish to spin it , this is detrimental to Baylissa's character and the magnitude of good she has done within this community, are you prepared to pick up the crisis calls she deals with on a daily basis?


You are attempting to defend the indefensible.


None of you have been banned from BB or had any sanctions placed upon you account. How do you think your dissent would go down at any other benzodiazepine withdrawal resource you utlilise?


Why is it OK for you and others to challenge me and my views but not for me to not challenge you and your views? Why do you think it is OK for a counsellor to track down her client to a forum and challenge him in public for expressing his opinion about her services?


We do not allow members to post conspiracy theories or dangerous fanciful nonsense. We surely do not catch it all, but when we do come across it, it is removed, stopped (locked), or challenged. What type of content is it that you wish to post which we do not allow?


If I were you Colin, I would watch my words. You just contradicted yourself. No one was "tracked down". You need to start posting facts if you are going to post at all.

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Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.


Urgh. No. When I first became aware that Frederick had, apparently, tried to join using her real name, I looked through various Intro action logs, deleted replies to Introduction replies (at the Account Approval Desk), 'Dropped Intros' (another section at the Approval Desk), general moderation logs, the actual approved Introduction from Frederick (and replies there) and then the forum general recycle bin. And, there were holes. The part of the picture I did not hold was that there were also private message communications. Additionally, I would like to point out that the Approval Desk is based upon a chopped-up ticket system - it was not designed for these purposes. Further, the ticket system is poorly designed anyway. Further still, never before have we had to dig into the various Account Approval systems (and other system) to put together a timeline like this. Some of these systems and logs I do not recall even being there. Only after I failed to understand what had occurred did I post to about it to the Admin area.


When I first heard from Pam, she could not fully recall what had occurred during the approval. At the time, it was just another account approval. And although there was some back and forth in the approval process, even this was not that unusual. Only when she remembered about the exchange of PMs was she able to put it properly together. And even then, it took some time.


However, while Pam was going through this, there were related developments in the background. I do not intend to detail them at this time. There was also another matter which occupied my time regarding an unauthorized personal data disclosure. Plus, you know, I have an actual life which requires some attention.


Anyway, I know your post crossed with my previous one. But I hope you will now begin to understand and accept that not everything can occur as soon as any of us would ideally prefer. Sometimes other things get in the way. There is nothing nefarious or shoddy going on here.


Urgh. Yeah. Stop trying to deflect. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253232.150.


Also, a quote from one of your administrators in a PM to me "I don't understand why you keep insisting that Colin knew who Baylissa was when she recently registered.  I really doubt if Colin saw the introductory note from her until after her third post (when she acknowledged who she was)." Stop getting people to do your dirty work for you Colin. IF you did not have knowledge, you certainly did by the time you accused Baylissa of trying to join the site without stating who she really was. You see, she did. You knew it but you tried to make look as if you didn't. I do not know what your problem with Baylissa is but that was not the way to handle it.

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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.

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Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.


Urgh. No. When I first became aware that Frederick had, apparently, tried to join using her real name, I looked through various Intro action logs, deleted replies to Introduction replies (at the Account Approval Desk), 'Dropped Intros' (another section at the Approval Desk), general moderation logs, the actual approved Introduction from Frederick (and replies there) and then the forum general recycle bin. And, there were holes. The part of the picture I did not hold was that there were also private message communications. Additionally, I would like to point out that the Approval Desk is based upon a chopped-up ticket system - it was not designed for these purposes. Further, the ticket system is poorly designed anyway. Further still, never before have we had to dig into the various Account Approval systems (and other system) to put together a timeline like this. Some of these systems and logs I do not recall even being there. Only after I failed to understand what had occurred did I post to about it to the Admin area.


When I first heard from Pam, she could not fully recall what had occurred during the approval. At the time, it was just another account approval. And although there was some back and forth in the approval process, even this was not that unusual. Only when she remembered about the exchange of PMs was she able to put it properly together. And even then, it took some time.


However, while Pam was going through this, there were related developments in the background. I do not intend to detail them at this time. There was also another matter which occupied my time regarding an unauthorized personal data disclosure. Plus, you know, I have an actual life which requires some attention.


Anyway, I know your post crossed with my previous one. But I hope you will now begin to understand and accept that not everything can occur as soon as any of us would ideally prefer. Sometimes other things get in the way. There is nothing nefarious or shoddy going on here.


Urgh. Yeah. Stop trying to deflect. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253232.150.


Also, a quote from one of your administrators in a PM to me "I don't understand why you keep insisting that Colin knew who Baylissa was when she recently registered.  I really doubt if Colin saw the introductory note from her until after her third post (when she acknowledged who she was)." Stop getting people to do your dirty work for you Colin.


What is your agenda? What is the purpose of your link? I knew nothing of Frederick's registration with this forum until after Frederick had confronted her former client on this forum and all the Frederick-related threads were removed for review. There is nothing contradicting this.

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Wow, this saddens me.  The fact that this forum, particularly  the owner, is trying to discredit someone who has helped thousands of people get through withdrawal could have huge implications, had I read this before knowing Baylissa I would have been put off, however she literally saved my life and I have no doubt countess others.


I began my benzo withdrawal in a Rehab facility where I was surrounded by medical professionals, therapists and counsellors, not one of them understood benzo withdrawal,  their insurance certainly didn't save me from getting further damaged by the antipsychotics I was prescribed and the suicidal thoughts I was having as a result of being completely misunderstood.  After leaving Rehab I came across Baylissa, this was so validating and her support helped me to navigate withdrawal in the most positive way.  Of course her approach is not for everyone but I am confident it helps far more than it doesn't.


This site too has been invaluable for me at times but I am noticing more and more how people are getting pounced upon by Colin and his admins if they dare to voice an opinion or air a concern which opposes their line of thinking.  In my mind it is unprofessional to enter into an argument with someone who most likely does not have the cognition to respond and is sick and vulnerable on a SUPPORT forum.


I would urge Colin to rethink the implications of what he is doing here.  Whatever way you wish to spin it , this is detrimental to Baylissa's character and the magnitude of good she has done within this community, are you prepared to pick up the crisis calls she deals with on a daily basis?


You are attempting to defend the indefensible.


None of you have been banned from BB or had any sanctions placed upon you account. How do you think your dissent would go down at any other benzodiazepine withdrawal resource you utlilise?


Why is it OK for you and others to challenge me and my views but not for me to not challenge you and your views? Why do you think it is OK for a counsellor to track down her client to a forum and challenge him in public for expressing his opinion about her services?


We do not allow members to post conspiracy theories or dangerous fanciful nonsense. We surely do not catch it all, but when we do come across it, it is removed, stopped (locked), or challenged. What type of content is it that you wish to post which we do not allow?


If I were you Colin, I would watch my words. You just contradicted yourself. No one was "tracked down". You need to start posting facts if you are going to post at all.


Well now. How would you describe the actions of a counsellor or therapist who joins a discussion forum, obfuscates their reasons for joining, and then knowing confronts a former client in public? I have never been witness to such behaviour before now. Absolutely astonishing. You are attempting to defend the indefensible.

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Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.


Urgh. No. When I first became aware that Frederick had, apparently, tried to join using her real name, I looked through various Intro action logs, deleted replies to Introduction replies (at the Account Approval Desk), 'Dropped Intros' (another section at the Approval Desk), general moderation logs, the actual approved Introduction from Frederick (and replies there) and then the forum general recycle bin. And, there were holes. The part of the picture I did not hold was that there were also private message communications. Additionally, I would like to point out that the Approval Desk is based upon a chopped-up ticket system - it was not designed for these purposes. Further, the ticket system is poorly designed anyway. Further still, never before have we had to dig into the various Account Approval systems (and other system) to put together a timeline like this. Some of these systems and logs I do not recall even being there. Only after I failed to understand what had occurred did I post to about it to the Admin area.


When I first heard from Pam, she could not fully recall what had occurred during the approval. At the time, it was just another account approval. And although there was some back and forth in the approval process, even this was not that unusual. Only when she remembered about the exchange of PMs was she able to put it properly together. And even then, it took some time.


However, while Pam was going through this, there were related developments in the background. I do not intend to detail them at this time. There was also another matter which occupied my time regarding an unauthorized personal data disclosure. Plus, you know, I have an actual life which requires some attention.


Anyway, I know your post crossed with my previous one. But I hope you will now begin to understand and accept that not everything can occur as soon as any of us would ideally prefer. Sometimes other things get in the way. There is nothing nefarious or shoddy going on here.


Urgh. Yeah. Stop trying to deflect. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253232.150.


Also, a quote from one of your administrators in a PM to me "I don't understand why you keep insisting that Colin knew who Baylissa was when she recently registered.  I really doubt if Colin saw the introductory note from her until after her third post (when she acknowledged who she was)." Stop getting people to do your dirty work for you Colin.


What is your agenda? What is the purpose of your link? I knew nothing of Frederick's registration with this forum until after Frederick had confronted her former client on this forum and all the Frederick-related threads were removed for review. There is nothing contradicting this.


Finish reading the quote please. It explains.


I am making sure the truth is out here. That you are being upfront and honest and that this forum is handled appropriately.


ETA: You were informed on March 26th but have pretended to have no knowledge.

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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


Try harder. Much harder. This is not a job. I am not paid, and neither seek nor (when offered) accept donations. BB is a peer-support group, that's all. In the main, I am not even involved in day-to-day matters here. The forum is managed by volunteers. Support is provided by your peers.


It is probably also worth my pointing out that when all the other benzo message boards closed (from stalkers, ineptitude, internal pressures, or burn out), I, with the help of team members here, kept this place going. You have absolutely no idea of what you talking. None. And, I think you know it. You should be more subtle when you have an agenda other than arriving at understanding through genuine dialogue.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.


Again, you talking nonsense. You linked to a factual post of mine describing tititration. It does not encourage titration. We have actually gone to great pains to point out the problems associated with 'titration' at home. And BB policy documents make clear that members should not be making any changes to their medication without first consulting their doctors.


This is the link you should have posted above:




It was the most objective description of benzodiazepine titration we could construct. You should - rather than ignore - that I go to pains to describe the downsides of attempting to 'home titrate'.


I also posted this critique (another pinned post on the same board):




When are you going to engage in a genuine dialogue?


By the way, since you have accused me of 'breaking the law', and you did this in public, perhaps you should site the law I have broken. Be specific and accurate. I think it only reasonable (given recent events) to point out that someone else (I'll leave 'who' to your imagination) would be threatening you with a lawsuit by now. You might wish to chew that over before responding.

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Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.


Urgh. No. When I first became aware that Frederick had, apparently, tried to join using her real name, I looked through various Intro action logs, deleted replies to Introduction replies (at the Account Approval Desk), 'Dropped Intros' (another section at the Approval Desk), general moderation logs, the actual approved Introduction from Frederick (and replies there) and then the forum general recycle bin. And, there were holes. The part of the picture I did not hold was that there were also private message communications. Additionally, I would like to point out that the Approval Desk is based upon a chopped-up ticket system - it was not designed for these purposes. Further, the ticket system is poorly designed anyway. Further still, never before have we had to dig into the various Account Approval systems (and other system) to put together a timeline like this. Some of these systems and logs I do not recall even being there. Only after I failed to understand what had occurred did I post to about it to the Admin area.


When I first heard from Pam, she could not fully recall what had occurred during the approval. At the time, it was just another account approval. And although there was some back and forth in the approval process, even this was not that unusual. Only when she remembered about the exchange of PMs was she able to put it properly together. And even then, it took some time.


However, while Pam was going through this, there were related developments in the background. I do not intend to detail them at this time. There was also another matter which occupied my time regarding an unauthorized personal data disclosure. Plus, you know, I have an actual life which requires some attention.


Anyway, I know your post crossed with my previous one. But I hope you will now begin to understand and accept that not everything can occur as soon as any of us would ideally prefer. Sometimes other things get in the way. There is nothing nefarious or shoddy going on here.


Urgh. Yeah. Stop trying to deflect. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253232.150.


Also, a quote from one of your administrators in a PM to me "I don't understand why you keep insisting that Colin knew who Baylissa was when she recently registered.  I really doubt if Colin saw the introductory note from her until after her third post (when she acknowledged who she was)." Stop getting people to do your dirty work for you Colin.


What is your agenda? What is the purpose of your link? I knew nothing of Frederick's registration with this forum until after Frederick had confronted her former client on this forum and all the Frederick-related threads were removed for review. There is nothing contradicting this.


Finish reading the quote please. It explains.


I am making sure the truth is out here. That you are being upfront and honest and that this forum is handled appropriately.


ETA: You were informed on March 26th but have pretended to have no knowledge.


Explain. 'Pretended to have no knowledge' of what, precisely? Back up your claims. Provide quotes and links.

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Wow, this saddens me.  The fact that this forum, particularly  the owner, is trying to discredit someone who has helped thousands of people get through withdrawal could have huge implications, had I read this before knowing Baylissa I would have been put off, however she literally saved my life and I have no doubt countess others.


I began my benzo withdrawal in a Rehab facility where I was surrounded by medical professionals, therapists and counsellors, not one of them understood benzo withdrawal,  their insurance certainly didn't save me from getting further damaged by the antipsychotics I was prescribed and the suicidal thoughts I was having as a result of being completely misunderstood.  After leaving Rehab I came across Baylissa, this was so validating and her support helped me to navigate withdrawal in the most positive way.  Of course her approach is not for everyone but I am confident it helps far more than it doesn't.


This site too has been invaluable for me at times but I am noticing more and more how people are getting pounced upon by Colin and his admins if they dare to voice an opinion or air a concern which opposes their line of thinking.  In my mind it is unprofessional to enter into an argument with someone who most likely does not have the cognition to respond and is sick and vulnerable on a SUPPORT forum.


I would urge Colin to rethink the implications of what he is doing here.  Whatever way you wish to spin it , this is detrimental to Baylissa's character and the magnitude of good she has done within this community, are you prepared to pick up the crisis calls she deals with on a daily basis?


You are attempting to defend the indefensible.


None of you have been banned from BB or had any sanctions placed upon you account. How do you think your dissent would go down at any other benzodiazepine withdrawal resource you utlilise?


Why is it OK for you and others to challenge me and my views but not for me to not challenge you and your views? Why do you think it is OK for a counsellor to track down her client to a forum and challenge him in public for expressing his opinion about her services?


We do not allow members to post conspiracy theories or dangerous fanciful nonsense. We surely do not catch it all, but when we do come across it, it is removed, stopped (locked), or challenged. What type of content is it that you wish to post which we do not allow?


If I were you Colin, I would watch my words. You just contradicted yourself. No one was "tracked down". You need to start posting facts if you are going to post at all.


Well now. How would you describe the actions of a counsellor or therapist who joins a discussion forum, obfuscates their reasons for joining, and then knowing confronts a former client in public? I have never been witness to such behaviour before now. Absolutely astonishing. You are attempting to defend the indefensible.


The person in question left untrue remarks on a public forum and Baylissa Fredrick joined the forum to clarify them. She in no way put the client down as you suggested in recent posts. She has a right to clarify public statements when she is a public figure herself. She did so with grace and dignity. She had apparent concern for the person in question and only wanted that person's well-being.


You claim this has astonished you when it was very much tastefully done and done as you wanted. She changed her name at your request. It is you sir that behaves in a distasteful, astonishing manner. You should have never encouraged people on your website to debate. When the debate got heated, you should have shut it down and you know this. Arguments in this manner should never be allowed here.


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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Sorry for all of this.  You're seeing humans at their worst reptilian levels.  I apologize.  No person should have their opinion challenged in a public forum in this manner.

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Thank you Pamster. This should have been shown days ago and has caused serious tension in this group. Colin saw it and knew when I asked him point blank but still refused to admit to the fact that he knew Baylissa was not trying to fool anyone. He stated that she was and shame on him. That fact is very sad. I understand that he has an ego but truly needs to check it here. This forum is supposed to be helpful. I do not know what his problem with Baylissa is nor do I care. I am grateful the truth is coming out finally.


Urgh. No. When I first became aware that Frederick had, apparently, tried to join using her real name, I looked through various Intro action logs, deleted replies to Introduction replies (at the Account Approval Desk), 'Dropped Intros' (another section at the Approval Desk), general moderation logs, the actual approved Introduction from Frederick (and replies there) and then the forum general recycle bin. And, there were holes. The part of the picture I did not hold was that there were also private message communications. Additionally, I would like to point out that the Approval Desk is based upon a chopped-up ticket system - it was not designed for these purposes. Further, the ticket system is poorly designed anyway. Further still, never before have we had to dig into the various Account Approval systems (and other system) to put together a timeline like this. Some of these systems and logs I do not recall even being there. Only after I failed to understand what had occurred did I post to about it to the Admin area.


When I first heard from Pam, she could not fully recall what had occurred during the approval. At the time, it was just another account approval. And although there was some back and forth in the approval process, even this was not that unusual. Only when she remembered about the exchange of PMs was she able to put it properly together. And even then, it took some time.


However, while Pam was going through this, there were related developments in the background. I do not intend to detail them at this time. There was also another matter which occupied my time regarding an unauthorized personal data disclosure. Plus, you know, I have an actual life which requires some attention.


Anyway, I know your post crossed with my previous one. But I hope you will now begin to understand and accept that not everything can occur as soon as any of us would ideally prefer. Sometimes other things get in the way. There is nothing nefarious or shoddy going on here.


Urgh. Yeah. Stop trying to deflect. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253232.150.


Also, a quote from one of your administrators in a PM to me "I don't understand why you keep insisting that Colin knew who Baylissa was when she recently registered.  I really doubt if Colin saw the introductory note from her until after her third post (when she acknowledged who she was)." Stop getting people to do your dirty work for you Colin.


What is your agenda? What is the purpose of your link? I knew nothing of Frederick's registration with this forum until after Frederick had confronted her former client on this forum and all the Frederick-related threads were removed for review. There is nothing contradicting this.


Finish reading the quote please. It explains.


I am making sure the truth is out here. That you are being upfront and honest and that this forum is handled appropriately.


ETA: You were informed on March 26th but have pretended to have no knowledge.


Explain. 'Pretended to have no knowledge' of what, precisely? Back up your claims. Provide quotes and links.


You were informed that Baylissa made an account and tried to do so using her own name. It was days after that you accused her of making a name up. You told her to do so then turned and pretended that she was under some kind of covert operation.

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What am I doing to save lives in the benzo community?! How about reaching out to people posting about literally having loaded guns to their heads because they can’t stand another day of nonstop ocd intrusive thoughts and isolation and encouraging them TO GET HELP TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Literally saving someone’s life. But right I’m a bully and a troll.


Sorry for all of this.  You're seeing humans at their worst reptilian levels.  I apologize.  No person should have their opinion challenged in a public forum in this manner.


NO ONE WAS CHALLENGED! If you believe what you say then this board which is not medically supervised should not exist. And tell me, please do, what was said by Baylissa that was bad? I can give you plenty from people here but let's focus on the subject!

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I saw and heard her bully, shout at, laugh at and be abusive to extreme vulnerable ppl in the Q&A sessions.


She is great with ppl who are coping ok and doing what she thinks they should be. Those with extreme severe withdrawals soon find out she can turn on them.


She is also very self obsessed and was constant trying to get ppl to talk about her in the sessions.


We are all so dependent on such ppl for hope the power imbalance is huge.


It slows her to exploit ppl.

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Colin you also mention that you "have a life" and therefore can not keep up. I think you need to decide if you can handle this job now. It is extremely important to keep sick people that join your site safe. The benzo world is very dangerous. Also, do not think for a second that there aren't screenshots of disturbing behavior from this site kept.


Try harder. Much harder. This is not a job. I am not paid, and neither seek nor (when offered) accept donations. BB is a peer-support group, that's all. In the main, I am not even involved in day-to-day matters here. The forum is managed by volunteers. Support is provided by your peers.


It is probably also worth my pointing out that when all the other benzo message boards closed (from stalkers, ineptitude, internal pressures, or burn out), I, with the help of team members here, kept this place going. You have absolutely no idea of what you talking. None. And, I think you know it. You should be more subtle when you have an agenda other than arriving at understanding through genuine dialogue.


You do not get to disapprove of others when you actually break the law. Remember I showed you the link to your titration board because you couldn't figure out what I meant by encouraging members to take their medication other than prescribed and to keep information from their doctors? There is plenty of that here and more. You keep the people safe here. It is your job. If you need help doing, don't be afraid to reach out to others. There are plenty of people that would help you if your are over ran here I'm sure.


Have a good day.


Again, you talking nonsense. You linked to a factual post of mine describing tititration. It does not encourage titration. We have actually gone to great pains to point out the problems associated with 'titration' at home. And BB policy documents make clear that members should not be making any changes to their medication without first consulting their doctors.


This is the link you should have posted above:




It was the most objective description of benzodiazepine titration we could construct. You should - rather than ignore - that I go to pains to describe the downsides of attempting to 'home titrate'.


I also posted this critique (another pinned post on the same board):




When are you going to engage in a genuine dialogue?


By the way, since you have accused me of 'breaking the law', and you did this in public, perhaps you should site the law I have broken. Be specific and accurate. I think it only reasonable (given recent events) to point out that someone else (I'll leave 'who' to your imagination) would be threatening you with a lawsuit by now. You might wish to chew that over before responding.


No it is not nonsense. Look at your own damn boards. http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=253615.0


This entire website has specific and accurate laws that are broken. You know it. Look around. Wake up!


No, I don't know who you're referring to be if anyone wishes to do so they can certainly try.

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