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West Coast fires, thought and prayers


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Thanks, Beck. We're just lucky that we didn't have to be evacuated. Yet. My friends on the coast did . . . and friends farther inland in the valley did, too. Fires are all around us. The smoke is horrid. But if the fires don't jump the freeway, we should be okay. We're praying for rain (ha). There's a couple inches of soot and ash on our back patio. And the sky looks like this:




Our fingers are crossed, and our bags are packed.  :'(





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Thanks, Beck. We're just lucky that we didn't have to be evacuated. Yet. My friends on the coast did . . . and friends farther inland in the valley did, too. Fires are all around us. The smoke is horrid. But if the fires don't jump the freeway, we should be okay. We're praying for rain (ha). There's a couple inches of soot and ash on our back patio. And the sky looks like this:




Our fingers are crossed, and our bags are packed.  :'(






You've Got A Friend - James Taylor




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oregonkatz:  A couple inches of soot and ash?!! OMG...those of us in other states not near you have no clue what it is like and I am so sorry for all of you living under this threat. Hugs...
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Just a suggestion: Make sure your homeowner's insurance is paid up and come visit this "Crazy Town". You & your's are welcome here, stay awhile and shake off that dust and ash:


Crazy Town - Jason Aldean


FYI: My newly acquired little patch of dirt is just down the road a ways near a wonderful country exurb. Sweet tea, back porch with a view & plenty of southern hospitality! :) 

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Thanks, Beck. We're just lucky that we didn't have to be evacuated. Yet. My friends on the coast did . . . and friends farther inland in the valley did, too. Fires are all around us. The smoke is horrid. But if the fires don't jump the freeway, we should be okay. We're praying for rain (ha). There's a couple inches of soot and ash on our back patio. And the sky looks like this:




Our fingers are crossed, and our bags are packed.  :'(






You've Got A Friend - James Taylor



Thanks, Fi! We might just make our way over to your newly acquired patch of dirt. Tea on the porch sounds wonderful!





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Thanks, Beck. We're just lucky that we didn't have to be evacuated. Yet. My friends on the coast did . . . and friends farther inland in the valley did, too. Fires are all around us. The smoke is horrid. But if the fires don't jump the freeway, we should be okay. We're praying for rain (ha). There's a couple inches of soot and ash on our back patio. And the sky looks like this:




Our fingers are crossed, and our bags are packed.  :'(






You've Got A Friend - James Taylor



Thanks, Fi! We might just make our way over to your newly acquired patch of dirt. Tea on the porch sounds wonderful!






You will always be welcome. I haven't completely moved in yet. I will be transporting another load of furniture there after the 20th of this month but, in addition to the the master bedroom, there are 2 spare bedrooms (they don't have the matching dressers in them yet but they do have beds) & my kids will grant you access if they know you are coming. All of the appliances are there and are working even though the living/dining areas currently look a bit sparse. I'm afraid the cupboards are currently bare and I still need to purchase all new kitchen utensils but, take-out food shops, Whole Foods, etc & Uber services are near-by. The irrigated & landscaped yard is maintained by a gardener and there is even an elevator from the garage to the main floor so people don't have to walk up stairs. TN does have lots of hills & beautiful vistas which will be in full Fall foliage soon. Be safe & hope you will visit our TN family soon!


Here is a little teaser video I found that was produced a few years ago:

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I'm totally devastated... I can't believe the news said the Mendocino forest has burned over 470 thousand acres... That can't be true. I'm completely disillusioned  :'(
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Where will everyone go who needs to evacuate?  It's like being a refugee in your own country.  Is FEMA bringing trailers for people to live in like they did during hurricane Katrina?
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Thanks, Fi. I found us in the yellow are just east of Independence. The wind is supposed to change overnight and start blowing from the west. Apparently. That will give the crews an opportunity to start firefighting . . . instead of rescuing people trapped in canyons, at campgrounds, and in little towns (some of which have been completely destroyed). The blasted fire close to us is 0% contained.


Evacuation, Beck. We worried about that, too. Damned if we're sheltering in some community college gymnasium.  In the middle of the pandemic? With Bianca? Nope. We made a hotel reservation over on the south coast in case we get the call to go. We have a safe route planned to get us there. Sheesh. But things may be different tomorrow. Hope so.


Thank you folks for your well wishes.





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OMG I just looked at the "raptor map" posted. This is heartbreaking...and so concerning. how the heck do you get control of all of that?!!!!!


You all need to get out. 

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We’re packed and ready to go if the fires near us change course. We have family in the SoCal desert we’ll go to if needed. The Bear Fire (part of the North Complex) is the one we’re keeping an eye on. No red skies today thankfully, but yesterday morning was terrifying. It brought up memories of the Camp Fire here in 2018. So many people in my community are feeling re-traumatized.


Thank you everyone for keeping those of us facing wildfires in your hearts. ❤️

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Katz, Kit, and Olive Kitty, thinking about you guys and praying those fires don't get any closer to you and the air clears sooner.  They did say a storm off the Pacific Coast will slowly pull out some of the smoke. 


To everyone near a fire, 🙏🙏🙏🙏.

Love, Mary 🙏😷😘🙋🏼





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It is awful. The air is horrid. We're all feeling ill. We officially have the worst air IN THE WORLD! Tomorrow ought to be better, though, cough, cough. And maybe rain on Monday. This is Portland. Who could tell?




Small animals/pets from evacuated folks are being  housed at Humane Societies that are out of the fire danger zones. Our two local HSs took a bunch, as did Eugene. Everyone's pitching in. Horses, sheep and cows -- chickens, too -- are being housed at our local fair grounds. People are really rallying round to help. Donations of hay, chicken feed etc. are being delivered hourly.


Ai yi.







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