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Please. I need help for my sister. She is screaming “I can’t do this” and banging her head with her fists and objects. She is lost and scared and I don’t know how to help.  Simple concrete next steps would be very appreciated. See bio for details.


Please help in any way. Thanks in advance

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Detox is a really rough way to get off these drugs.  It might even be worse since they often add other drugs that need to be dealt with.


I'm sorry for your sister's plight.  I c/t'd from Ativan.  It's tough.


The suggestion to take a walk wasn't flippant.  She needs to stay busy while her body adjusts to having no drug inside of her.  It's going to take some time, and keeping the mind busy helps make the time pass more quickly.  Hopefully, she has some mellow & enjoyable hobbies she can turn to.  Gaming, hiking, cooking, building, drawing, puzzles, meditation, breathing exercises, cleaning, gardening, ...      All of these kinds of activities can help pass the time more quickly. 

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The above poster is correct about needing to stay busy and that detox SUCKS!!! I know because I was one.

Ativan rapid, but then given tons more drugs while in there for a month. Absolute horror.

So can you tell us what here top worst symptoms are?

She is bound to have quite a few at this point. But just give us the worst ones.

Depending on the symptom maybe we can offer some help. While distraction IS a big one being specific may get you more concrete suggestions.


For example: some of my worst was nerve pain and burning skin, and muscle weakness, akathisia, and insomnia.

So while I had plenty of hobbies/activities I could have used to occupy my time, I straight up wasn't able to lift my arms and legs to even feed myself! So when you have akathisia, insomnia, you cant move or even walk around, can barely hold your own head up, and it feels like there are daggers in your whole body and acid on your skin and host of other awful stuff.....well, you can't really distract from that if you can't even get up and walk or hold a pen. I yelled A LOT "I can't do this anymore" " I need it to stop" like every few minutes actually.

It took a different approach for me. Thankfully I have an awesome family.

So depending on her symptoms maybe we can offer different suggestions to help her?

Let us know

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you could also consult one of the few benzo coaches like Jennifer leigh or Baylissa


Actually i think that's the only way to go. don't put it off, Just because there are not many doctors that can help does not mean there is no help. being able to talk to an expert on the phone about your specific case will make all the difference and its much easier then trying to frustratingly sift though the internet for help. I talk to Jennifer leigh, I like her site, she's easy to contact and her availability is good.

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I agree with accused, talking to someone like Baylissa or Jen will reassure her that what she is going through is normal and give her hope. You need to schedule a call with either of them ASAP.

Other things that can help:

1. Colouring books can help if she has the capacity for it.

2. Very mild exercise if she can, some people become sensitive to exercise so tread easy and slow...

3. Try not to leave her alone if you can, we become scared of being alone because we are in so much pain.

4. Reassure her repeatedly, this we need like we need water. Even when you get tired of it, don’t stop. Reassure her a few times everyday that healing will happen.

5. Talk to her, give her small tasks to do to break her thoughts from what she is experiencing. Things like her helping you bake, cook, water the garden etc.

6. I found having my back caressed calmed my overactive central nervous system.

7. Read to her, the sound of someone reading was very soothing to me. No wonder kids love it..


Good luck, be strong for your sister...

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I am so sorry your sister is going through this. I am now 18 days post cold Turkey from Klonopin during a very stressful time in my life. Probably was a bad time to quit cold Turkey but regardless the first 2 weeks for me were rough. There was a few days I remember feeling the same way. I didn’t know how I was going to get through it or if there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I only had short term use but for days my anxiety was at an all time high, I was shaking. My heart was pounding in my chest and I felt like my skin was crawling. What kept me going was my son my fiancé and his boys. If it wasn’t for them I probably would have checked out. I literally felt like I couldn’t go on some of the days. But after 2 week mark I now still have anxiety but not as bad. I lost about 10 lbs which was a lot for me given I was only 115 lbs to begin with. None of my pants fit now. But I have an appetite back. The shaking is almost gone. My heart isn’t racing as much. My biggest thing is the sleep I don’t sleep well at night I wake up a lot and toss and turn so I’m tired. I have some mild depression but it’s much improved. I am here to give you hope there is light at the end of the tunnel. My best suggestion is be there for your sister, you can’t imagine the pain she is going through. Let her cry let her scream. Rub her back I’m sure it’s aching bad, help her out as much as you can. Show her you love her and be patient with her. She will never forget what you will do for her during this time. She is struggling and needs love and support. I am here to talk if you or her need anything.
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The Linden Method helped me through some rough patches- I highly suggest it  :thumbsup:


This literally tells exactly what it is she is dealing with and helps the mind stay busy

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