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Regarding the Removed Threads Referencing Baylissa Frederick


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Everything you just said is exactly why I posted in the first place because that was the mindset I was in and if I stayed in it I literally probably would have killed myself. SSRI's and adjunct meds and proper OCD diagnosis and treatment saved my life. I "didn't give it time"? Have you ever tried sitting with literal 24/7 intrusive, LOUD thoughts about rape and murder and incest and pedophilia and racism? Do you have any idea what that's like?? No, because it's Pure O OCD and it's not really widely recognized but I can tell you it's very real and luckily it's very treatable!


^^^^^ ... Yes, I experienced all the ‘BWS’ symptoms you describe here, every single one of them.


You’ve preempted ‘my’ answer to your own question to me incorrectly here... it’s not a “No”... it’s a yes... yes I did.


During month 26/27 off though, it all went away.


This isn’t a competition either.


You can peruse my ‘Success Story’ here in the forum within that section if you wish... you might find it an insightful read.


Believe it or not, people like myself, and Baylissa, and many others, are here to help.


It’s not you, it’s the drug.

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This community exists to support individuals who have decided to stop using benzos (and related drugs).  This thread is not accomplishing that goal.  Instead, it is fueling negative emotions among quite a few individuals. 


There are many paths thru benzo withdrawal.  If this community works for you, that's great.  If another resource seems to resonate better with you, then I think you should at least explore it.  I'm sure you can find success (and failure) stories among all of the various withdrawal camps.  But berating one for the other (whatever your side) is simply not productive.  The various camps may have different approaches, but we're all about the same goal. 


So let's please stop the personal attacks.

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Everything you just said is exactly why I posted in the first place because that was the mindset I was in and if I stayed in it I literally probably would have killed myself. SSRI's and adjunct meds and proper OCD diagnosis and treatment saved my life. I "didn't give it time"? Have you ever tried sitting with literal 24/7 intrusive, LOUD thoughts about rape and murder and incest and pedophilia and racism? Do you have any idea what that's like?? No, because it's Pure O OCD and it's not really widely recognized but I can tell you it's very real and luckily it's very treatable!


^^^^^ ... Yes, I experienced all the ‘BWS’ symptoms you describe here, every single one of them.


You’ve preempted ‘my’ answer to your own question to me incorrectly here... it’s not a “No”... it’s a yes... yes I did.


During month 26/27 off though, it all went away.


This isn’t a competition either.


You can peruse my ‘Success Story’ here in the forum within that section if you wish... you might find it an insightful read.


Believe it or not, people like myself, and Baylissa, and many others, are here to help.


It’s not you, it’s the drug.


Your success story is one of the ones I follow closely. Especially because of the kindling etc.


I was damaged by benzos in 3.5 weeks so I know how I was before and how I am now. I have a million symptoms that I never had in my life including the 24/7 intrusive thoughts and many many more symptoms and akathisia.


I made the mistake of adding remeron thinking it would help. It did for the first few months about 10 percent and then everything got much worse.


I'm worried adding drugs to help the benzo damage is just masking symptoms and you will have to eventually pay the price.


Im glad to hear you didn't heal until later. In around 25 months off and still extremely bad. However, if I didn't add remeron I think I would be much better by now.


As much as I want to try other meds my intuition keeps telling me now. So for now I'm going to stick with that.

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If any forum members are unsure of what the phrase ‘Make A Mountain Out Of A Molehill’ means... then this announcement is exactly that.


Baylissa Frederick is one of the most amazing counsellor come therapists I have ever come across in my entire life, never mind just in the ‘Benzo Community’.


She’s also human, and has every right to defend attempts at defaming her character and/or directly correct misinformation written in print about her... anywhere... and including within this internet forum.


That is all she did here... nothing more... and she did it well.


Baylissa also did the same with the ‘Daily Mail’ newspaper in a court of law too, and in May of 2014 won her case against them... so please don’t think she’s some kind of pushover come charlatan, because she’s far from it.


Her character was/is clearly being defamed (or ‘slated off’, as we say here in Scotland) on many threads within the Benzobuddies forum here... I’ve fully read them all tonight.


It’s quite frankly seriously unacceptable on many levels.


Considering how many people she directly (and indirectly) keeps alive in the ‘Benzo Community’ on a near ‘minute by minute’ basis - every single day - I find this completely unnecessary negative behaviour towards her quite disturbing.


In short, she is being bullied... and it’s by no means kind.


Benzobuddies contributed greatly to saving my life many years ago when I was in the thick of my journey through ‘BWS’ and I am very grateful for that.


I’m also very grateful for Baylissa too, who carried me through the entire process - daily - for years... and for no financial payment whatsoever.




Now, years later, in comparison to other counsellors and therapists out there, Baylissa’s fees are considerably less, and also let’s remember just how many counsellors/therapists (of which there are tens of thousands in the U.K. alone) have - real - and direct experience of ‘Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome’ themselves, and really understand it?


The answer is, about a handful do.


In fact most counsellors and therapists (amongst almost the entire medical profession) don’t even believe that ‘BWS’ even exists, and definitely not at the levels of the severely painful intensity it can get to... that’s for sure.


Baylissa Frederick is a massive positive within the ‘Benzo Community’... and that’s all there is to it.


We all have our part to play.


Anyways, I digress...


It was actually Professor Heather Ashton herself who directly encouraged/told Baylissa that she had a right as a counsellor come therapist to earn a living too... and that Baylissa was adequately qualified to do so in the field of ‘Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome’.


There is no testimonial in the entire world that is better than that.




Baylissa Frederick is the kindest most generous person I have ever met in my entire life... and I have directly met her.


It’s saddening for me to hear (and now see) that the Benzobuddies ‘Admin Team’ (lead by Colin here) doesn’t really support a person who is in actual fact a pillar of the ‘BWS’ community.


So if they can’t support dear Baylissa here... then...


I will.

I don't like it when people quote someone else's post, and then just simply say, "I agree, well said.....", because it doesn't really add anything substantive.  So why am I myself doing it now?  Because I can't resist.  This is the single most important, accurate, inspirational, and just bloody brilliant posts I have read on this topic.  You've said everything I've wanted to say, in exactly the way I would like to have said it.  All those opposed, I thank you for your indulgence.



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Interesting that you completely ignored the fact that people tell others to take their medication differently than prescribed and not to inform their doctors of what they're doing. I don't need to report that. You have an entire section on it. Colin, I used to think you were someone to fear. Now that I've pulled the curtain back at Oz, it's a reality check.


I have a video from Baylissa up. Yes, I am finished because she isn't worried about you or anyone one else. I'm not either. Good day.


Whatever are you talking about? Where did I state that I was providing an exhaustive list of what is and what is not allowed at BB? You are deliberately failing to engage in genuine discourse. Just because I did not state something as being outlawed in a particular post, how could you reasonably interpret this as it being allowed? I also did not state that you cannot hunt down your fellow members and assault them - I guess this must mean that's OK too. ::)


Here are the relevant rules and guidelines:




Please adopt a non-prescriptive writing style. Relating your experiences, stating options, or posting suggestions of what other members might do are all welcome. However, advising members of what they should or must do is against the ethos of the BenzoBuddies Community. Nor should you attempt to 'diagnose' medical problems or suggest medical treatments to other members. This policy also applies to members with medical qualifications. A more detailed explanation of this policy can be found in our Guidelines Regarding the Giving of Medical Advice document.


Guidelines Regarding the Giving of Medical Advice


BenzoBuddies is a mutual support community of non-medical professionals, helping those that wish to end their dependency upon benzodiazepines.


Although members are encouraged to relate their personal experiences, post options, and express opinions, it is inappropriate to urge other members into particular actions or inactions regarding their medical treatment. Although we are here to help those that wish to quit benzodiazepines, the decision to quit (or not quit) is for the individual to take in consultation with a suitably qualified medical practitioner.


By extension of the above principles, it would be inappropriate for members to attempt to 'diagnose' ailments of (or 'prescribe' treatments for) other members. Whilst it is permitted for members to discuss their wider medical problems and needs, especially as they relate to benzodiazepine use and withdrawal, it is important to understand the limitations of the BenzoBuddies community. Our focus is upon benzodiazepine withdrawal support; decisions regarding medical treatment are for individual members to take in consultation with a doctor.


Although our focus is indeed support, members are bound to have questions, will wish to discuss practical issues and problems, and share information. There is no limit upon reasonable discussion, but you should consider how your writing style might affect those reading your words. Since individuals are highly variable in how they react to benzodiazepine use and withdrawal, and some people taking benzodiazepines are more suggestible than they might be under different circumstances, you should avoid making blanket statements.




e.g.1 I've been a member here for some time now, and I have seen several members experience very pronounced withdrawal effects when they attempted a similar withdrawal regimen to the one suggested by your doctor. Have you discussed the possibility of tapering off more slowly?


e.g.2 Have you considered seeking the opinion of another doctor?




e.g.3 Your doctor is wrong; you should taper no faster than 10% of your dose every 7 days.


e.g.4 Dump your doc - he's wrong.


Clearly, the first two examples understand the limits of what we can know, and respect the individual to determine their own health choices. The second two attempt to instruct others to follow particular actions, and would be unacceptable.


It might be appropriate, in some situations, to write in a more instructional style. Clearly, if a member is about to harm themselves (or someone else), or suggests something that would be universally considered as medically unsafe, a straight, instructional, unequivocal response is probably appropriate. Additionally, when writing about something formulaic, such as, for example, how to calculate a dose, or some other technical matter, then, of course, an instructional style is appropriate.


The purpose of these guidelines is to help members avoid unduly influencing others in decisions they should be taking for themselves in consultation with a doctor. Since our members have joined BenzoBuddies with the intention of quitting benzodiazepines, or would like more information to help them make an informed decision about future use, there really is no need to urge fellow members to end their use of benzodiazepines.

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Oh you “searched the data bases” Colin?  Hahaha. You’re a clown.


You used a quote there - from where did you source that? If instead you mean my reference to reviewing the relevant deleted posts, they go into the forum recycle bin. Akin to the recycle bin in email. No 'search of the database' required. Nothing complicated, and nothing 'clownish' about it.


Pro-tip: do not use double quotes unless you are actually quoting.

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I have checked the databases

Edit: The Is consult with Baylissa helpful? thread has been reinstated by the Admins.




Is that a joke? If so, I don't get it.


For context, the paragraph where I reference 'databases' (emphasis is added):


Although there is no legal requirement to do so, but given that Frederick practices independently, I would have expected that she was registered with one of the national professional organisations. I have checked the databases of both BACP and UKCP; Baylissa Frederick appears in neither. I have also checked her 'About Me' page at her website - she references no professional affiliation, supervision, or any oversight of her practice.


The registry databases can be found here:




And here:




Again, if you have a point, it is lost upon me.

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Point being, that needing to see qualifications from someone who is a household name in this community, and has arguably helped more people than anyone else in the world, is laughable.


It's "akin" to demanding to see Bill Belichick's coaching certification.


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Point being, that needing to see qualifications from someone who is a household name in this community, and has arguably helped more people than anyone else in the world, is laughable.


It's "akin" to demanding to see Bill Belichick's coaching certification.


And how does that explain your comments or answer my response? You are making no sense.


Oh you “searched the data bases” Colin?  Hahaha. You’re a clown.


Oh you “searched the data bases” Colin?  Hahaha. You’re a clown.


You used a quote there - from where did you source that? If instead you mean my reference to reviewing the relevant deleted posts, they go into the forum recycle bin. Akin to the recycle bin in email. No 'search of the database' required. Nothing complicated, and nothing 'clownish' about it.


Pro-tip: do not use double quotes unless you are actually quoting.


I have checked the databases

Edit: The Is consult with Baylissa helpful? thread has been reinstated by the Admins.




I have checked the databases

Edit: The Is consult with Baylissa helpful? thread has been reinstated by the Admins.




Is that a joke? If so, I don't get it.


For context, the paragraph where I reference 'databases' (emphasis is added):


Although there is no legal requirement to do so, but given that Frederick practices independently, I would have expected that she was registered with one of the national professional organisations. I have checked the databases of both BACP and UKCP; Baylissa Frederick appears in neither. I have also checked her 'About Me' page at her website - she references no professional affiliation, supervision, or any oversight of her practice.


The registry databases can be found here:




And here:




Again, if you have a point, it is lost upon me.

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“And how does that explain your comments or answer my response? You are making no sense.”


^^^^^ ... As an observer in this exchange between T1D and yourself Colin, it makes perfect sense to me.


On a side-note... perhaps you just don’t like Baylissa Frederick for some odd reason, I don’t know, just a ‘wild stab in the dark’ per say...

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Or if you have an undiagnosed underlying condition and are being surrounded by an overwhelmingly anti-“polydrugging” group mentality as well as a core message to sit around and wait for time to heal it you find yourself in a ridiculously dangerous situation. But glad it worked for you and your situation. It certainly didn’t work for me nor for several others I was in that group with but that’s why our journeys are all so individualized and there’s no blanket one size fits all answer.


Please listen to the YouTube link I provided. She explains how she feels on everything. I think you were in a very dark place and sometimes that is a confusing place. I am definitely glad you are out of it now. It is terrible. Here is a situation like yours on this board. Interesting how this person was told these are typical symptoms http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=246214.0 I've seen no complaints about the advice given here.


I listened to the YouTube recording for a while.  Her style would not be a good match for me, personally.


Many of Kayiel's symptoms were like my c/t withdrawal symptoms, fwiw. 

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“And how does that explain your comments or answer my response? You are making no sense.”


^^^^^ ... As an observer in this exchange between T1D and yourself Colin, it makes perfect sense to me.


On a side-note... perhaps you just don’t like Baylissa Frederick for some odd reason, I don’t know, just a ‘wild stab in the dark’ per say...


I note that you too have failed to explain how 'it makes perfect sense'.

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“And how does that explain your comments or answer my response? You are making no sense.”


^^^^^ ... As an observer in this exchange between T1D and yourself Colin, it makes perfect sense to me.


On a side-note... perhaps you just don’t like Baylissa Frederick for some odd reason, I don’t know, just a ‘wild stab in the dark’ per say...


I note that you too have failed to explain how 'it makes perfect sense'.


^^^^^ ... That’s for you to figure out on your own though, Colin.


Let’s just ‘cut to the chase’ here... this whole thing is an utter farce.


Baylissa Frederick is not your actual problem here... the actual problem here lies with a small amount of silly disgruntled BB forum members that you aren’t directly addressing properly.


You’re the BB forum founder and owner... it is your responsibility to make sure BB forum members do not unwittingly get themselves into situations, written in print here, that are libellous.


And from what I’ve seen, they are... and you’re allowing that to be.


You’re directly accountable for that... and at the very least from an ethical point of view, never mind a legal one.


Do the right thing.



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The fact is I see more than a half a dozen ppl in deep deep pain from sitting with symptoms waiting that are unbearable, untreated, and in no time frame of "Healing" which invariably leads to no hope.  The thing is that some of the thoughts are not intrusive thoughts at all.  They are related to guilt and shame.  Guilt and shame deserves it's own intervention in order to move past it.  Guilt and shame cause all kinds of body symptoms and sensations that mimic benzo wd symptoms.  Guilt and shame belongs possibly to the spiritual nature of a human.  Guilt and shame can cause great great distress if left unresolved.  You have to take each issue by itself and handle it like you would hold Jesus. 
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If JayTay is so happy and healed then why come back here and attack and bully Baylissa? I joined this website because I “thought” it was to support people coming OFF meds. If you have severe mental issues not caused by withdrawal from Benzos that’s fine, medicate yourself if you choose. But leave Baylissa out of it.


I know JayTay from groups and zoom chats, etc.  We have all gone through horrific withdrawals, just like he did. Most make it to the other side med free. That is everyone’s personal choice. Baylissa helps those of us who choose that route to make it through. If you choose a different path, fine, but don’t destroy my path to defend your choice.

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Interesting that you completely ignored the fact that people tell others to take their medication differently than prescribed and not to inform their doctors of what they're doing. I don't need to report that. You have an entire section on it. Colin, I used to think you were someone to fear. Now that I've pulled the curtain back at Oz, it's a reality check.


I have a video from Baylissa up. Yes, I am finished because she isn't worried about you or anyone one else. I'm not either. Good day.


Whatever are you talking about? Where did I state that I was providing an exhaustive list of what is and what is not allowed at BB? You are deliberately failing to engage in genuine discourse. Just because I did not state something as being outlawed in a particular post, how could you reasonably interpret this as it being allowed? I also did not state that you cannot hunt down your fellow members and assault them - I guess this must mean that's OK too. ::)


Here are the relevant rules and guidelines:




Please adopt a non-prescriptive writing style. Relating your experiences, stating options, or posting suggestions of what other members might do are all welcome. However, advising members of what they should or must do is against the ethos of the BenzoBuddies Community. Nor should you attempt to 'diagnose' medical problems or suggest medical treatments to other members. This policy also applies to members with medical qualifications. A more detailed explanation of this policy can be found in our Guidelines Regarding the Giving of Medical Advice document.


Guidelines Regarding the Giving of Medical Advice


BenzoBuddies is a mutual support community of non-medical professionals, helping those that wish to end their dependency upon benzodiazepines.


Although members are encouraged to relate their personal experiences, post options, and express opinions, it is inappropriate to urge other members into particular actions or inactions regarding their medical treatment. Although we are here to help those that wish to quit benzodiazepines, the decision to quit (or not quit) is for the individual to take in consultation with a suitably qualified medical practitioner.


By extension of the above principles, it would be inappropriate for members to attempt to 'diagnose' ailments of (or 'prescribe' treatments for) other members. Whilst it is permitted for members to discuss their wider medical problems and needs, especially as they relate to benzodiazepine use and withdrawal, it is important to understand the limitations of the BenzoBuddies community. Our focus is upon benzodiazepine withdrawal support; decisions regarding medical treatment are for individual members to take in consultation with a doctor.


Although our focus is indeed support, members are bound to have questions, will wish to discuss practical issues and problems, and share information. There is no limit upon reasonable discussion, but you should consider how your writing style might affect those reading your words. Since individuals are highly variable in how they react to benzodiazepine use and withdrawal, and some people taking benzodiazepines are more suggestible than they might be under different circumstances, you should avoid making blanket statements.




e.g.1 I've been a member here for some time now, and I have seen several members experience very pronounced withdrawal effects when they attempted a similar withdrawal regimen to the one suggested by your doctor. Have you discussed the possibility of tapering off more slowly?


e.g.2 Have you considered seeking the opinion of another doctor?




e.g.3 Your doctor is wrong; you should taper no faster than 10% of your dose every 7 days.


e.g.4 Dump your doc - he's wrong.


Clearly, the first two examples understand the limits of what we can know, and respect the individual to determine their own health choices. The second two attempt to instruct others to follow particular actions, and would be unacceptable.


It might be appropriate, in some situations, to write in a more instructional style. Clearly, if a member is about to harm themselves (or someone else), or suggests something that would be universally considered as medically unsafe, a straight, instructional, unequivocal response is probably appropriate. Additionally, when writing about something formulaic, such as, for example, how to calculate a dose, or some other technical matter, then, of course, an instructional style is appropriate.


The purpose of these guidelines is to help members avoid unduly influencing others in decisions they should be taking for themselves in consultation with a doctor. Since our members have joined BenzoBuddies with the intention of quitting benzodiazepines, or would like more information to help them make an informed decision about future use, there really is no need to urge fellow members to end their use of benzodiazepines.


In case you've forgotten where your titration board is http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=231363.0 . That is a good start to look at where you tell people to take medication differently than prescribed.


You never will admit that yes, you knew who Baylissa was but asked her to remain anonymous will you? Sad Mr. Moran.


I'm through with you. All you wish to do is come back with silliness. It' time for you to take reponsibilty. If anything, take that lesson from this.

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... It was not at all conducive to my recovery...


^^^^^ ... No disrespect to you here, but according to your BB signature you never gave yourself nearly enough time (if any) to “recover”.


Instead, shortly after you finished your benzodiazepine taper, you then allowed the medical community to ‘diagnose’ your ‘Benzodiazepine Withdrawal’ symptoms as another ‘mental illness’.


Now you’re poly-drugged as a result. 






Poly drugged defined refers to illicit drugs that we use together to counteract or intensify another drug. Why would you use that word to describe drugs used in treatment.  That's the kind of language that hurts ppl.  That does not fit here.  Recovery is the process of regaining control of something lost and in this case it was an entire human being with a mind body and soul.  I saw his  unbearable suffering.  I watched JayTay incredible persistence to "recover" from Feb 2020 until the present and he has definitely regained control including the truth of what happened to him as a result of his journey which he has spoke about.  The reason JayTay is doing so amazing is because he got the right help for the right problem  Personally, what I saw wasn't benzo wd at all by one point.  I saw major trauma from sitting with barbaric intrusive thoughts (and calling normal thoughts intrusive) about his family, friends, and ppl in general.  He was in great despair with no hope of ever "healing" or "recovering".  I saw him sitting next to death for months on end and begging for relief.  Some of the symptoms are benzo wd and some of the symptoms are related to OCD, Isolation, Suicidal Ideation, Depression.  If you put these issues together in any combination either during or outside of benzo wd you have a potentially lethal combination of issues.  All of these issues are recoverable.  If you go to the dr complaining of benzo wd then that's what he will treat you for.  However if you go to the dr for isolation/agoraphobia AND benzo wd then the plan of care changes.  There are lots of places that treat all of the issues we suffer in and coming out of wd.  The reason JayTay is better is because he is receiving treatment for all of the issues in his journey.  He's been done with benzo wd before he even got off.  His symptoms were OCD and trauma as per diagnosis that went untreated during wd and coming out of wd.  He wouldn't trust anybody at first but then he saw "The Window!)  He takes medication and so do I!  It doesn't matter to me as long as I have my life with all that can be in it including my full range of feelings and emotions that I have control over.  So does JayTay finally! has his life.  I am so proud of the painstaking hard work he did to get here.  He listened to that little voice showing him his path which thank God included treatment for his EXACT and ALL issues related to his entire fight with klonopin. He's not living under a microscope either anymore constantly looking for an explanation for a body sensation he felt.  Please lets just reach out to those suffering next to death today and find them specific help for their specific issue.  Life is too short.  If it doesn't affect you  or other ppl or your activities of daily living then disregard it. Push thru and let go. Our body and mind are way smarter than me!  If a person in a coma can wake up because of the support they got then yay!  Life is Good... I recovered and survived because of the work I did and the support I got to get there. I took charge of myself.  I listened to my inner voice. Right on JayTay.  I'm so proud of you for speaking up for all kinds of help outside of medication that is also available.  Just seek and Ask!


^^^^^ ... If you’re going to ‘quote’ me, please make sure and use the HTML commands properly, and in the correct ordering... else it doesn’t correctly do things.


Also... “poly-drugging” means to be prescribed (by a Doctor) more than one drug to counter the effects of a previous one, and whether the patient is still ingesting such or not.


None of it is “illicit” either.


The rest of your commentary here I’m not really interested in, as you’ve clearly not properly read mine.


Your ‘tangent stuff’ here is completely moot.


You’re also not helping JayTay0.


I know you think you are, and it’s very noble of you, but regards his long-run, you’re just not.


I’m not going to get into a debate about this.


This thread is about Baylissa and the ongoing bullying and ‘defamation of character’ that she is currently receiving from members within this internet forum.


Let’s keep it on topic please.

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... It was not at all conducive to my recovery...


^^^^^ ... No disrespect to you here, but according to your BB signature you never gave yourself nearly enough time (if any) to “recover”.


Instead, shortly after you finished your benzodiazepine taper, you then allowed the medical community to ‘diagnose’ your ‘Benzodiazepine Withdrawal’ symptoms as another ‘mental illness’.


Now you’re poly-drugged as a result. 


Poly drugged defined refers to illicit drugs that we use together to counteract or intensify another drug. Why would you use that word to describe drugs used in treatment.  That's the kind of language that hurts ppl.  That does not fit here.  Recovery is the process of regaining control of something lost and in this case it was an entire human being with a mind body and soul.  I saw his  unbearable suffering.  I watched JayTay incredible persistence to "recover" from Feb 2020 until the present and he has definitely regained control including the truth of what happened to him as a result of his journey which he has spoke about.  The reason JayTay is doing so amazing is because he got the right help for the right problem  Personally, what I saw wasn't benzo wd at all by one point.  I saw major trauma from sitting with barbaric intrusive thoughts (and calling normal thoughts intrusive) about his family, friends, and ppl in general.  He was in great despair with no hope of ever "healing" or "recovering".  I saw him sitting next to death for months on end and begging for relief.  Some of the symptoms are benzo wd and some of the symptoms are related to OCD, Isolation, Suicidal Ideation, Depression.  If you put these issues together in any combination either during or outside of benzo wd you have a potentially lethal combination of issues.  All of these issues are recoverable.  If you go to the dr complaining of benzo wd then that's what he will treat you for.  However if you go to the dr for isolation/agoraphobia AND benzo wd then the plan of care changes.  There are lots of places that treat all of the issues we suffer in and coming out of wd.  The reason JayTay is better is because he is receiving treatment for all of the issues in his journey.  He's been done with benzo wd before he even got off.  His symptoms were OCD and trauma as per diagnosis that went untreated during wd and coming out of wd.  He wouldn't trust anybody at first but then he saw "The Window!)  He takes medication and so do I!  It doesn't matter to me as long as I have my life with all that can be in it including my full range of feelings and emotions that I have control over.  So does JayTay finally! has his life.  I am so proud of the painstaking hard work he did to get here.  He listened to that little voice showing him his path which thank God included treatment for his EXACT and ALL issues related to his entire fight with klonopin. He's not living under a microscope either anymore constantly looking for an explanation for a body sensation he felt.  Please lets just reach out to those suffering next to death today and find them specific help for their specific issue.  Life is too short.  If it doesn't affect you  or other ppl or your activities of daily living then disregard it. Push thru and let go. Our body and mind are way smarter than me!  If a person in a coma can wake up because of the support they got then yay!  Life is Good... I recovered and survived because of the work I did and the support I got to get there. I took charge of myself.  I listened to my inner voice. Right on JayTay.  I'm so proud of you for speaking up for all kinds of help outside of medication that is also available.  Just seek and Ask!


^^^^^ ... If you’re going to ‘quote’ me, please make sure and use the HTML commands properly in the correct ordering... else it doesn’t correctly do things.


Also... poly-drugging means to be prescribed (by a Doctor) more than one drug to counter the effects of a previous one, and whether the patient is still ingesting such or not.


None of it is “illicit” either.


The rest of your commentary here I’m not really interested in, as you’ve clearly not properly read mine.


Your ‘tangent stuff’ here is completely moot.


You’re also not helping TayTay0.


I know you think you are, and it’s very noble of you, but regards his long-run, you’re just not.


I’m not going to get into a debate about this.


This thread is about Baylissa and the ongoing bullying she is currently receiving from members within this internet forum.


Let’s keep it on topic please.


Not funny. There is a difference between mistakenly posting above the closing quote tag (we all do this from time to time) and simply not bothering to post outside of the quoted material and to do this repeatedly within a quote. One is a simple accident - the other, lazy and confusing.

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I’m deleting my account. I can’t do this drama. I gotta move on with my life. If listening to Baylissa works for people then that’s great, keep doing whatever works. It was not at all conducive to my recovery. Be well.


Before you go, I wish you would listen to Baylissa. I honestly don't think you were in a good pace and got things confused. Also the link on this board that I provided. The person in your situation is being told to wait it out and I don't understand why you don't have a problem with this board if you thought Baylissa said the same thing.




Poly drugged defined refers to illicit drugs that we use together to counteract or intensify another drug. Why would you use that word to describe drugs used in treatment.  That's the kind of language that hurts ppl.  That does not fit here.  Recovery is the process of regaining control of something lost and in this case it was an entire human being with a mind body and soul.  I saw his  unbearable suffering.  I watched JayTay incredible persistence to "recover" from Feb 2020 until the present and he has definitely regained control including the truth of what happened to him as a result of his journey which he has spoke about.  The reason JayTay is doing so amazing is because he got the right help for the right problem  Personally, what I saw wasn't benzo wd at all by one point.  I saw major trauma from sitting with barbaric intrusive thoughts (and calling normal thoughts intrusive) about his family, friends, and ppl in general.  He was in great despair with no hope of ever "healing" or "recovering".  I saw him sitting next to death for months on end and begging for relief.  Some of the symptoms are benzo wd and some of the symptoms are related to OCD, Isolation, Suicidal Ideation, Depression.  If you put these issues together in any combination either during or outside of benzo wd you have a potentially lethal combination of issues.  All of these issues are recoverable.  If you go to the dr complaining of benzo wd then that's what he will treat you for.  However if you go to the dr for isolation/agoraphobia AND benzo wd then the plan of care changes.  There are lots of places that treat all of the issues we suffer in and coming out of wd.  The reason JayTay is better is because he is receiving treatment for all of the issues in his journey.  He's been done with benzo wd before he even got off.  His symptoms were OCD and trauma as per diagnosis that went untreated during wd and coming out of wd.  He wouldn't trust anybody at first but then he saw "The Window!)  He takes medication and so do I!  It doesn't matter to me as long as I have my life with all that can be in it including my full range of feelings and emotions that I have control over.  So does JayTay finally! has his life.  I am so proud of the painstaking hard work he did to get here.  He listened to that little voice showing him his path which thank God included treatment for his EXACT and ALL issues related to his entire fight with klonopin. He's not living under a microscope either anymore constantly looking for an explanation for a body sensation he felt.  Please lets just reach out to those suffering next to death today and find them specific help for their specific issue.  Life is too short.  If it doesn't affect you  or other ppl or your activities of daily living then disregard it. Push thru and let go. Our body and mind are way smarter than me!  If a person in a coma can wake up because of the support they got then yay!  Life is Good... I recovered and survived because of the work I did and the support I got to get there. I took charge of myself.  I listened to my inner voice. Right on JayTay.  I'm so proud of you for speaking up for all kinds of help outside of medication that is also available.  Just seek and Ask!

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... It was not at all conducive to my recovery...


^^^^^ ... No disrespect to you here, but according to your BB signature you never gave yourself nearly enough time (if any) to “recover”.


Instead, shortly after you finished your benzodiazepine taper, you then allowed the medical community to ‘diagnose’ your ‘Benzodiazepine Withdrawal’ symptoms as another ‘mental illness’.


Now you’re poly-drugged as a result. 






Poly drugged defined refers to illicit drugs that we use together to counteract or intensify another drug. Why would you use that word to describe drugs used in treatment.  That's the kind of language that hurts ppl.  That does not fit here.  Recovery is the process of regaining control of something lost and in this case it was an entire human being with a mind body and soul.  I saw his  unbearable suffering.  I watched JayTay incredible persistence to "recover" from Feb 2020 until the present and he has definitely regained control including the truth of what happened to him as a result of his journey which he has spoke about.  The reason JayTay is doing so amazing is because he got the right help for the right problem  Personally, what I saw wasn't benzo wd at all by one point.  I saw major trauma from sitting with barbaric intrusive thoughts (and calling normal thoughts intrusive) about his family, friends, and ppl in general.  He was in great despair with no hope of ever "healing" or "recovering".  I saw him sitting next to death for months on end and begging for relief.  Some of the symptoms are benzo wd and some of the symptoms are related to OCD, Isolation, Suicidal Ideation, Depression.  If you put these issues together in any combination either during or outside of benzo wd you have a potentially lethal combination of issues.  All of these issues are recoverable.  If you go to the dr complaining of benzo wd then that's what he will treat you for.  However if you go to the dr for isolation/agoraphobia AND benzo wd then the plan of care changes.  There are lots of places that treat all of the issues we suffer in and coming out of wd.  The reason JayTay is better is because he is receiving treatment for all of the issues in his journey.  He's been done with benzo wd before he even got off.  His symptoms were OCD and trauma as per diagnosis that went untreated during wd and coming out of wd.  He wouldn't trust anybody at first but then he saw "The Window!)  He takes medication and so do I!  It doesn't matter to me as long as I have my life with all that can be in it including my full range of feelings and emotions that I have control over.  So does JayTay finally! has his life.  I am so proud of the painstaking hard work he did to get here.  He listened to that little voice showing him his path which thank God included treatment for his EXACT and ALL issues related to his entire fight with klonopin. He's not living under a microscope either anymore constantly looking for an explanation for a body sensation he felt.  Please lets just reach out to those suffering next to death today and find them specific help for their specific issue.  Life is too short.  If it doesn't affect you  or other ppl or your activities of daily living then disregard it. Push thru and let go. Our body and mind are way smarter than me!  If a person in a coma can wake up because of the support they got then yay!  Life is Good... I recovered and survived because of the work I did and the support I got to get there. I took charge of myself.  I listened to my inner voice. Right on JayTay.  I'm so proud of you for speaking up for all kinds of help outside of medication that is also available.  Just seek and Ask!


^^^^^ ... If you’re going to ‘quote’ me, please make sure and use the HTML commands properly in the correct ordering... else it doesn’t correctly do things.


Also... poly-drugging means to be prescribed (by a Doctor) more than one drug to counter the effects of a previous one, and whether the patient is still ingesting such or not.


None of it is “illicit” either.


The rest of your commentary here I’m not really interested in, as you’ve clearly not properly read mine.


Your ‘tangent stuff’ here is completely moot.


You’re also not helping TayTay0.


I know you think you are, and it’s very noble of you, but regards his long-run, you’re just not.


I’m not going to get into a debate about this.


This thread is about Baylissa and the ongoing bullying she is currently receiving from members within this internet forum.


Let’s keep it on topic please.


Not funny. There is a difference between mistakenly posting above the closing quote tag (we all do this from time to time) and simply not bothering to post outside of the quoted material and to do this repeatedly within a quote. One is a simple accident - the other, lazy and confusing.


^^^^^ ... I’m not doing ‘stand-up’ here Colin, it’s not meant to be “funny”... however, I ‘get’ what you’re saying.


I also know you’ve said very much the same thing to forum members before regards the incorrect HTML code placing.


I was being polite to the poster... it’s debatable whether you actually were, if I recall.


Now... will you be responding to the important stuff that I’ve mentioned on this thread here, or are you just going to continue to deflect from it all?


I don’t know, perhaps you don’t like me now as well as Baylissa... just another ‘stab in the dark’ guess...

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I’m deleting my account. I can’t do this drama. I gotta move on with my life. If listening to Baylissa works for people then that’s great, keep doing whatever works. It was not at all conducive to my recovery. Be well.


Before you go, I wish you would listen to Baylissa. I honestly don't think you were in a good pace and got things confused. Also the link on this board that I provided. The person in your situation is being told to wait it out and I don't understand why you don't have a problem with this board if you thought Baylissa said the same thing.




Poly drugged defined refers to illicit drugs that we use together to counteract or intensify another drug. Why would you use that word to describe drugs used in treatment.  That's the kind of language that hurts ppl.  That does not fit here.  Recovery is the process of regaining control of something lost and in this case it was an entire human being with a mind body and soul.  I saw his  unbearable suffering.  I watched JayTay incredible persistence to "recover" from Feb 2020 until the present and he has definitely regained control including the truth of what happened to him as a result of his journey which he has spoke about.  The reason JayTay is doing so amazing is because he got the right help for the right problem  Personally, what I saw wasn't benzo wd at all by one point.  I saw major trauma from sitting with barbaric intrusive thoughts (and calling normal thoughts intrusive) about his family, friends, and ppl in general.  He was in great despair with no hope of ever "healing" or "recovering".  I saw him sitting next to death for months on end and begging for relief.  Some of the symptoms are benzo wd and some of the symptoms are related to OCD, Isolation, Suicidal Ideation, Depression.  If you put these issues together in any combination either during or outside of benzo wd you have a potentially lethal combination of issues.  All of these issues are recoverable.  If you go to the dr complaining of benzo wd then that's what he will treat you for.  However if you go to the dr for isolation/agoraphobia AND benzo wd then the plan of care changes.  There are lots of places that treat all of the issues we suffer in and coming out of wd.  The reason JayTay is better is because he is receiving treatment for all of the issues in his journey.  He's been done with benzo wd before he even got off.  His symptoms were OCD and trauma as per diagnosis that went untreated during wd and coming out of wd.  He wouldn't trust anybody at first but then he saw "The Window!)  He takes medication and so do I!  It doesn't matter to me as long as I have my life with all that can be in it including my full range of feelings and emotions that I have control over.  So does JayTay finally! has his life.  I am so proud of the painstaking hard work he did to get here.  He listened to that little voice showing him his path which thank God included treatment for his EXACT and ALL issues related to his entire fight with klonopin. He's not living under a microscope either anymore constantly looking for an explanation for a body sensation he felt.  Please lets just reach out to those suffering next to death today and find them specific help for their specific issue.  Life is too short.  If it doesn't affect you  or other ppl or your activities of daily living then disregard it. Push thru and let go. Our body and mind are way smarter than me!  If a person in a coma can wake up because of the support they got then yay!  Life is Good... I recovered and survived because of the work I did and the support I got to get there. I took charge of myself.  I listened to my inner voice. Right on JayTay.  I'm so proud of you for speaking up for all kinds of help outside of medication that is also available.  Just seek and Ask!


I'm really not sure who you're talking to here.

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If JayTay is so happy and healed then why come back here and attack and bully Baylissa?


That didn't happen. She used a lot of restraint and simply shared her experience. Admins and mods ultimately backed her because they determined she did nothing wrong. She did not violate any BB posting policies, policies which prohibit attacking and bullying another member. Look at the interaction JayTay had with stereotokyo and Sunflowermh. Both were very respectful, politely disagreed with JayTay regarding Baylissa, but showed empathy for her situation and nicely offered their own perspective. It was a productive converation with people having different viewpoints, but coming to an undrstading, and respectfully disagreeing on some things. Both stereotokyo and Sunflowermh used a great deal of restraint in their interactions with JayTay, and JayTay showed her appreciation.


If you choose a different path, fine, but don’t destroy my path to defend your choice.


No one's destroyed your path, no one is stopping you from using Baylissa, or mentioning that you had a lovely talk with her, or that she gave you a certain piece of advice. You can talk about your personal experiences with Baylissa or Jennifer Leigh or any other of the benzo coaches out there.



Also, please read the moderater post by badsocref halfway down page 6.

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If JayTay is so happy and healed then why come back here and attack and bully Baylissa?


That didn't happen. She used a lot of restraint and simply shared her experience. Admins and mods ultimately backed her because they determined she did nothing wrong. She did not violate any BB posting policies, policies which prohibit attacking and bullying another member. Look at the interaction JayTay had with stereotokyo and Sunflowermh. Both were very respectful, politely disagreed with JayTay regarding Baylissa, but showed empathy for her situation and nicely offered their own perspective. It was a productive converation with people having different viewpoints, but coming to an undrstading, and respectfully disagreeing on some things. Both stereotokyo and Sunflowermh used a great deal of restraint in their interactions with JayTay, and JayTay showed her appreciation.


If you choose a different path, fine, but don’t destroy my path to defend your choice.


No one's destroyed your path, no one is stopping you from using Baylissa, or mentioning that you had a lovely talk with her, or that she gave you a certain piece of advice. You can talk about your personal experiences with Baylissa or Jennifer Leigh or any other of the benzo coaches out there.



Also, please read the moderater post by badsocref halfway down page 6.


Your “she” is actually a he.

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Everything you just said is exactly why I posted in the first place because that was the mindset I was in and if I stayed in it I literally probably would have killed myself. SSRI's and adjunct meds and proper OCD diagnosis and treatment saved my life. I "didn't give it time"? Have you ever tried sitting with literal 24/7 intrusive, LOUD thoughts about rape and murder and incest and pedophilia and racism? Do you have any idea what that's like?? No, because it's Pure O OCD and it's not really widely recognized but I can tell you it's very real and luckily it's very treatable!


^^^^^ ... Yes, I experienced all the ‘BWS’ symptoms you describe here, every single one of them.


You’ve preempted ‘my’ answer to your own question to me incorrectly here... it’s not a “No”... it’s a yes... yes I did.


During month 26/27 off though, it all went away.


This isn’t a competition either.


You can peruse my ‘Success Story’ here in the forum within that section if you wish... you might find it an insightful read.


Believe it or not, people like myself, and Baylissa, and many others, are here to help.


It’s not you, it’s the drug.


Your success story is one of the ones I follow closely. Especially because of the kindling etc.


I was damaged by benzos in 3.5 weeks so I know how I was before and how I am now. I have a million symptoms that I never had in my life including the 24/7 intrusive thoughts and many many more symptoms and akathisia.


I made the mistake of adding remeron thinking it would help. It did for the first few months about 10 percent and then everything got much worse.


I'm worried adding drugs to help the benzo damage is just masking symptoms and you will have to eventually pay the price.


Im glad to hear you didn't heal until later. In around 25 months off and still extremely bad. However, if I didn't add remeron I think I would be much better by now.


As much as I want to try other meds my intuition keeps telling me now. So for now I'm going to stick with that.


^^^^^ ... Now there’s a good plan...  :thumbsup:


So good to hear that my written ‘Success Story’ is helping you along... it’s a real sad sorry mess huh...  :crazy:


The good news is, it definitely gets better... so keep going, and stay strong...  :)

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